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Topic: New diagnosis of low thyroid

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IlliniAlum83 avatar
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Subject: New diagnosis of low thyroid
Date Posted: 1/15/2013 12:21 PM ET
Member Since: 4/28/2009
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anyone want to share their experience?  Sounds like my primary care docs may have missed this for YEARS by not doing the correct blood test--- they always said "it sounds like a possible thyroid problem" but they only did one thyroid test and it still shows normal. The Gyn I'm going to for hormone imbalance ordered the other test when they took my blood and bingo, low thryoid function showed up!  Could explain a lot of my symptoms!

beverlybailey avatar
Subject: never mind
Date Posted: 1/29/2013 3:21 PM ET
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donanell avatar
Date Posted: 8/20/2013 10:16 AM ET
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This is very common actually.  Sometimes it is very difficult to track down and diagnose low thyriod as it mimics a lot of other problems.  If you are on facebook may I suggest that you check out this group?  You may not have Hashimoto's Thyroiditis, it is an autoimune disorder, but the people there are contantly discusing low thyroid issues and resolutions.  It helps to see that other  have been dealing with similar physical symptoms and that you really are not crazy or a hypocondriac.  I have Hashi's and this group has helped me a lot.


jubead avatar
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Date Posted: 8/28/2013 8:10 PM ET
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It is the most under diagnosed disease. Low thyroid is different from Hashimoto though both have the same symptoms.   Hashimoto is an autoimmune disease and plan on being on thyroid meds for the rest of your life.  I would also go to see an endocrinologist and do not let your primary or GYN treat your thyroid.  FIGHT for the Endo. 

Also you want to make sure they test for the Hashimoto antibody.  Most primary and GYN will not go that far.  From 20 years I was told that I was a) lazy, b) needed to exercise more and eat less c) I was depressed, d) (my favorite) get a hobby.   My sister had thyroid cancer and when they operated the doctor found the half of her thyroid destroyed by Hasimoto.  It runs in families and primarily women.   He suggested that any sister to be tested.   Well my primary, the one that patted me on the head and told me I was depressed and I should exercise told me I had Hasimoto after I insisted on the test.  However my symptoms were not from the Hashimoto, it was me because I tested in the normal range.  Went to an Endo and he said it doesn't matter if I am testing normal, the symptoms will persist and started me on Levoyxl.  Within 3 weeks stopped feeling tired, foggy brain lifted, my skin was not as dry, the list goes on. 

Speed ahead to today.   Recently I found that many docs including Endo are not looking at daily diet and exercise as part of the cure. Stay away from Soy - any one with any thyroid issue. Hashimoto -  I have cut dairy and 98% gluetin out of my diet too!  I feel much better.  All of this interferes with your thyroid function.  I also started taking coq-10 supplement for energy and I found it helped.  I also drink protein which helps with weight loss - that is a story for another day.  With my personal trainer who has been researching Hashimoto and changing my meal plans and exercise - I have lost 47 lbs in 7 months.   Not bad for a person who couldn't drop 3/4 lb in 3 months. 

Levoyxl was discontinued due to comtanimation and they won't produce it untl 2014 if at all.   That leaves you with very little.   Levoxyl generic, Synthroid and Armor (which is a pig hormone - will NEVER take this though many swear by it).    They put me on the generic for Levoxyl and I did poorly and I was out of the game for almost 2 months.   I am now on Synthroid.   Do your research on the meds.  

PM me if you want.  I will give you the down low on everything I have learned. When you find out the type of low thyroid function you have, I would research the heck out of it!   This is my favorite - it explains how the majority of people with Hashimoto feel.

I am Hashimoto Disease ~ A letter for patients, family and friends.    Good Luck.


windraven avatar
Date Posted: 11/27/2014 9:30 PM ET
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I also have Hashimoto's and I do go to a Naturopathic MD who got me off the synthetic hormone replacements.  I use Natur-Throid and am better stabilized.  I have lost 25 lbs in the last few years without dieting.  I also am cutting down on gluten, dairy and eggs.  So much for Mac and Cheese!

miamirn avatar
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Date Posted: 11/27/2014 9:59 PM ET
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I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's approximately 8 months ago.I wasn't surprised because I have another auto-immune disease, Rheumatoid Arthritis. It's a long story, but I started out with Synthroid with my PCP, went through two Endocrinogists who refused to give me anything to address my T3 which was out of range and ended up with a holistic doctor who prescribed Armour Thyroid. I was so relieved to be put on something that was going to help me, I can't tell you. I didn't mind if it was from pig hormone at all, not unless I was allergic to it which I'm not. It was a long process, but after 3 months the doc doubled my dose because I still had symptoms even though my numbers were on target and FINALLY I felt much better. I'm more alert, my memory is better, I'm losing weight without too much effort i.e. normally and and have more energy.

I hope you're doing better, Jeanne.