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Top 100 Book Reviewers for the last 7 days

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Helpful Review Votes
1 R E K. (bigstone) - , Standard Member medalFriend of PBS-Gold medalPBS Blog Contributor medal
2 Laura P. (hemmputnam)
3 Vglo Vanezza (Vglo) - ,
4 Pam B. (PamelaK) Standard Member medalFriend of PBS-Double Diamond medalPrintable Postage medal
5 Lynne B. (boze)
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Mm G.
7 perryfran Frank H. (perryfran) Standard Member medal
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Judy P. Standard Member medal
9 Brenda W. (brendao) Standard Member medalFriend of PBS-Silver medal
10 celestial-winter Jessica P. (celestial-winter)
11 Sigrid H. (sigrid) Standard Member medalPrintable Postage medal
12 NancyAZ Nancy L. (NancyAZ) Standard Member medal
13 auntmaymay1221 Mavis L. (auntmaymay1221)
14 Emily M. (alittleoffkey)
15 Jenelle G. (JenelleG)
16 hardtack Thomas F. (hardtack) - , Standard Member medalPrintable Postage medal
17 sabayrac June S. (sabayrac) - ,
18 jamiG Jami G. (jamiG) - ,
19 Nicole M. (CBJPL31)
20 boomerbooklover Cheryl (boomerbooklover) - Limited Member medalFriend of PBS-Silver medal
21 booksinvt Brenda H. (booksinvt) - , Standard Member medalPrintable Postage medal
22 chanceofsnow Yitz A. (chanceofsnow) - , Friend of PBS-Silver medal
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Jeanie G.
24 Angie B. (angjay)
25 cultivatorarchivist
26 Denise I. (Mirramelle)
27 CaitiJo Caitlin B. (CaitiJo)
28 kitchenvampire Riki (kitchenvampire) - ,
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Marc M.

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