Helpful Score: 5
Reborn is an apt title. Everything is reborn in this one. I, myself, felt the series had "stalled" a little with Payne's story, and was really hoping that Ward would be able to pull off Tohr's story. She did not dissapoint. This is so much more than just Thor's story though, John and Xhex, Quinn and Blay, Lassiter, Wrath's rule. All things are reborn in this book, new life has been given to our favorite couples, and the "war" is taking on a whole new path, and with it a new urgency to get to the next book. Yes, I have read the spoilers regarding the next one, AND I CAN NOT WAIT TO GET MY HANDS ON IT!. There have already been so many great reviews on this book, so I will not rehash what has already been wonderfully stated. If you are a fan of this series, you will fall in love with it all over again. If you have not read them, what are you waiting for? Run out and start collecting them in hardcover like the rest of us, you will become a BDB junkie like the rest of us......

Helpful Score: 3
The tenth book in the Black Dagger Brotherhood series gives us Tohrment's story. It has been 15 months since Tohr's wife Wellsie and their unborn child were murdered and Tohr is not doing well. His grief has overwhelmed him and it takes everything he has just to function in the brotherhood. Now Lassiter tells Tohr that he must move beyond his grief. Wellsie and the baby are not in The Fade as everyone believed, but stuck in the "in between" because Tohr cannot let them go. Tohr must release his hold on Wellsie and build a new life. Easier said than done.
This book spans one years time. We get to see Tohr slowly come to terms with his grief with the help of Xhex's mother, No'One, which is sometimes heartbreaking, and with the help of Lassiter which is many times hilarious. Other highlights of this story is the relationship between John Matthew and Xhex. Problems have cropped up and they are struggling. I thought this portion of the book was very realistic and would fit a lot of today's relationships.
The Band of Bastards who were introduced in the previous book play a big part in this one. Xcor wants to dethrone Wrath and he will do just about anything to get his way. I'm really looking forward to more information about these guys.
The story touches on the Qhuinn/Blay/Layla/Saxton relationships and gives us a new twist. And with Qhuinn's last thought in the book, I'm ready to hope straight into book eleven. My rating: 5 Stars.
This book spans one years time. We get to see Tohr slowly come to terms with his grief with the help of Xhex's mother, No'One, which is sometimes heartbreaking, and with the help of Lassiter which is many times hilarious. Other highlights of this story is the relationship between John Matthew and Xhex. Problems have cropped up and they are struggling. I thought this portion of the book was very realistic and would fit a lot of today's relationships.
The Band of Bastards who were introduced in the previous book play a big part in this one. Xcor wants to dethrone Wrath and he will do just about anything to get his way. I'm really looking forward to more information about these guys.
The story touches on the Qhuinn/Blay/Layla/Saxton relationships and gives us a new twist. And with Qhuinn's last thought in the book, I'm ready to hope straight into book eleven. My rating: 5 Stars.

Helpful Score: 3
I was so awaiting Thor's story and this book was excellent, not only in dealing with Thor, but a lot of other characters. I do miss reading more about the previous couples and I guess that is my only complaint. Their stories were so good, we should be given a little insight into what is going on with each of them now, 1-2 years or so later after their HEA's. I love that this story took place over the course of a year instead of meeting and hooking up in the space of a few days, that really gave the story more credibility. Lots of dangling loose ends for the next book, and I don't believe for one minute that there will not be more stories in the BDB series, too many teasers left unanswered. Xcor/Layla/Quinn triangle promises to be quite complicated, as does the Layla/Blay/Quinn triangle. And don't forget the Throe/Layla/Xcor triangle. WOW! No'One was perfect for Thor, having come full circle from their first interaction many, many years ago. I was so hoping they would become a couple and am delighted that JR Ward did them justice. Excellent book. Go out and buy a copy if you are a fan of the series, the PBS wish list is way too long to wait for this great book.
Renny S. (jimmysgranny) reviewed Lover Reborn (Black Dagger Brotherhood, Bk 10) on + 9 more book reviews
Helpful Score: 2
I really like this series and this book was no exception, except (LOL)J.R. Ward could probably have left out 75% of the F-bomb being dropped and the Brotherhood still would have been as macho as they have ever been.
Helpful Score: 2
This book is ten times better than the last book with Payne and Manny. This story feels more complete, well rounded and plotted. Finally we see the Brothers actively involved in fighting villains other than the Lessers. It was about time. Obviously the Brothers had to have vampire enemies, not just Lessers. It was about time Ward addressed the factions that are unhappy with Wrath.
This book has something else I really like. All the other characters, most of them anyway, make an appearance. So often in these BDB books, characters have their own book then they disappear from existence in the later books. Phury, Marissa, Trez/iAM, Rehv, Ehlena, Rhage, and many more have brief appearances. I liked that. It shows the connection to Tohr and gives you a sense their stories are continuing as well.
Some mild spoilers below..
Tohr's reactions to No'One at times seemed heartless, but understandable also. He was deeply in love with Wellsie. As we have seen in the last two books, he's had a hard time letting go of the past. However, I didn't think he used No'One, but he could have used more care with his words. On the other hand, No'One is so submissive so often that I was thrilled when she finally grew the backbone she did. She also needed to hear some of the things he said to her because she was acting like a martyr for far too long. Tohr shows great sensitivity to No'One's past with the sympath. I thought that aspect was handled with delicacy and care which shows what a male of worth Tohr is.
This is the type of romance you rarely read about. A person learning to love again after losing their first love. Most authors shy away from that topic understandably because it's not romantic. Readers want soul mates, first love, the one and only kind of love stories. But Ward does a good job of showing one can have a strong love for one woman and yet go on with life to love another. Having said that, I don't know if I'm completely sold on Tohr loving No'one that deeply. One telling sign is that he never releases his bonding scent in all the times they're together. He does hiss, bare his fangs at the other Brothers for looking at her, but the scent which is so crucial to bonding is never released. Part of me feels like No'One will be second best. Tohr will love and care for her, but their love is secondary to what he had with the majestic and strong willed Wellsie.
This is the story of not only Tohr and No'One/Autumn (she changes her name midway through the book), but also a continuation of John/Xhex as well as Blay/Saxton/Qhuinn; Layla/Xcor/Qhuinn, and Lassiter.
The relationship between John and Xhex has growing pains. This is understandable as she's a fighter and he's a protective hellren. Xhex shows her maturity and her love for John. She's still incredibly strong willed, but she shows a softer side here. I loved seeing the new relationship between No'One and Xhex. Xhex showed a softer, more vulnerable side in her matters with her mahmen.
Great plot, very hot sex (are we surprised about this?), funny dialogue (mostly from Lassiter), and a sense that this series has renewed vigor. I felt the series was stalling, but this book gives the BDB series the kick in the butt it needed. Highly recommended. Keep the tissues handy.
This book has something else I really like. All the other characters, most of them anyway, make an appearance. So often in these BDB books, characters have their own book then they disappear from existence in the later books. Phury, Marissa, Trez/iAM, Rehv, Ehlena, Rhage, and many more have brief appearances. I liked that. It shows the connection to Tohr and gives you a sense their stories are continuing as well.
Some mild spoilers below..
Tohr's reactions to No'One at times seemed heartless, but understandable also. He was deeply in love with Wellsie. As we have seen in the last two books, he's had a hard time letting go of the past. However, I didn't think he used No'One, but he could have used more care with his words. On the other hand, No'One is so submissive so often that I was thrilled when she finally grew the backbone she did. She also needed to hear some of the things he said to her because she was acting like a martyr for far too long. Tohr shows great sensitivity to No'One's past with the sympath. I thought that aspect was handled with delicacy and care which shows what a male of worth Tohr is.
This is the type of romance you rarely read about. A person learning to love again after losing their first love. Most authors shy away from that topic understandably because it's not romantic. Readers want soul mates, first love, the one and only kind of love stories. But Ward does a good job of showing one can have a strong love for one woman and yet go on with life to love another. Having said that, I don't know if I'm completely sold on Tohr loving No'one that deeply. One telling sign is that he never releases his bonding scent in all the times they're together. He does hiss, bare his fangs at the other Brothers for looking at her, but the scent which is so crucial to bonding is never released. Part of me feels like No'One will be second best. Tohr will love and care for her, but their love is secondary to what he had with the majestic and strong willed Wellsie.
This is the story of not only Tohr and No'One/Autumn (she changes her name midway through the book), but also a continuation of John/Xhex as well as Blay/Saxton/Qhuinn; Layla/Xcor/Qhuinn, and Lassiter.
The relationship between John and Xhex has growing pains. This is understandable as she's a fighter and he's a protective hellren. Xhex shows her maturity and her love for John. She's still incredibly strong willed, but she shows a softer side here. I loved seeing the new relationship between No'One and Xhex. Xhex showed a softer, more vulnerable side in her matters with her mahmen.
Great plot, very hot sex (are we surprised about this?), funny dialogue (mostly from Lassiter), and a sense that this series has renewed vigor. I felt the series was stalling, but this book gives the BDB series the kick in the butt it needed. Highly recommended. Keep the tissues handy.