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Topic: Halloween Costumes

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janisjoplin avatar
Subject: Favorite halloween costume....
Date Posted: 10/24/2008 5:57 PM ET
Member Since: 10/19/2008
Posts: 1
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My all time favorite Halloween costume... I was Paul Stanley from KISS in 1975 or maybe 76! 

What made it cool to me was that I was the only female KISS band member that Halloween.  

I don't know if anyone remembers those little flimst boxes that came with a thin silky costume ans cheap flimsy mask that had the eyes and (the NOT LARGE ENOUGH) nose holes cut out held on by a slim elastic thread ...   The mask kept shifting, so half the time I couldn't see, MOST of the time I couldn't breathe well, and the heat from my breath made the mask all sweaty and slippery.

I was even styling with my brown paper grocery bag with the handle for a treat bag!  My aunt and I painted  "KISS" in giant letters with poster paint ( which flaked off in little pieces every time you put in the  treats.

Remember when you could actually score not just candy,  but candy apples,  popcorn balls, single size chips??  Oh the memories of all those great TREATS (mmmmmm...)  we could get when WE were kids......

My aunt Cindy, who was a few years older, went as Gene Simmons form kiss. I remember her cutting the mouth hole so she could stick her toungue out of it.  She even put the small ponytail on top of her head, and rocked the same KISS paper treat bag.  We went out there to Rock & Roll All Nite...or at least until about 9 PM !    ;)

We had the best time. I really miss those days!

Celestial avatar
Date Posted: 10/29/2008 12:08 AM ET
Member Since: 8/22/2008
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Well, to be completely honest with you. Halloween has  always been my least liked Holiday. Now, don't ask me why, but as a grandmother of 4, I have decided this year I am going to get dressed up, not even tell my daughters. They are all going to be at my youngest, since she just had my 4th grandson.

Now, loving the holiday as I do, I thought I would be original. I would go as a WITCH...LOL....But  anyway, I decided on this cool hat with a purple flower and fleathers and instead of the stringy hair,  I went for the long curly hair and a feather wrapper and of course the long black dress, which I got half price. It really is suppose to be for a ghoul.. Still working on the face part, some of my grandkids are young, so don't want to be scary. So I think I might be a happy witch, but don't want them to recognize me. I did see this fancy mask. Guess I better decide soon. I did pick up some make up.

So, this is what happens when you become a grandmother, now who's going to say us grandparents are old. You are as young as you feel. And this year I feel young. Next year I'll probably be back to feeling Halloween as the least liked Holiday again. But this year, I'll shock them all. They just wouldn't expect this out of me..... Especially, knowing my opinon on Halloween!!! Can't Wait!!!So Happy Halloween to you All!!!

Just wanted to share my insanity with you all!!!

IlliniAlum83 avatar
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Subject: Halloween remembrances
Date Posted: 10/9/2009 3:03 AM ET
Member Since: 4/28/2009
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In the early 70's I remember asking to be a bumble bee. We took one of my black dance leotards and put yellow electrical tape stripes on it, but Dad was my hero when he showed up with these awesome wings made from wire  clothes hangers and old pantyhose. I don't  remember how we made the antennae, but I won a prize at the Lions' Club costume parade that year. It was really special 'cause my mom couldn't sew at all and lots of my friends had specially homemade costumes every year.  We had always worn the cheap store-bought costumes that were usually made out of plastic and tied behind your neck that came with some schmutzy mask.

I also remember that the Lions' handed everyone a brown lunchbag filled with treats as they left the school --- they always had an apple, an orange, some nuts in the shells and just a couple pieces of candy. NO ONE gave those things out when we trick or treated---it reminded me of my parents' stories of what was put in a Christmas stocking when they were kids during WW2.

Unfortunately, I also remember that our pumpkins were usually smashed to bits every morning after Halloween as my Dad was the local high school prinicpal. He always made several trips to the school (located just past 3 houses on our street) during the night with his flashlight, but failed to ever catch the kids in the act who soaped the windows and threw eggs at the building!
