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Topic: Selling on Etsy - update last post

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LesleyH avatar
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Date Posted: 2/15/2014 12:30 PM ET
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Thanks Carole- but as you could probably tell from the cooking blog, I don't keep up with it very well!  I started my craft blog way before the cooking one and it just made sense to separate them, but I am pretty sporadic at posting on either anymore.  To be honest, I mostly blog just for me to have a reference to things I have done- my memory anymore is such that I don't always remember what I have done before, or else I don't remember the details, so it's nice to have the blogs to go back to later.  I do sometimes also refer customers to my blog to see examples of stuff that aren't in my shop.

craftnut avatar
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Date Posted: 2/16/2014 6:34 PM ET
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Well you certainly do beautiful work.  Your cards are such an inspiration.  Liked your post from yesterday too.

2dogbuddies avatar
Date Posted: 2/23/2014 11:14 AM ET
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Thanks Carole & Leslie! I don't know why I've been so hesitant. I need to get over the idea that everything needs to be just so before starting. I've got lots of things to go on there - I used to do craft fairs & have done some consignment so I have a good supply.

Leslie, I loved your Etsy shop & your crafting blog!  I ended up looking waaayyy back on your blog - it was so great to see your beautiful crafts evolve with your experience & willingness to experiment.  It always amazes me all of the neat stuff they have out now for scrapbookers - stamps, presses, punches, embossers.  My crafting interests vary so much that I tend not to gather too many tools to use for each "genre" so I tend to be more of a freeform, abstract, found object person...what is that supposed to be? Haha!  Geez, your exploding boxes! How cool is that?!!!  So unique. I'd love to see someone's face when they open it!  Really, everything was just terrific! 

And Carole - you blog too!  How do you find the time to do all of your everyday stuff, cook amazing food, create wonderful crafts & write a blog (of course with lots of photos) about all of the cool stuff you're doing?!!!  

YOU GIRLS ROCK! do you stop time like that? Or do you have twin sisters? I want to know your secret! smiley

LesleyH avatar
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Date Posted: 2/23/2014 3:25 PM ET
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Thank you Lisa!  That is what I love most about the exploding boxes, seeing people's faces when they open one.  I do a few craft shows a year, and it is a blast when someone gets curious and opens one up.  I have a sign that I sometimes put up with them that says "ask me what an exploding box card is", then when they do I pick one up and hold it out, and tell them to remove the lid.  The reactions are priceless!

Be sure to let us know if you decide to open up shop- I'd be happy to give you pointers on anything if you have questions.  I say just go for it!  I love browsing through eclectic shops with lots of different kinds of things- it really shows you the heart and soul of the crafter who made the items.

craftnut avatar
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Date Posted: 2/24/2014 7:44 AM ET
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Lesley, I'll bet their faces just light up.  How cool is that!

Lisa, I have always done a lot of stuff, I guess I have a hard time sitting still.  I used to write for other things, newsletters and guest blogging, but never did one of my own until this year.  It is really fun and doesn't take much time to write.  Pictures are easy with the little digital camera, I just have to remember to take them while I am constructing a project or cooking.

Do go ahead with your Etsy store, and let us know how it goes.  Mine has not had any sales, but it has only been open for a little more than a month.  Patience, I think, is required.

beebs avatar
Date Posted: 2/24/2014 11:48 AM ET
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I've been "following" this thread since its beginning, but have just now stayed long enough to read everyone's posts and check out everyone's etsy shops.  I heart'd your shop if you gave a link or enough information I could find you and have enjoyed looking at all of your creativity.

craftnut avatar
PBS Blog Contributor medal
Date Posted: 2/24/2014 6:59 PM ET
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Thanks, Becki! 

BrokenWing avatar
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Date Posted: 3/18/2017 10:10 PM ET
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I used to have an etsy shop. You have to be very good marketing your shop & take excellent photos to post online.

Marketing isn't my Forte, so I quit it. It's much cheaper than ebay, however.
