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Topic: 2013 Contemporary Lit Challenge -- LISTS ONLY

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escapeartistk avatar
Subject: 2013 Contemporary Lit Challenge -- LISTS ONLY
Date Posted: 10/5/2012 10:24 PM ET
Member Since: 10/4/2010
Posts: 280
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Super Challenge: Read a total of 15 works: 2 from each category in Part A (10 total), 2 from Part B, and 3 from Part C (3-of-a-kind).

ChallengeRead a total of 12 works: 2 from each category in Part A (10 total), 2 from Part B. (Part C lists replacement options.)

Light Challenge: Read a total of 8 works: at least 1 from each category in Part A (5 total) and 1 from Part B. The remaining 2 books may be selected from anywhere among Parts A and B. (Part C lists replacement options.)


PART A (SC = 10 booksC = 10 booksLight = 5-7 books)

Time and time again - Read a work…

  1. that takes place in the past or in which a  character delves into the past (Eg. Alias Grace, Angle of Repose)
  2. that includes a time-related word in the title (Eg. Year of Wonders, Midnight's Children)
  3. that involves time travel

Second chances - Read a work…

  1. from a genre you don’t normally read
  2. by an author you were unsure about (or downright didn’t like) the first time around
  3. for the redux category: repeat a category from the 2012 or 2011 challenge

What comes around, goes around - Read a work…

  1. that takes inspiration from a classic work of art/literature (Eg. The Handmaid’s TaleAhab's Wife)
  2. that is part of a series
  3. that involves books, storytelling or writing (Eg. The Book ThiefThe Secret Scripture)

Where in the world? - Read a work…

  1.      that takes place in a capital city
  2.      that takes place in a small town
  3.      that takes place near you

What’s in a name? - Read a work…

  1. that has a title more than 4 words long (Yes, you may count articles like "the" and "an")
  2. that has a name in the title
  3. that has one of your first initials in the title

PART B (SC = 2 booksC = 2 books,  Lite = 1-3 books)

Miscellanea - Read a work…

  1. that involves a secret or something hidden
  2. in which a non-human character plays a key role (Eg. Bear Comes HomeThe Art of Racing in the Rain)
  3. that is set in another country (different from the one in which you live)
  4. in which a senior citizen is a central figure (Eg. Alice I have BeenDisgrace)
  5. that involves cultural conflict
  6. that alludes to or directly involves one of the five senses (Eg. Perfume, Like Water for Chocolate)

PART C (optional unless you're doing the Super Challenge) (SC = 3-of-a-kindC & Light = optional) 

  • 3 of-a-kind*: Read 3 books that have something in common (same author, setting, theme, all on your TBR list…) to replace any 1 topic above (counts for 1 book)
  • 6 of-a-kind*: Read 6 books that have something in common to replace any 1 category above (counts for 2 books)

*May be used once as a replacement.


Last Edited on: 10/5/12 11:00 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
escapeartistk avatar
Subject: My 2013 CF challenge list
Date Posted: 10/5/2012 10:25 PM ET
Member Since: 10/4/2010
Posts: 280
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{12 books}

PART A (C = 10 books)

Time and time again - Read a work…

  1. that takes place in the past or in which a character delves into the past: The Pale Horseman by Cornwell (6/21/13) 3.5 stars
  2. that includes a time-related word in the title: Septembers of Shiraz by Sofer (4/24) 3.5 stars
  3. that involves time travel:

Second chances - Read a work… 

  1. from a genre you don’t normally read: (3-of-a-kind replacement)
  2. by an author you were unsure about (or downright didn’t like) the first time around:    
  3. for the redux category (2011: science ficition): Wool by Howey (6/17/13) 4.5 stars

What comes around, goes around - Read a work…

  1. that takes inspiration from a classic work of art/literature: The Dream of Perpetual Motion by Palmer (4/9/13) 4.5 stars  
  2. that is part of a series: The Blood Knight by Keyes (7/27/13) 3.5 stars
  3. that involves books, storytelling or writing: 

Where in the world? - Read a work…

  1.      that takes place in a capital city:
  2.      that takes place in a small town: Salvage the Bones by Ward (3/13/13) 3.5 stars
  3.      that takes place near you: The City, Not Long After by Murphy (7/12/13) 4 stars

What’s in a name? - Read a work…

  1. that has a title more than 4 words long: 
  2. that has a name in the title: What Alice Knew by Cohen (2/18/13) 4 stars
  3. that has one of your first initials in the title: The Kitchen Boy by Alexander (4/21) 2 stars

PART B (SC = 2 booksC = 2 books)

Miscellanea - Read a work…(will choose 2 of these)

  1. that involves a secret or something hidden: Divergent by Roth (12/25/13) 4 stars
  2. in which a non-human character plays a key role: The Charnel Prince by Keyes (7/11/134.5 stars
  3. that is set in another country: 
  4. in which a senior citizen is a central figure: 
  5. that involves cultural conflict: 
  6. that alludes to or directly involves one of the five senses 

PART C (optional unless you're doing the Super Challenge) 

  • 3 of-a-kind*: Read 3 books that have something in common (parts of a series): The Born Queen by Keyes (8/28/13) 3.5 stars; The Ambassador's Mission by Canavan (10/6/13) 3 stars; Paladin of Souls by Bujold (12/21/14) 3 stars
  • 6 of-a-kind*: Read 6 books that have something in common to replace any 1 category above:  

*May be used once as a replacement.

Last Edited on: 12/28/13 10:27 PM ET - Total times edited: 66
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Date Posted: 10/6/2012 12:24 AM ET
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PART A (SC = 10 books, C = 10 books, Light = 5-7 books)

Gone but not forgotten - Read a work…

  1. that takes place in the past*
  2. in which a character delves into the past (Eg. Alias Grace, Angle of Repose)*  Island/Jane Rogers  finished 1/05/13
  3. that includes a time-related word in the title (Eg. Year of Wonders, Midnight's Children)   The Garrick Year/Margaret Drabble  finished 3/16/13
     (My paper copy of this challenge must be of an earlier version?  It included the above category in this first section--I'm including it here since I
     had already started reading a book for it!)

Second chances - Read a work…

  1. from a genre you don’t normally read*
  2. by an author you were unsure about (or downright didn’t like) the first time around  The Female of the Species/Joyce Carol Oates finished 6/23/13
  3. for the redux category: repeat a category from the 2012 or 2011 challenge* (2012-Road Trip)  Trains and Lovers/Alexander McCall Smith finished 5/27/13

What comes around, goes around - Read a work…

  1. that takes inspiration from a classic work of art/literature (Eg. The Handmaid’s Tale, Ahab's Wife)
  2. that is part of a series* Raven Black/Ann Cleeves finished 5/22/13
  3. that involves books, storytelling or writing (Eg. The Book Thief, The Secret Scripture)*  The Book Borrower/Alice Mattison finished 6/12/13

Where in the world? - Read a work…

  1. that takes place in a capital city  The House I Loved/Tatiana de Rosnay  finished 4/21/13
  2. that takes place in a small town* The Weight of Heaven/Thrity Umrigar  finished 5/12/13
  3. that takes place near you*

What’s in a name? - Read a work…

  1. that has a title more than 4 words long (Yes, you may count articles like "the" and "an")*  The End of the Wasp Season/Denise Mina finished 5/28/13
  2. that has a name in the title* Still Alice/Lisa Genova   finished 2/10/13
  3. that has one of your first initials in the title 

PART B (SC = 2 books, C = 2 books, Lite = 1-3 books)

Miscellanea - Read a work…

  1. that involves a secret or something hidden Casual Vacancy/J. K. Rowling finished 1/23/13
  2. in which a non-human character plays a key role (Eg. Bear Comes Home, The Art of Racing in the Rain)
  3. that is set in another country (different from the one in which you live)*
  4. in which a senior citizen is a central figure (Eg. Alice I have Been, Disgrace)
  5. that involves cultural conflict*  Sister India/Peggy Payne  finished 3/23/13

Last Edited on: 6/23/13 8:02 PM ET - Total times edited: 13
craftnut avatar
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Date Posted: 10/6/2012 10:04 AM ET
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PART A (SC = 10 booksC = 10 booksLight = 5-7 books)

Time and time again - Read a work…

  1. that takes place in the past or in which a  character delves into the past - The Music of the Spheres by Elizabeth Redfern -finished 3/5/13
  2. that includes a time-related word in the title (Eg. Year of Wonders, Midnight's Children) -A Catered Valentine's Day by Isis Crawford -finished 1/29/13
  3. that involves time travel - Outlander by Diana Gabaldon

Second chances - Read a work…

  1. from a genre you don’t normally read - Game of Thrones -finished 1/14/13
  2. by an author you were unsure about (or downright didn’t like) the first time around - Fool Moon (Book 2 of the Dresden Files) by Jim Butcher
  3. for the redux category: repeat a category from the 2012 or 2011 challenge - Brave New World - Clash of Kings by George RR Martin - finished 3/20/13

What comes around, goes around - Read a work…

  1. that takes inspiration from a classic work of art/literature (Eg. The Handmaid’s TaleAhab's Wife) - The Jane Austin Book Club by Karen Joy Fowler
  2. that is part of a series - Knit the Season by Kate Jacobs - finished 1/3/13
  3. that involves books, storytelling or writing - The Cookbook Collector by Allegra Goodman - finished 6/22/13

Where in the world? - Read a work…

  1.      that takes place in a capital city - A Vintage Affair by Isabel Wolff
  2.      that takes place in a small town - The Chocolate Cupid Killings, JoAnna Carl - finished 1/31/13
  3.      that takes place near you - Garden Spells by Sarah Addison Allen - finished 6/26/13

What’s in a name? - Read a work…

  1. that has a title more than 4 words long (Yes, you may count articles like "the" and "an") - Walking In Circles Before Lying Down by Merrill Marloe - finished 2/24/13 - terrible book, don't bother
  2. that has a name in the title
  3. that has one of your first initials in the title - Chocolate Castle Clue by Joanna Carl - finished 1/20/13

PART B (SC = 2 booksC = 2 books,  Lite = 1-3 books)

Miscellanea - Read a work…

  1. that involves a secret or something hidden - The Forgotten Garden by Kate Morton, finished 9/26/13
  2. in which a non-human character plays a key role - Embers by Laura Bickle, non human character is Sparky, finished 7/29/13
  3. that is set in another country (different from the one in which you live) - A Dublin Student Doctor by Patrick Taylor
  4. in which a senior citizen is a central figure (Eg. Alice I have BeenDisgrace) - Killer Crab Cakes by Livia Washburn - finished 3/30
  5. that involves cultural conflict
  6. that alludes to or directly involves one of the five senses (Eg. Perfume, Like Water for Chocolate)

PART C (optional unless you're doing the Super Challenge) (SC = 3-of-a-kindC & Light = optional) 

3 of-a-kind*: Read 3 books that have something in common

Buffalo West Wing, Affairs of Steak and Fonduing Fathers, all by Julie Hyzy - finished 2/10/13


Done!!  The next books I have on the TBR won't fit into any categories, so I am considering this one done.   I may try to get to the planned ones before the end of the year, but not going to pressure myself to do that.  I won several books that I need to read and review, so will work on that for a while.  It was fun fellow readers!!

Last Edited on: 10/14/13 6:19 PM ET - Total times edited: 23
Cosmina avatar
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Date Posted: 10/6/2012 11:08 PM ET
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Super Challenge: Read a total of 15 works: 2 from each category in Part A (10 total), 2 from Part B, and 3 from Part C (3-of-a-kind).

ChallengeRead a total of 12 works: 2 from each category in Part A (10 total), 2 from Part B. (Part C lists replacement options.)

Light Challenge: Read a total of 8 works: at least 1 from each category in Part A (5 total) and 1 from Part B. The remaining 2 books may be selected from anywhere among Parts A and B. (Part C lists replacement options.)


PART A (SC = 10 booksC = 10 booksLight = 5-7 books)

Time and time again - Read a work…

  1. that takes place in the past or in which a  character delves into the past (Eg. Alias Grace, Angle of Repose) Gone South by
    Robert McCammon 4/6
  2. that includes a time-related word in the title (Eg. Year of Wonders, Midnight's ChildrenDreamers of the Day by Mary Doria Russell5/25 
  3. that involves time travel  The Last Centurion by John Ringo

Second chances - Read a work…

  1. from a genre you don’t normally read:  Bumped by Megan McCafferty   (teen/YA)  1/5
  2. by an author you were unsure about (or downright didn’t like) the first time around   The Dog Stars by Peter Heller  6/27
  3. for the redux category: repeat a category from the 2012 or 2011 challenge  World of Pies by Karen Stolz short stores 4/26

What comes around, goes around - Read a work…

  1. that takes inspiration from a classic work of art/literature (Eg. The Handmaid’s TaleAhab's Wife)
  2. that is part of a series:  Return of the Stardust Cowgirl by Marsha Moyer   1/8/13
  3. that involves books, storytelling or writing (Eg. The Book ThiefThe Secret Scripture)The Birth House by Ami McKay 4/4

Where in the world? - Read a work…

  1.      that takes place in a capital city
  2.      that takes place in a small town  The Widower's Tale by Julia Glass  1/20  
  3.      that takes place near you   The Night Journal by Elizabeth Crook 4/18

What’s in a name? - Read a work…

  1. that has a title more than 4 words long (Yes, you may count articles like "the" and "an")When Will There be Good News by Kate Atkinson 3/24
  2. that has a name in the title   Annabel by Kathleen Winter
  3. that has one of your first initials in the title The Murderous Procession  4/1

PART B (SC = 2 booksC = 2 books,  Lite = 1-3 books)

Miscellanea - Read a work…

  1. that involves a secret or something hidden  House Rules by Jodi Picoult
  2. in which a non-human character plays a key role (Eg. Bear Comes HomeThe Art of Racing in the Rain)Swan's Song by Robert McCammon  3/27
  3. that is set in another country (different from the one in which you live) Daughter of God by Purdue   5/13
  4. in which a senior citizen is a central figure (Eg. Alice I have BeenDisgrace) Wool by Hugh Howey
  5. that involves cultural conflict   Full Moon Bride by Shobhan Bantwal  2/6
  6. that alludes to or directly involves one of the five senses (Eg. Perfume, Like Water for Chocolate) Bitter Seeds by Christina Green 3/27

PART C (optional unless you're doing the Super Challenge) (SC = 3-of-a-kindC & Light = optional) 

*May be used once as a replacement.



Last Edited on: 9/8/13 6:29 PM ET - Total times edited: 19
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Date Posted: 10/7/2012 12:44 AM ET
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Completed the Regular Challenge! Great one!

ART A (SC = 10 booksC = 10 booksLight = 5-7 books)

Time and time again - Read a work…

  1. that takes place in the past or in which a  character delves into the past The Hand that First Held Mine by Maggie O'Farrell (completed 6/5/13) Excellent!
  2. that includes a time-related word in the title By Nightfall by Michael Cunningham (completed 1/31/13)
  3. that involves time travel

Second chances - Read a work…

  1. from a genre you don’t normally read A Spy in the House of Love Anais Nin (completed 6/15/13)
  2. by an author you were unsure about (or downright didn’t like) the first time around 
  3. for the redux category: repeat a category from the 2012 or 2011 challenge - RUNAWAY (one word title) by Alice Munro (completed 6/9/13)

What comes around, goes around - Read a work…

  1. that takes inspiration from a classic work of art/literature Manuscript Found in Accra by Paulo Coelho (completed 6/14/13) *
  2. that is part of a series
  3. that involves books, storytelling or writing Rules of Civility by Amor Towles (Completed 10/30/13) *

Where in the world? - Read a work…

  1.      that takes place in a capital city
  2.      that takes place in a small town The Painted Drum by Louise Erdrich (completed 6/14/13) A Must Read!!
  3.      that takes place near you   Ham on Rye by Charles Bukowski (completed 8/9/13)

What’s in a name? - Read a work…

  1. that has a title more than 4 words long The Elegance of the Hedgehog by Muriel Barbery (completed 7/13/13) ***** Amazing.
  2. that has one of your first initials in the title Night Train to Lisbon by Pascal Mercier (completed 3/13) well written and delightful!

PART B (SC = 2 booksC = 2 books,  Lite = 1-3 books)

Miscellanea - Read a work…

  1. that involves a secret or something hidden A Ship Made of Paper by Scott Spencer (completed 6/26/13) This man can write a sentence!! Loved it!
  2. in which a non-human character plays a key role (Eg. Bear Comes HomeThe Art of Racing in the Rain)
  3. that is set in another country (different from the one in which you live)The Samurai's Garden by Gail Tsukiyama (completed 6/1/13) Beautiful! takes place in Japan
  4. in which a senior citizen is a central figure (Eg. Alice I have BeenDisgrace)
  5. that involves cultural conflict
  6. that alludes to or directly involves one of the five senses (Eg. Perfume, Like Water for Chocolate)

PART C (optional unless you're doing the Super Challenge) (SC = 3-of-a-kindC & Light = optional) 

  • 3 of-a-kind*: Read 3 books that have something in common (same author, setting, theme, all on your TBR list…) to replace any 1 topic above (counts for 1 book)
  • 6 of-a-kind*: Read 6 books that have something in common to replace any 1 category above (counts for 2 books)

*May be used once as a replacement.


Last Edited on: 11/7/13 1:36 PM ET - Total times edited: 16
janete avatar
Date Posted: 10/7/2012 8:03 PM ET
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Super Challenge: Read a total of 15 works: 2 from each category in Part A (10 total), 2 from Part B, and 3 from Part C (3-of-a-kind).

Challenge: Read a total of 12 works: 2 from each category in Part A (10 total), 2 from Part B. (Part C lists replacement options.)

Light Challenge: Read a total of 8 works: at least 1 from each category in Part A (5 total) and 1 from Part B. The remaining 2 books may be selected from anywhere among Parts A and B. (Part C lists replacement options.)


PART A (SC = 10 books, C = 10 books, Light = 5-7 books)

Time and time again - Read a work

that takes place in the past or in which a  character delves into the past Helen Humphries. The lost garden.COMPLETED6/2/2013

  1.  that includes a time-related word in the title (Eg. Year of Wonders, Midnight's Children). Brooks. Year of Wonders. Completed 11/1/13
  2. that involves time traves - Read a workfrom a genre you dont normally read. 
  3. by an author you were unsure about (or downright didnt like) the first time around. Steven Millhauser. The King in the Tree
    COMPLETED 1/13/2013
  4. for the redux category: repeat a category from the 2012 or 2011 challenge. Will re-do the 2012 category of out of the mouths of babes: Rick Riordan. The Sea of Monsters COMPLETED 1/2/2013

What comes around, goes around - Read a work

  1. that takes inspiration from a classic work of art/literature 
  2. that is part of a series Suzanne Collins. Catching Fire COMPLETED 1/21/2013
  3. that involves books, storytelling or writing (Eg. The Book ThiefThe Secret Scripture) Jane Alison. The Love-Artist. Completed 10/22/13

Where in the world? - Read a work

  1.      that takes place in a capital city Alan Furst. The World at Night. COMPLETED 5/17/13 3.5 stars
  2.      that takes place in a small town. Karen Russell. Swamplandia! COMPLETED 3/30/13 3 stars


Whats in a name? - Read a work

  1. that has a title more than 4 words long (Yes, you may count articles like "the" and "an").Choo. The Ghost Bride ; a novel. Completed11/13/13
  2. that has a name in the title.  Boris Akunin The Death of Achilles. Completed 8/29/13


PART B (SC = 2 books, C = 2 books,  Lite = 1-3 books)

Miscellanea - Read a work

  1. that involves a secret or something hidden Alan Bennett. Smut COMPLETED 1/9/2013
  2. in which a senior citizen is a central figure (Eg. Alice I have BeenDisgrace) Jane Stevenson. Good women. COMPLETED 1/7/2013

PART C (optional unless you're doing the Super Challenge) (SC = 3-of-a-kind; C & Light = optional) 


  • 6 of-a-kind*: Read 6 books that have something in common to replace any 1 category above (counts for 2 books)
  • Hiaasen. Bad Monkey. Completed 6/25/13
  • Sofi Oksanen. Purge completed 9/2/13.    
  • Mary Beth Keane. Fever. completed 12/7/13
  • Katherine Howe, The Physick Book of Deliverance Dane, completed 11/26/13.
  • Alan Furst, Mission to Paris, completed 11/29/13
  • Jeff  Talarigo. The Gingseng Hunter. Completed 12/2/13
  • Jim Butcher. Storm Front 12/21/13

*May be used once as a replacement.


Last Edited on: 12/23/13 9:15 AM ET - Total times edited: 40
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Date Posted: 10/10/2012 6:05 PM ET
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Last Edited on: 10/30/12 8:28 AM ET - Total times edited: 1
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Date Posted: 10/11/2012 3:55 AM ET
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Just wanted to say, Kristin, that you've produced a dazzling list! I am going to use parts of your format for the Classics Challenge, if you don't mind.


Now it's hours later, and I've just noticed your post on the Classics board wherein you've divided our possible categories into sections. That beats my idea (I was going to organize a "smorgasbord").

I'm going to post your idea (giving you credit, of course).


Last Edited on: 10/11/12 12:51 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
escapeartistk avatar
Date Posted: 10/12/2012 12:21 AM ET
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Thanks...I actually steal pretty freely fr/ other challenges...& other contemp lit readers made suggestions as well. I liked the smorgasbord idea as well but am not really creative enough to figure out categories, etc. using that concept.
drw avatar
Date Posted: 10/13/2012 4:32 PM ET
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Reading Goal: Super Challenge, 15 books

PART A (SC = 10 books, C = 10 books, Light = 5-7 books)

Time and time again - Read a work…

  1. that takes place in the past or in which a character delves into the past The Shoemaker's Wife - completed 1/19
  2. that includes a time-related word in the title (Eg. Year of Wonders, Midnight's Children)Mr. Penumbra's 24-Hour Bookstore - completed 5/5
  3. that involves time travel The Rose Garden - completed

Second chances - Read a work…

  1. from a genre you don’t normally read Interpreter of Maladies - completed 2/15 (short stories)
  2. by an author you were unsure about (or downright didn’t like) the first time around The Charm School - completed 2/17 (Nelson Demille)
  3. for the redux category: repeat a category from the 2012 or 2011 challenge The History of Love - completed 5/17  (2012 "In the Mix" category)

What comes around, goes around - Read a work…

  1. that takes inspiration from a classic work of art/literature (Eg. The Handmaid’s Tale, Ahab's Wife)
  2. that is part of a series Irish Gold - completed February 2 (Nuala McGrail Mysteries)
  3. that involves books, storytelling or writing (Eg. The Book Thief, The Secret Scripture) The Master - completed 3/27

Where in the world? - Read a work…

  1. that takes place in a capital city A Parachute in the Lime Tree - completed January 22 (Dublin)
  2. that takes place in a small town Speaking From Among the Bones - completed February 3
  3. that takes place near you

What’s in a name? - Read a work…

  1. that has a title more than 4 words long (Yes, you may count articles like "the" and "an")
  2. that has a name in the title
  3. that has one of your first initials in the title

PART B (SC = 2 books, C = 2 books, Lite = 1-3 books)

Miscellanea - Read a work…

  1. that involves a secret or something hidden HHhH - completed 4/2
  2. in which a non-human character plays a key role (Eg. Bear Comes Home, The Art of Racing in the Rain)
  3. that is set in another country (different from the one in which you live) Trapeze - completed February 6
  4. in which a senior citizen is a central figure (Eg. Alice I have Been, Disgrace)
  5. that involves cultural conflict
  6. that alludes to or directly involves one of the five senses (Eg. Perfume, Like Water for Chocolate)

PART C (optional unless you're doing the Super Challenge) (SC = 3-of-a-kind; C & Light = optional)

  • 3 of-a-kind*: Read 3 books that have something in common (same author, setting, theme, all on your TBR list…) to replace any 1 topic above (counts for 1 book)The Magdalen - completed February 23; Star of the Sea - completed March 21; Jacob's Folly - completed June 1 (story or author is related to Ireland)
  • 6 of-a-kind*: Read 6 books that have something in common to replace any 1 category above (counts for 2 books)

*May be used once as a replacement.

Last Edited on: 6/1/13 10:23 PM ET - Total times edited: 18
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Date Posted: 10/17/2012 10:13 AM ET
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I'm aiming for the Super Challenge.

A. Time and time again

    1) a character delves into the past--Another World (Pat Barker)

    2) time-related word in title--Year of Wonders (Geraldine Brooks)

B. Second chances

    1) genre not normally read by you--The Loves of Charles II (Jean Plaidy)

    2) author you were unsure about--Mendocino and Other Stories (Ann Packer)

C. What goes around, comes around

    1) inspiration from a classic work--The Female Quixote (Charlotte Lennox)

    2) involves books--Confessions of a Common Reader (Anne Fadiman)

D. Where in the world?

    1) capital city--The Street of a Thousand Blossoms (Gail Tsukiyama)

    2) small town--Alone in the Classroom (Elizabeth Hay)

E. What's in a name?

    1) title with more than 4 words--The Girl With No Shadow (Joanne Harris)

    2) has a name in the title--Ines of My Soul (Isabel Allende)

B. Miscellaneous

    1) set in another country--The Duchess (Amanda Foreman)

    2) involves a secret or something hidden--The Lost Symbol (Dan Brown)

C. Three-of-a-kind

    1) The Booklover's Guide to the Midwest (Greg Holden)

    2) Literary Brooklyn (Evan Hughes)

    3) Beowulf on the Beach (Jack Murnighan)

This compiling was a lot of work, but it means I only have to buy one book!


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Super Challenge: Read a total of 15 works: 2 from each category in Part A (10 total), 2 from Part B, and 3 from Part C (3-of-a-kind).

ChallengeRead a total of 12 works: 2 from each category in Part A (10 total), 2 from Part B. (Part C lists replacement options.)

Will begin with the Light Challenge: Read a total of 8 works: at least 1 from each category in Part A (5 total) and 1 from Part B. The remaining 2 books may be selected from anywhere among Parts A and B. (Part C lists replacement options.)


PART A (SC = 10 booksC = 10 booksLight = 5-7 books)

Time and time again - Read a work

  1. that takes place in the past or in which a  character delves into the past (Eg. Alias Grace, Angle of Repose by Wallace Stegner) or The Secret Keeper by Kate Morton, 3.5 stars
  2. that includes a time-related word in the title (Eg. Year of Wonders, Midnight's Children):  So Yesterday by Scott Westerfeld, 3.5 stars  
  3. that involves time travel:  The Rose Garden by Susanna Kearsley, 4/18/2013, 4 stars.

Second chances - Read a work

  1. from a genre you don’t normally read  (Religion):  The Fifth Mountain by Paulo Coelho,5/5/2013, 3 stars
  2. by an author you were unsure about (or downright didn’t like) the first time around:  The Scar by China Mieville,  5 stars
  3. for the redux category: repeat a category from the 2012 or 2011 challenge (2011 challenge - Brave new world: a work in which the “world” is other than your own) (could be set on a different planet, a foreign country, a different time or place from your own):   Wool - Omnibus Edition by Hugh Howey, 5 stars

What comes around, goes around - Read a work…

  1. that takes inspiration from a classic work of art/literature (Eg. The Handmaid’s TaleAhab's Wife):  Ahab's Wife by Sena Jeter Naslund, 9/19/2013, 4.5 stars, wonderful tale if a bit long
  2. that is part of a series:  Murder on the Half Shelf by Lorna Barrett, 3/12/2013. 2.5 stars
  3. that involves books, storytelling or writing (Eg. The Book ThiefThe Secret Scripture):  And the Mountains Echoed by Khaled Hosseini, Nila Wahdati is a poetess, 9/22/2013, 3 stars.

Where in the world? - Read a work

  1.      that takes place in a capital city:  The Crazy Years (Paris in the Twenties) by William Wiser, 3/20/2013, 3 stars
  2.      that takes place in a small town:  Crooked Letter, Crooked Letter by Tom Franklin, small Mississippi town, 2/9/2013, 3 stars
  3.      that takes place near you:  The Pie Lady of Winthrop and Other Minnesota Tales by Peg Meier and Dave Wood, 4/26/2013, 3 stars - some stories very good - others not so good

What’s in a name? - Read a work

  1. that has a title more than 4 words long (Yes, you may count articles like "the" and "an"):   The Scent of Rain and Lightning by Nancy Pickard, 3 stars due to error by author & editors in this edition, 4/8/2013
  2. that has a name in the title:   Alice I Have Been by  Melanie Benjamin, 4 stars, 4/11/2013
  3. that has one of your first initials in the title:  Birds in Fall by Brad Kessler, 5 stars, 4/2013

PART B (SC = 2 booksC = 2 books,  Lite = 1-3 books)

Miscellanea - Read a work…

  1. that involves a secret or something hidden:  The Snake Stone by Jason Goodwin, 1/5/2012, 4 stars;  Where We Belong by Emily Griffin, 6/24/2013, 2.5 stars
  2. in which a non-human character plays a key role (Eg. Bear Comes HomeThe Art of Racing in the Rain):  A Dog's Life by Peter Mayle, 2/13/2013, 3 stars
  3. in which a senior citizen is a central figure (Eg. Alice I have BeenDisgrace):  The Crone Woman of Age, Wisdom and Power by Barbara G. Walker (Author explores the wisdom of age), 8/21/2013, 3.5 stars
  4. that involves cultural conflict:  From the River's Edge  by Elizabeth Cook-Lynn, 12/13/2013, 3 stars
  5. that alludes to or directly involves one of the five senses (Eg. PerfumeLike Water for Chocolate):  Inside of a Dog What Dogs See Smell and Know by Alexandra Horowitz, 4/29/2013, 4 stars

PART C (optional unless you're doing the Super Challenge) (SC = 3-of-a-kindC & Light = optional) 

  • 3 of-a-kind*: Read 3 books that have something in common (same author, setting, theme, all on your TBR list…) to replace any 1 topic above (counts for 1 book):  Animal books:  Dewey by Vicky Myron with Bret Witter, 2 stars, wasn't what I thought it would be; The Cat, the Quilt and the Corpse by Leann Sweeney, 7/20/2013, 2 starsEmory's Gift by W. Bruce Cameron, 5/22/2013, 2 stars
  • 6 of-a-kind*: Read 6 books that have something in common to replace any 1 category above (counts for 2 books): Six books dealing with dragons:  The Enchanted Forest Chronicles by Patricia C. Wrede 1.  Dealing with Dragons,  completed 1/4/2012  3 stars 2.  Searching for Dragons, 3.5 stars  3.  Calling for Dragons, 3 stars4.  Talking to Dragons, 4/19/2013, 4 stars5. The Last Dragonslayer by Jasper Fforde, 3.5 stars, 6.  The Fire Within by Chris D'Lacey, 12/31/2013, 3.5 stars

*May be used once as a replacement

Last Edited on: 3/13/14 4:56 PM ET - Total times edited: 125
caralen avatar
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Date Posted: 10/20/2012 12:49 PM ET
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PART A (SC = 10 booksC = 10 booksLight = 5-7 books)

Time and time again - Read a work…

  1. that takes place in the past or in which a  character delves into the past Foer. Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close (completed 2/9)
  2. that includes a time-related word in the title Cunningham. The Hours (completed 3/30)
  3. that involves time travel Riggs. Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children (completed 2/11)

Second chances - Read a work…

  1. from a genre you don’t normally read Acosta. The She-Hulk Diaries (completed 8/6)
  2. by an author you were unsure about (or downright didn’t like) the first time around Meyer. The Host (completed 5/4)
  3. for the redux category: (non-adult narrator) Magden. Escape (completed 2/6)

What comes around, goes around - Read a work…

  1. that takes inspiration from a classic work of art/literature Krzhizhanovsky. The Letter Killers Club (completed 7/9)
  2. that is part of a series
  3. that involves books, storytelling or writing Straub. The Buffalo Hunter: A Novella (completed 3/21)

Where in the world? - Read a work…

  1.      that takes place in a capital city
  2.      that takes place in a small town Osborn. Centerville (completed 1/3)
  3.      that takes place near you

What’s in a name? - Read a work…

  1. that has a title more than 4 words long (Yes, you may count articles like "the" and "an")
  2. that has a name in the title
  3. that has one of your first initials in the title

PART B (SC = 2 booksC = 2 books,  Lite = 1-3 books)

Miscellanea - Read a work…

  1. that involves a secret or something hidden Halfon. The Polish Boxer (completed 1/27)
  2. in which a non-human character plays a key role (Eg. Bear Comes HomeThe Art of Racing in the Rain)
  3. that is set in another country Birgisson. Reply to a Letter from Helga (completed 4/27)  [Iceland] 
  4. in which a senior citizen is a central figure (Eg. Alice I have BeenDisgrace)
  5. that involves cultural conflict
  6. that alludes to or directly involves one of the five senses (Eg. PerfumeLike Water for Chocolate)

PART C (optional unless you're doing the Super Challenge) (SC = 3-of-a-kindC & Light = optional) 

  • 3 of-a-kind*: Read 3 books that have something in common (same author, setting, theme, all on your TBR list…) to replace any 1 topic above (counts for 1 book)
  • 6 of-a-kind*: Read 6 books that have something in common to replace any 1 category above (counts for 2 books)

*May be used once as a replacement.

Last Edited on: 8/9/13 4:17 AM ET - Total times edited: 13
barbieofmpls avatar
Date Posted: 11/12/2012 5:32 PM ET
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Selections for the 12 book challenge:   CHALLENGE COMPLETED 4/28/13 !!!


Time and time again - Read a work…

  1. that takes place in the past or in which a  character delves into the past - ILLUMINATIONS  BY MARY SHARRATT - DONE
  2. that includes a time-related word in the title (Eg. Year of Wonders, Midnight's Children)
  3. that involves time travel - TIME AND AGAIN  BY JACK FINNEY - DONE

Second chances - Read a work…

  1. from a genre you don’t normally read - HOMUNCULUS  BY JAMES P. BLAYLOCK (GENRE/STEAMPUNK) DONE
  2. by an author you were unsure about (or downright didn’t like) the first time around 
  3. for the redux category: repeat a category from the  2011 challenge-INDEPENDENCE DAY  BY RICHARD FORD (PULITZER PRIZE)DONE

What comes around, goes around - Read a work…

  1. that takes inspiration from a classic work of art/literature - THE HANDMAID'S TALE  BY MARGARET ATWOOD   DONE
  2. that is part of a series - NOTHING TO LOSE  BY LEE CHILD (JACK REACHER #12) DONE
  3. that involves books, storytelling or writing (Eg. The Book ThiefThe Secret Scripture)

Where in the world? - Read a work…

  1.      that takes place in a capital city -  ARCTIC CHILL  BY ARNALDUR INDRIDASON (set in Reykjavik) DONE
  2.      that takes place in a small town - IRON LAKE  BY WM. KENT KRUEGER  DONE
  3.      that takes place near you

What’s in a name? - Read a work…

  1. that has a title more than 4 words long - THE MAN WHO WENT UP IN SMOKE  BY SJOWALL-WAHLOO   DONE
  2. that has a name in the title - MISTER JOHNSON   BY JOYCE CARY  DONE
  3. that has one of your first initials in the title


Miscellanea - Read a work…

  1. that involves a secret or something hidden
  2. in which a non-human character plays a key role - THE ART OF RACING IN THE RAIN  BY GARTH STEIN   DONE
  3. that is set in another country (different from the one in which you live)
  4. in which a senior citizen is a central figure - ENDING UP  BY KINGSLEY AMIS   DONE
  5. that involves cultural conflict
  6. that alludes to or directly involves one of the five senses (Eg. Perfume, Like Water for Chocolate)

Last Edited on: 4/28/13 4:56 PM ET - Total times edited: 30
garrity avatar
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Date Posted: 12/2/2012 4:01 PM ET
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I'd like to try this challenge this year. DONE 9/17/13

Super Challenge: Read a total of 15 works: 2 from each category in Part A (10 total), 2 from Part B, and 3 from Part C (3-of-a-kind).

Challenge: Read a total of 12 works: 2 from each category in Part A (10 total), 2 from Part B. (Part C lists replacement options.)

Light Challenge: Read a total of 8 works: at least 1 from each category in Part A (5 total) and 1 from Part B. The remaining 2 books may be selected from anywhere among Parts A and B. (Part C lists replacement options.)


PART A (SC = 10 books, C = 10 books, Light = 5-7 books)

Time and time again - Read a work…

  1. that takes place in the past or in which a character delves into the past Disco for the Departed by Colin Cotterill
  2. that includes a time-related word in the title (Eg. Year of Wonders, Midnight's ChildrenLady Yesterday by Loren D Estleman
  3. that involves time travel

Second chances - Read a work…

  1. from a genre you don’t normally read   Walking Hawk by John S McCord (western)
  2. by an author you were unsure about (or downright didn’t like) the first time around
  3. for the redux category: repeat a category from the 2012 or 2011 challenge:

                One word says it all: a work with a one-word title   Tripwire by Lee Child


What comes around, goes around - Read a work…

  1. that takes inspiration from a classic work of art/literature (Eg. The Handmaid’s Tale, Ahab's Wife)   The Girl With the Botticelli Eyes by Herbert Lieberman
  2. that is part of a series  Death Without Company by Craig Johnson
  3. that involves books, storytelling or writing (Eg. The Book Thief, The Secret Scripture)

Where in the world? - Read a work…

  1. that takes place in a capital city   The Torso by Helen Tursten (Copenhagen, Denmark)
  2. that takes place in a small town  The Bottoms by Joe Lansdale
  3. that takes place near you

What’s in a name? - Read a work…

  1. that has a title more than 4 words long    Killed at the Whim of a Hat by Colin Cotterill  
  2. that has a name in the title
  3. that has one of your first initials in the title   Kindness Goes Unpunished by Craig Johnson

PART B (SC = 2 books, C = 2 books, Lite = 1-3 books)

Miscellanea - Read a work…

  1. that involves a secret or something hidden  The Buzzard Table by Margaret Maron
  2. in which a non-human character plays a key role   A Fistful of Collars by Spencer Quinn
  3. that is set in another country (different from the one in which you live)   A Noble Radiance by Donna Leon (Venice, Italy)
  4. in which a senior citizen is a central figure   Love Songs from a Shallow Grave by Colin Cotterill
  5. that involves cultural conflict
  6. that alludes to or directly involves one of the five senses (Eg. Perfume, Like Water for Chocolate)

PART C (optional unless you're doing the Super Challenge) (SC = 3-of-a-kind; C & Light = optional)

  • 3 of-a-kind*: Read 3 books that have something in common to replace any 1 topic above (counts for 1 book) First Novels
  1. The Hypnotist by Lars Kepler
  2.  Iced Chiffon by Duffy Brown
  3.  So Much Pretty by Cara Hoffman
  • 6 of-a-kind*: Read 6 books that have something in common to replace any 1 category above (counts for 2 books)

*May be used once as a replacement.

Last Edited on: 9/17/13 4:09 PM ET - Total times edited: 16
mattc avatar
Matt C. (mattc) - ,
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PART A (SC = 10 booksC = 10 booksLight = 5-7 books)

Time and time again - Read a work…

  1. that takes place in the past or in which a character delves into the past (Eg. Alias Grace, Angle of Repose)
  2. that includes a time-related word in the title (Eg. Year of Wonders, Midnight's Children)
  3. that involves time travel

Second chances - Read a work…

  1. from a genre you don’t normally read
  2. by an author you were unsure about (or downright didn’t like) the first time around
  3. for the redux category: repeat a category from the 2012 or 2011 challenge

What comes around, goes around - Read a work…

  1. that takes inspiration from a classic work of art/literature (Eg. The Handmaid’s TaleAhab's Wife)
  2. that is part of a series
  3. that involves books, storytelling or writing - Spirits in the Wires by Charles de Lint 

Where in the world? - Read a work…

  1. that takes place in a capital city
  2. that takes place in a small town
  3. that takes place near you

What’s in a name? - Read a work…

  1. that has a title more than 4 words long (Yes, you may count articles like "the" and "an")
  2. that has a name in the title
  3. that has one of your first initials in the title

PART B (SC = 2 booksC = 2 booksLite = 1-3 books)

Miscellanea - Read a work…

  1. that involves a secret or something hidden
  2. in which a non-human character plays a key role (Eg. Bear Comes HomeThe Art of Racing in the Rain)
  3. that is set in another country (different from the one in which you live)
  4. in which a senior citizen is a central figure (Eg. Alice I have BeenDisgrace)
  5. that involves cultural conflict
  6. that alludes to or directly involves one of the five senses (Eg. PerfumeLike Water for Chocolate)

PART C (optional unless you're doing the Super Challenge) (SC = 3-of-a-kindC & Light = optional)

  • 3 of-a-kind*: Read 3 books that have something in common (same author, setting, theme, all on your TBR list…) to replace any 1 topic above (counts for 1 book)
  • 6 of-a-kind*: Read 6 books that have something in common to replace any 1 category above (counts for 2 books)

*May be used once as a replacement.

Last Edited on: 3/5/13 4:41 PM ET - Total times edited: 3
penumbria avatar
Date Posted: 12/21/2012 8:40 PM ET
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Not sure what will be the works, so ...

PART A (SC = 10 books, C = 10 books, Light = 5-7 books)

Time and time again - Read a work…

  1. that takes place in the past or in which a character delves into the past (Eg. Alias Grace, Angle of Repose)
  2. that includes a time-related word in the title (Eg. Year of Wonders, Midnight's Children)
  3. that involves time travel

Second chances - Read a work…

  1. from a genre you don’t normally read
  2. by an author you were unsure about (or downright didn’t like) the first time around
  3. for the redux category: repeat a category from the 2012 or 2011 challenge

What comes around, goes around - Read a work…

  1. that takes inspiration from a classic work of art/literature (Eg. The Handmaid’s Tale, Ahab's Wife)
  2. that is part of a series
  3. that involves books, storytelling or writing (Eg. The Book Thief, The Secret Scripture)

Where in the world? - Read a work…

  1. that takes place in a capital city
  2. that takes place in a small town
  3. that takes place near you

What’s in a name? - Read a work…

  1. that has a title more than 4 words long (Yes, you may count articles like "the" and "an")
  2. that has a name in the title
  3. that has one of your first initials in the title

PART B (SC = 2 books, C = 2 books, Lite = 1-3 books)

Miscellanea - Read a work…

  1. that involves a secret or something hidden
  2. in which a non-human character plays a key role (Eg. Bear Comes Home, The Art of Racing in the Rain)
  3. that is set in another country (different from the one in which you live)
  4. in which a senior citizen is a central figure (Eg. Alice I have Been, Disgrace)
  5. that involves cultural conflict
  6. that alludes to or directly involves one of the five senses (Eg. Perfume, Like Water for Chocolate)

PART C (optional unless you're doing the Super Challenge) (SC = 3-of-a-kind; C & Light = optional)

  • 3 of-a-kind*: Read 3 books that have something in common (same author, setting, theme, all on your TBR list…) to replace any 1 topic above (counts for 1 book)
  • 6 of-a-kind*: Read 6 books that have something in common to replace any 1 category above (counts for 2 books)

*May be used once as a replacement. 

tempie avatar
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Date Posted: 12/29/2012 1:27 AM ET
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I'm going to give this challenge a try.


PART A (SC = 10 books, C = 10 books, Light = 5-7 books)

Time and time again - Read a work…

  1. that takes place in the past or in which a character delves into the past (Eg. Alias Grace, Angle of Repose)
  2. that includes a time-related word in the title (Eg. Year of Wonders, Midnight's Children)
  3. that involves time travel

Second chances - Read a work…

  1. from a genre you don’t normally read
  2. by an author you were unsure about (or downright didn’t like) the first time around
  3. for the redux category: repeat a category from the 2012 or 2011 challenge (2011: work made into a film) Disclosure by Michael Crichton

What comes around, goes around - Read a work…

  1. that takes inspiration from a classic work of art/literature (Eg. The Handmaid’s Tale, Ahab's Wife) Wicked: The Life and Time of the Wicked Witch of the West by Gregory Maguire
  2. that is part of a series    Running Blind (Jack Reacher, Bk #4) by Lee Child
  3. that involves books, storytelling or writing (Eg. The Book Thief, The Secret Scripture) The Christmas Box by Richard Paul Evans

Where in the world? - Read a work…

  1. that takes place in a capital city
  2. that takes place in a small town Trans-sister Radio by Chris Bohjalian
  3. that takes place near you

What’s in a name? - Read a work…

  1. that has a title more than 4 words long (Yes, you may count articles like "the" and "an")
  2. that has a name in the title The Secret Life of CeeCee Wilkes by Diane Chamberlain
  3. that has one of your first initials in the title Tomato Girl by Jayne Pupek

PART B (SC = 2 books, C = 2 books, Lite = 1-3 books)

Miscellanea - Read a work…

  1. that involves a secret or something hidden The Girl on Legare Street by Karen White
  2. in which a non-human character plays a key role (Eg. Bear Comes Home, The Art of Racing in the Rain) A Dog's Purpose by W. Bruce Cameron
  3. that is set in another country (different from the one in which you live) After You by Julie Buxbaum (England)
  4. in which a senior citizen is a central figure (Eg. Alice I have Been, Disgrace)
  5. that involves cultural conflict
  6. that alludes to or directly involves one of the five senses (Eg. Perfume, Like Water for Chocolate)

PART C (optional unless you're doing the Super Challenge) (SC = 3-of-a-kind; C & Light = optional)

  • 3 of-a-kind*: Read 3 books that have something in common (same author, setting, theme, all on your TBR list…) to replace any 1 topic above (counts for 1 book) 1) The Sweet In Between by Sheri Reynolds 2) Tomato Girl by Jayen Pupek 3) The Secret Life of CeeCee Wilkes by Diance Chamberlain [All take place in Virginia]
  • 6 of-a-kind*: Read 6 books that have something in common to replace any 1 category above (counts for 2 books)

*May be used once as a replacement.

Last Edited on: 11/29/13 9:46 PM ET - Total times edited: 13
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Subject: My 2013 Contemporary Fiction List
Date Posted: 12/31/2012 2:24 PM ET
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13 books for 2013 from my "unread" bookshelves!   (Only managed to finish 12)


Time and time again

1. that takes place in the past or in which a character delves into the past:  The House at Riverton by Kate Morton (Completed 8/24/13)

2. that includes a time-related word in the title:  OMIT

3. that involves time travel:  The Double Bind by Chris Bohjalian  (Completed 1/8/13)

Second Chances

1. from a genre you don't normally read:  Blackout by Connie Willis (Completed 12/29/13)

2. by an author you were unsure about:  OMIT

3. for the redux category (Thou shalt not kill):  Death Comes to Pemberley by P.D. James (Completed 4/18/13)

What comes around, goes around

1. that takes inspiration from a classic work of art/literature:  Illuminations: a Novel of Hildegard von Bingen by Mary Sharratt (Completed 9/5/13)

2. that is part of a series:  OMIT

3. that involves books, storytelling or writing:  The Thirteenth Tale by Diane Setterfield (Completed 4/3/13)

Where in the world

1. that takes place in a capital city:  Bleeding Heart Square by Andrew Taylor (Completed 6/17/13)

2. that takes place in a small town:  The Cailiffs of Baghdad, Georgia by Mary Helen Stefaniak (Completed 2/20/13)

3. that takes place near you:  The Last Farmer by Howard Kohn (Completed 7/25/13)

What's in a name?

1. that has a title more than 4 words long:  A Long , Long Time Ago & Essentially True by Brigid Pasulka (Completed 10/7/13)

2. that has a name in the title:  Angelica by Arthur Phillips  (Did not read)

3. that has one of your first initials in the title:  OMIT


1. that involves a secret or something hidden:  The Light Between the Oceans by M.L. Stedman (Completed 5/16/13)

2. in which a non-human character plays a key role:  OMIT

3. that is set in another country:  Snow Flower and the Secret Fan by Lisa See (Completed 11/18/13)

4. in which a senior citizen is a central figure:  OMIT

5. that involves cultural conflict:  OMIT

6. that alludes to or directly involves one of the five senses:  OMIT

Last Edited on: 12/30/13 12:36 AM ET - Total times edited: 17
Cosmina avatar
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Date Posted: 1/11/2013 7:01 PM ET
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Bump this up.....

DieHard avatar
Bruce -
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Date Posted: 1/12/2013 9:29 PM ET
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PART A (SC = 10 booksC = 10 booksLight = 5-7 books)

Time and time again - Read a work…

  1. that takes place in the past or in which a  character delves into the past   The Sins Of The Father - Jeffrey Archer 1/16/13
  2. that includes a time-related word in the title Only Time Will Tell - Jeffrey Archer 1/13/13
  3. that involves time travel  The Reincarnationist - M. J. Rose  7/11/13

Second chances - Read a work…

  1. from a genre you don’t normally read  The Coalwood Way - Homer Hickam  4/27/13 (memoir)
  2. by an author you were unsure about (or downright didn’t like) the first time around  The Redbreast - Jo Nesbo  1/05/13
  3. for the redux category: repeat a category from the 2012 or 2011 challenge  Broken Harbor - Tana French  3/16/13

What comes around, goes around - Read a work…

  1. that takes inspiration from a classic work of art/literature  The Lawgiver - Herman Wouk  6/02/13
  2. that is part of a series  Why Mermaids Sing - C. S. Harris 1/23/13 (Sebastian St. Cyr Series)
  3. that involves books, storytelling or writing Tempest At Dawn - James Best  5/05/13 (writing of the U.S. Constitution)

Where in the world? - Read a work…

  1.      that takes place in a capital city  The Yard - Alex Grecian  3/21/13 (London)
  2.      that takes place in a small town  The Rocket Boys - Homer Hickam 1/09/13
  3.      that takes place near you  The Lonely Polygamist - Brady Udall 9/14/13

What’s in a name? - Read a work…

  1. that has a title more than 4 words long  When Christ and His Saints Slept - Sharon K Penman 2/04/13
  2. that has a name in the title The Legend of Mickey Tussler - Frank Nappi 7/08/13
  3. that has one of your first initials in the title Hard Country - Michael McGarrity 2/28/13

PART B (SC = 2 booksC = 2 books,  Lite = 1-3 books)

Miscellanea - Read a work…

  1. that involves a secret or something hidden  The Racketeer - John Grisham  3/19/13
  2. in which a non-human character plays a key role  The Great Bazaar and Other Stories - Peter V. Brett 1/09/13
  3. that is set in another country  HHhH - Laurent Binet 2/18/13
  4. in which a senior citizen is a central figure Leader of the Pack - David Rosenfelt 10/26/13
  5. that involves cultural conflict  Where Shadows Dance - C. S. Harris 3/10/13
  6. that alludes to or directly involves one of the five senses A Land More Kind Than Home - Wiley Cash 11/06/13

PART C (optional unless you're doing the Super Challenge) (SC = 3-of-a-kindC & Light = optional) 

  • Read  books that have something in common (Title contains word that reflects on our natural world) :
  • 1.  Winter's Bone - Daniel Woodrell 3/22/13
  • 2.  Force of Nature - C. J. Box 3/25/13
  • 3. The Daylight War - Peter V. Brett 4/15/13
  • 4. The Snow Child - Eowyn Ivey  6/17/13
  • 5. The Death of King Arthur - Peter Ackroyd 9/03/13
  • 6. The Map of the Sky - Felix J. Palma 9/21/13

Last Edited on: 11/6/13 7:52 PM ET - Total times edited: 21
aggie98 avatar
Date Posted: 2/2/2013 8:20 PM ET
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PART A (SC = 10 books, C = 10 books, Light = 5-7 books)

Time and time again - Read a work…

  1. that takes place in the past or in which a character delves into the past (Eg. Alias Grace, Angle of Repose"The Wednesday Sisters" by Meg White Clayton
  2. that includes a time-related word in the title (Eg. Year of Wonders, Midnight's Children)  "Merry Christmas, Alex Cross" by James Patterson
  3. that involves time travel  N/A

Second chances - Read a work…

  1. from a genre you don’t normally read  N/A
  2. by an author you were unsure about (or downright didn’t like) the first time around  "Death of a Six-Foot Teddy Bear" by Sharon Dunn
  3. for the redux category: repeat a category from the 2012 or 2011 challenge  "Scorched" by Laura Griffin - 2012 "One Word Says It All"

What comes around, goes around - Read a work…

  1. that takes inspiration from a classic work of art/literature (Eg. The Handmaid’s Tale, Ahab's Wife)  N/A
  2. that is part of a series  "Button Holed" by Kylie Logan
  3. that involves books, storytelling or writing (Eg. The Book Thief, The Secret Scripture"Books Can Be Deceiving" by Jenn McKinlay

Where in the world? - Read a work…

  1. that takes place in a capital city  "Flowerbed of State" by Dorothy St. James
  2. that takes place in a small town  "Beachcombers" by Nancy Thayer
  3. that takes place near you  N/A

What’s in a name? - Read a work…

  1. that has a title more than 4 words long (Yes, you may count articles like "the" and "an")  "Love You Hate You Miss You" by Elizabeth Scott
  2. that has a name in the title  N/A
  3. that has one of your first initials in the title  "The Blue Bistro" by Elin Hilderbrand

PART B (SC = 2 books, C = 2 books, Lite = 1-3 books)

Miscellanea - Read a work…

  1. that involves a secret or something hidden  N/A
  2. in which a non-human character plays a key role (Eg. Bear Comes Home, The Art of Racing in the Rain)  N/A
  3. that is set in another country (different from the one in which you live)  "Private London" by James Patterson & Mark Pearson
  4. in which a senior citizen is a central figure (Eg. Alice I have Been, Disgrace"Invisible" by Lorena McCourtney
  5. that involves cultural conflict  N/A
  6. that alludes to or directly involves one of the five senses (Eg. Perfume, Like Water for Chocolate)  N/A

PART C (optional unless you're doing the Super Challenge) (SC = 3-of-a-kind; C & Light = optional)

  • 3 of-a-kind*: Read 3 books that have something in common (same author, setting, theme, all on your TBR list…) to replace any 1 topic above (counts for 1 book)
    • "According to Jane" by Marilyn Brant
  • 6 of-a-kind*: Read 6 books that have something in common to replace any 1 category above (counts for 2 books)  N/A

*May be used once as a replacement.

Last Edited on: 8/11/13 5:44 PM ET - Total times edited: 10
Cosmina avatar
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Date Posted: 4/4/2013 1:21 PM ET
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bump it up.

barbieofmpls avatar
Date Posted: 4/28/2013 4:59 PM ET
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