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Book List - Very Good Mysteries

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<?=$who;?> Very Good Mysteries Edit
List created by Janet G. (Cardplayer) - on Mar 25, 2022
List Votes: 1 Books: 3 Contributors: 1 Watchers: 0 List Type: Open
Janet G. (Cardplayer) -
How to Find Your Way in the Dark (Sheldon Horowitz, Bk 1) by Derek B. Miller
MEET SHELDON IN THE MORNING OF HIS LIFE Twelve-year old Sheldon Horowitz is still recovering from the tragic loss of his mother only a year ago when a suspicious traffic accident steals the life of his father near their home in rural Massachusetts. It is 1938, and Sheldon, who was in the...  more

Book Votes: 0
Janet G. (Cardplayer) -
Sun, Sand, Murder (Teddy Creque, Bk 1) by John Keyse-Walker
As a Special Constable, Teddy Creque is the only police presence on the remote, sun-drenched island of Anegada, nestled in the heart of the British Virgin Islands. In all his years on the job, Teddy has never considered the possibility that he might have to address an actual crime on his...  more

Book Votes: 0
Janet G. (Cardplayer) -
The Reaper by Peter Lovesey
The bishop's body lies at the bottom of a quarry. In his car are a suicide note, a copy of Men Only and a Bible underlined at the text " ... hath devoured thy living with harlots". His last phone call, the police discovered, was to one Madame Swish. Devoured by guilt? Or did...  more

Book Votes: 0

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