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Book List - Available to trade

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Generic Profile avatar Available to trade These are the books I have available to trade. They may or may not be on my bookshelf. If you want one please PM me.
List created by Jilian V. (JayV) on Aug 29, 2010
List Votes: 1 Books: 3 Contributors: 1 Watchers: 1 List Type: Closed
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Jilian V. (JayV)
A Little Bit Wild by Victoria Dahl
He Is Not What She Had In Mind. Jude Bertrand is not an excellent dancer. Nor does he wear the most fashionable coats. But when Marissa York's brother approaches him, desperate to preserve Marissa's tenuous reputation, Jude does prove heroic enough to offer to marry the girl. In...  more

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Jilian V. (JayV)
Last Night's Scandal (Carsington, Bk 5) by Loretta Chase
After surviving the perils of Egypt, Peregrine Dalmay, Earl of Lisle is back in London, facing the most dire threat of all: his irrational family ... and Miss Olivia Wingate-Carsington. A descendent of notorious -- but very aristocratic -- swindlers, the delectable redhead has the ability to...  more

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Jilian V. (JayV)
Getting Revenge on Lauren Wood by Eileen Cook
Popularity is the best revenge. In the final weeks of eighth grade, Lauren Wood made a choice. She betrayed her best friend, Helen, in a manner so publicly humiliating that Helen had to move to a new town just to save face. Ditching Helen was worth it, though, because Lauren started high school...  more

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Comment added 9/1/10 by Jilian V. (JayV):
Getting Revenge on Lauren Wood had a bathtub incident and is unpostable due to water. Completely readable though.