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Topic: What would you think?

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Subject: What would you think?
Date Posted: 5/6/2024 3:51 PM ET
Member Since: 11/12/2005
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Yesterday I requested 69 books from someone as my daughter and her husband just had our first grandchild, so I was looking to get books for both here and at their house so they could read to her.  I got a message today, could I cancel all but a couple of books because I have "alot of requestor conditions"-I only have 2-First one is no strong odors such as smoke, perfume etc as I have asthma and the second one is to please make sure that the books are protected as I live in an area that the postman sometimes just puts the packages on the edge of our porch where they could be exposed to elements (I live in Vermont so we get snow in the winter and rain the rest of the year).  The person said that they didn't want to waste postage and be out that many books if they didn't meet my conditions.  Do you think they are trying to hide something or should I wait until I get the first two that I ordered and see.  They said that if I was happy with the first two, then I could order in batches of like 5 at a time.

seaspiritnw avatar
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Date Posted: 5/6/2024 6:40 PM ET
Member Since: 1/21/2008
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Possibly the postage cost would be too much for them? That's a lot of books at one time.

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Subject: Your deal...
Date Posted: 5/6/2024 6:59 PM ET
Member Since: 7/10/2012
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This is Robert, I think your person is pretty picky, I would be happy to get an order like that. If I were running PBS, I would tell them not to be so fussy. 

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Subject: Congratulations!
Date Posted: 5/6/2024 7:03 PM ET
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Congratulations on your new grandchild. I would love to send you some more books. I have a lot of nice board books that meet your conditions. They are not listed because I do not want to send them out one at a time and some of them are wish list books. I can send you a list or just pick the best ones for you if you like. If there are special ones you are needing I can look for them, too, like Curious George or Spot books or Berenstain Bears or ABC books, etc. 

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Pat O. (PatinCO) - ,
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Date Posted: 5/6/2024 10:53 PM ET
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It might be that the person is thinking of postage given "could order in batches of 5 at a time". If they're board books you can send quite a few for the minimum postage, and that sounds like what they want to do. I'd be delighted to get an order like that, but I don't have any children's books to speak of. Congratulations on the new grandbaby and hope you get some positive results.