This was a great story. I'll be looking for others in the series.
Multiple story-lines are running simultaneously:
Was the fire in the historic Church of the Commonwealth an accident or arson? The sexton was burned to a crisp.
Will the new sexton discover that he must keep the pilings under the church damp in time to prevent the church from becoming structurally unsound? Those cracks in the walls just keep growing.
Where is Rosalind Hall? Her 14-month-old son was discovered crawling up the steps of the Church of the Commonwealth, and a search of her flat revealed a large pool of blood on the floor.
Where has James Castle, the organist for the Church of the Commonwealth, gone? Oddly enough, he disappeared at the same time as Rosalind Hall.
Will Harold Oates, organist extraordinaire, overcome his alcoholic, homeless lifestyle to return to the life of performing that he left behind, or is he the culprit behind the recent spew of organ vandalism in the churches of the city?
Did Reverend Kraeger cause the church fire? Will he be arrested for it, or for yet another crime of which his ex-wife accuses him?