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Book List - Books I'll post soon

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List created by Kimberly K. (kmk) on Oct 26, 2023
List Votes: 1 Books: 6 Contributors: 1 Watchers: 1 List Type: Open
Kimberly K. (kmk)
Men of Steel by Julianne Bentley (Editor)
Shazam! Who better to safeguard a man’s heart than a hero? Mr. Fantastic may be out there on a wing and a prayer, playing a Longshot, but a handsome He-Man has the power, courage, and derring-do to see his quest for true love through to the happy ending. For romance of superhero...  more

Book Votes: 0
Kimberly K. (kmk)
Cross Bones by Anne Regan (Editor)
Ahoy, me proud beauty, shiver me timbers! I ask ye to sail me jollyboat on the high seas, lubber, but will ye dare to accept? On offer be a pirate's life full of danger and risk, and not just to yer neck, but to yer very virgin heart! There's many a bodice to be ripped -- or perhaps I...  more

Book Votes: 0
Kimberly K. (kmk)
To Serve and Protect: On the Clock / Nothing's Ever Easy / Flesh and Blood / Mitch by...
Cops, correction officers and firemen are the guys who keep us safe. They serve and protect the citizens of the world, and give us some serious heat at the same time. Chris Owen gives us cops with On the Clock, where Detective Strang has a murder to solve and a guy from another department to...  more

Book Votes: 0
Kimberly K. (kmk)
The Salisbury Key by Harper Fox
Can love repair a shattered life in time to save the world?   Daniel Logan is on a lonely quest to find out what drove his lover, a wealthy, respected archaeologist, to take his own life. The answer -- the elusive "key" for which Jason was desperately searching -- lies...  more

Book Votes: 0
Kimberly K. (kmk)
Shifting Sands by J. L. Langley & Jet Mykles & Ally Blue & Willa Okati &a...
Witches, shifters and ancient curses, such is life on the Shifting Sands. A woman's wrath is bad, but a witch's wrath is hell on earth. No one knows this better than the six men of Shifting Sands Ranch. When the owner's Chinese witch of a wife abandons him and the ranch, she...  more

Book Votes: 0
Kimberly K. (kmk)
Yakuza Pride by H. J. Brues
When yakuza underboss Shigure Matsunaga meets Kenneth Harris at a boring social event, he’s surprised to find himself attracted to the blond gaijin with the mismatched eyes. Shigure is even more pleased when he discovers Ken not only speaks Japanese fluently, but is fluent in Japan's...  more

Book Votes: 0

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