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Topic: **** DEC WISHES (things you're hoping for) ****

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Subject: **** DEC WISHES (things you're hoping for) ****
Date Posted: 12/1/2023 12:04 AM ET
Member Since: 9/27/2008
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We're all wishing for something.  Please remember to thank whoever grants your wish!                      
image source:  wikimedia commons

Last Edited on: 12/1/23 12:35 AM ET - Total times edited: 1
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Date Posted: 12/1/2023 12:05 AM ET
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REMINDER:  The RAOK forum is open to the public, not just to PBS members.  To protect your privacy, the 3 monthly recurring threads are intended to be limited to just what their titles say - Wishes, RAOK offers, and Thanks for wishes granted.  In other words, the posts in these 3 threads should be originating messages only.  Responses to, or chat about, those posts should be by private PMs.  Chatting is welcome in the Share and Care forum, which is limited to PBS members, and where card showers and prayer chains are available for anyone who asks for support.  To protect your privacy, please do not post your addresses in these threads - we prefer that you ask people to PM for your address.  Thanks!

Welcome to the Wishes thread, where we post our wishes - maybe things we collect, something we can no longer find in our area, things we have always wanted, etc, etc. No wish is too unusual (though common sense is appreciated!); you never know what will turn up.

We must all abide by these PBS rules :
You may not wish for money or money-like items such as gift cards, or for monetary donations for any charities.  You may ask for things you collect for charities, such as cancelled stamps, pop can tabs, etc., but you may not solicit funding. This includes donations for GoFundMe and other fund-raising events.
No buying or selling or advertising. No spam posts.
No wishing for credits.  Credits are bought, sold and loaned only in the Book Bazaar forum, or you may use the PBS Kiosk to purchase them.
Do NOT ask for books, since books are swapped on the site and book deals are made in the Book Bazaar. Sorry, but you may not ask for free books of any kind. (Unpostable books are given away in the damaged book thread of the Bazaar and sometimes in the RAOK thread.  There is also a Damaged/Unpostable Virtual Box in the Games forum.  New participants are welcome!)

Our own RAOK rules: 
Please do not offer payment for the things you are sent, including postage. RAOKs are given freely, asking nothing in return except a thank you. You could pay it forward by granting a wish yourself.
Please limit your wishes to no more than 10. Lists could get very long. You can always edit as you go along.
Unlike many other forums, we ask that you do NOT reply within the threads. We do everything by PMs between members. This keeps the threads clutter-free and easy to use. When you come to this ***Wishes*** thread, you see wishes. In the ***RAOK*** thread, it's all about things we are giving away - simple and easy. And to protect your privacy, please do not post your address in the thread - it's all done via PM.
Please check in and answer your PMs. It's frustrating when people want to grant your wishes and don't hear from you!
PLEASE say THANK YOU to the person who grants your wish.  You may use our monthly ***Thank You*** thread, or you may acknowledge what you have received via a personal PM to the member(s) who granted your wishes. This is very important if you wish to continue to receive things from others.

Check the RAOK thread before you post wishes -- the thing you want may already be there for the asking!  If you see a wish you can grant, just PM the poster for their address.
And please remember, if one of the moderators contacts you about a posting, then we are only trying to keep the forum running smoothly and according to PBS rules. If you are asked to change, move, or delete your post, please do so. Most of you know that the PBS team does get involved to edit posts, and accounts do get suspended, if rules are broken. We hate to see that happen to our fellow RAOKers!

If you have questions, feel free to contact me.  I wish that your wish(es) will be granted!

justcyn avatar
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Date Posted: 12/1/2023 9:16 AM ET
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Just some unused Christmas or New Years themed scrunchie's. Thank you and Happy Holiday's!

vickinb avatar
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Date Posted: 12/1/2023 10:18 AM ET
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Happy Holiday Season. Hope this is a good month for all.

My wishes this month are: Could really use some more flavored drink mix packets you add to water. Please, only peach or lemon tea, or grape, or lemon lime. No lemonaide or green tea please.

And as always I can use some pretty stickers that are more adult style. Things like flowers, butterflies, or seasonal. No glitter please.

And finally, surprises would be really nice.

Thanks to all that can grant my wishes. Hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas and Santa is good to you.

Last Edited on: 12/9/23 3:24 PM ET - Total times edited: 3
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Date Posted: 12/1/2023 10:19 AM ET
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Happy December Dear Friends with extra love for this very special time of year. Prayers each of you may grow in faith this month and also experience greater joy as well. My thanks always to each of you for you and your kind friendships. 

Prayers always for a kind and permanent pandemic and that we as a world choose to come together in faith, compassion, and support of one another. Extra at this time of year, it is my prayer that all of God's life know a safe and loving home with necessities. Thank each of you for being bringers of hope and kindness to so many, 

I would deeply appreciate extra prayers that if it is God will, my feet be completely healed before this Christmas. I am still in daily foot pain which is agonizing. Not fun. I pray to always give thanks and know God has this and me--He sure does.This too shall pass. Of course being human, dealing with day and in day out hurting stinks! Prayers also for my beloved dad who due to my being out of comission more has taken on more which breaks my heart. 

Anyone going to the Dollar Tree? I would love some Super Play Pad Jumbo Activity Books.

They look like:{medium}&utm_campaign=17863093661&utm_content=&utm_term=&utm_source=google&utm_campaign=17863093661&utm_medium=cpc&utm_content=gpla&gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI6aCLj8PuggMVEDyHAx1Uhw06EAQYASABEgI9ivD_BwE 

During this time of healing, I've also come to enjoy more doing word search puzzles meant for kids. I would love any large print word search books for kids. I prefer that the entire puzzle including words to find all be on one page. I am not a fan of adult word searches because often the print is small and there are too many words to find for my puzzle doing patience. Kid's versions have cute themes. 

As always I respectfully do request anything sent to me come from a no smoking home.

Update 12-3 Please see my updated Share and Care or CMT post regarding dad's postcard surprise. Thank you! :) 

Thank you so much. God Bless You. 

Last Edited on: 12/3/23 7:04 PM ET - Total times edited: 3
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Date Posted: 12/1/2023 11:46 AM ET
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thanks for granting wishes on RAOK

wishing everyone a peaceful and happy holiday !


Last Edited on: 12/17/23 1:33 PM ET - Total times edited: 2
kevinsbebe avatar
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Date Posted: 12/1/2023 1:05 PM ET
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Happy December and Happy Holidays everyone. 

This month I am wishing for coupons for groceries, dog food, and/or cleaning supplies. 

Also looking for an address book. Thought the dollar tree had them but ours didn't. 

Thanks smiley

Last Edited on: 12/14/23 2:46 PM ET - Total times edited: 3
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Date Posted: 12/1/2023 2:59 PM ET
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December is my birthday month.  I would love to get a card or surprises.  PM me for my address.  Thank You!

jacci-jerri avatar
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Date Posted: 12/2/2023 10:55 AM ET
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Any kind of happy mail would be appreciated.  :) I'm starting some difficult treatments that will limit my mobility thru December.  

Happiest of holidays to all!!!

Last Edited on: 12/2/23 10:57 AM ET - Total times edited: 1
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Date Posted: 12/2/2023 12:28 PM ET
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Tea (anything but mint)postcards (new or used) x-mas stickers,x-mas themed earrings.

starvinArtist avatar
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Date Posted: 12/2/2023 4:05 PM ET
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Hello  December

Book Charms (bout the size of a nickle, no bigger than a quarter)

Music Charms (bout the size of a nickle, no bigger than a quarter)

Any charms (bout the size of a nickle, no bigger than a quarter)



I would really appreciate if someone could resize this to blinkie size for my signature


and if they could add Betty Boop to it somehow all the better!

forum settings:
Valid file types: gif, jpg, png

Maximum filesize: 20kb
Maximum Dimensions: 75px x 550px


extreme longshots...

travel sized wooden mah jong tiles

don't need a whole set, just a few for a craft project, jokers, winds, dragons or flowers would be great

Lot of 80 Mixed Mahjong Tiles / Painted Wooden Tiles for image 1


Last Edited on: 12/4/23 11:46 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
conniej76 avatar
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Date Posted: 12/3/2023 6:43 PM ET
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My wishes are:

2. A plastic soap box for travel-any color

3. Anything with my name on it-especially a pen,magnet or keychain(longshot)

4. A foldable basket 

5. Popeyes or Bojangles chicken coupons(longshot)

6. Any Coca Cola item you no longer want-will gladly take recipes, old ads,etc.

Thank you for reading. Post your unique or odd wishes and who knows I might be able to help you out. :)

Last Edited on: 12/10/23 7:37 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
blubonnet1 avatar
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Date Posted: 12/9/2023 8:28 PM ET
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Update on my niece Sophie-

Sophie came home last month and was going back & forth for chemo treatments.
Last week she had particularly nasty chemo treatment and got a fever and was rushed to the ER.  They thought she might have an infection because she has a central line right next to her heart.  No infection found.  They have kept her in the hospital as her numbers were not high enough to go back home.
On Tuesday of this week she had a seizure.  They ran all kinds of tests and everything came back okay.  They think she had a side effect of the last chemo treatment.
Yesterday, she was back to smiling and is talkative.  She's very tired obviously and sore as she feels like she pulled every muscle in her little body. Hopefully she goes back home next week.

vickyt avatar
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Date Posted: 12/10/2023 7:17 PM ET
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A longshot wish:

I am looking for a notebook paper size Recipe 3 ring binder to combine all of my recipe.  Thanks for looking.

vickinb avatar
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Date Posted: 12/12/2023 8:10 AM ET
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 Found out last night my son & daughter in law will be here Dec. 23rd. We'll celebrate Christmas on Christmas Eve and they'll head back to S.C. on Christmas Day morning so they can spend part of Christmas with their friends as well. I'll take whatever time I can have with them. Haven't had Christmas with my son since 1996, and it'll be the first time seeing him in person since 2011, and it'll be the 1st time meeting my DIL. Just can't wait. This will truly be a happy Christmas for me. My wish is prayers that they make the drive here from SC safely as well as the trip back on Christmas day. There will be so much holiday traffic on the road I just want them safe. So prayer warriors, please keep them in your prayers. Thank you.

vickinb avatar
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Date Posted: 12/24/2023 8:37 AM ET
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daisymau avatar
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Date Posted: 12/24/2023 3:55 PM ET
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Merry Christmas everyone!

I wish for an end to Covid and one big wish would be for the surgery scheduler to finally call me with a date for surgery.

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Subject: one more thank-you -- and one more request
Date Posted: 12/30/2023 9:35 PM ET
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Thanks to everyone who let their senders know that a sent item was received, whether you posted in the Thank You thread, or privately by PM or other means.  It's so much nicer when we can be certain that our efforts were successful, rather than sending something out into the ether and wondering whether it got to where it was meant to be.
And now that we've thought about the end of a RAOK's journey, I'd like to add a word about the beginning of the journey.  Actually, it's about before the journey even starts.  The top posts in the 3 monthly threads haven't changed all that much in the last few years, and I'm realistic about the fact that most of us don't take the time to check it for anything new.  So I'd like to ask that one of your upcoming resolutions be to read the first posts and refresh your memories about the way these threads operate.  In particular, please remember:
1.  to check the RAOK thread before you post a wish.  Clearly, if you're posting a wish at the beginning of the month, then nobody may yet have offered what you're looking for, but please do keep checking as the month goes on.
2.  that the people who post offers in the RAOK thread are very good about providing the necessary details to describe their items.  Please do not ask for substitutions or adjustments.  If you are looking for a particular color, size, or whatever of something offered, and it doesn't match the description, then kindly put your request in the form of a Wish here in the Wish thread, not in a PM to the person who offered something close to, but not exactly, what you want.  We all have limited means, and should not be expected to do Santa's job for him.
3.  that the Post Office now raises the postal rates twice each year.  People may offer something and then find that the cost to send it is more than the item is worth.  Please be understanding if they are unable to follow through on granting a wish.

Thank you all so much for continuing to show up in the RAOK Forum.  I hope you are enjoying, or enjoyed, a joyous holiday season, and will have your best year yet in 2024!