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Topic: 2016 Paranormal Challenge Discussion

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wyomingblonde avatar
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Date Posted: 11/18/2016 8:38 PM ET
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Continuing my tour of Lilith Saintcrow with 

  1. Hunter's Praryer [Jill Kismet] by Lilith Saintcrow

I'm liking the involvement of the were - Saul - he's a nice color to the badassery.

luvlove avatar
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Date Posted: 11/26/2016 10:10 AM ET
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I love New to me and Oddball Paranormal. I think Shapeshifters and Changelings should have their own category (which I did) since they are popular paranormal topics, and since they're neither oddball or in heaven or hell, nor under life after death. I didn't get into Happy Holidays, Happily Ever After and It's the end of the World as we know it.

At this point, I have had too much of the paranormal already! So I'm reading other genres. Lol! I must say, I still read a lot considering... Still I look forward to whatever you want for our reading challenge in 2017, Melissa.

I have lots of platinum and overachiever/paranormal junkie badges - yey me! Great job for my first reading challenge! 



eclecticfirefly avatar
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Date Posted: 11/26/2016 10:35 AM ET
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Well - the I Want if NOW category is hard for me too.  I'm always reading whatever is next in the games, so even when I get in a book that I've been DYING to read, it often has to wait until my game reading is more caught up.  SIGH.....  It's really hard sometimes too.

Next month I may see about switching around a few titles.  I've only got 4 each in the Holiday and the Red categories.  I might be able to incorporate them somewhere else in order to complete another category.

sulock avatar
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Date Posted: 11/26/2016 10:55 AM ET
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I just finished 2 series that I had over looked for years.  Both were great in that they weren't run of the mill type Para rom.  One was by Nancy Collins-Right hand magic, left hand magic and loss of magic.  All three were good the last was great kept me up late to finish.  I also would recommend if you all missed them like I did that Zoe Archer -Stranger, Scoundrel, and two others were good and worth the read.  I am pulling out books I haven't gotten to for a long time and reading without having to fit a catagory.  Really pitching books that are not engaging. 

ASJ avatar
Alice J. (ASJ) - ,
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Date Posted: 11/26/2016 11:52 AM ET
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In case any of you have not seen this offer

amazon has a $10 off promo for books until Monday

Amazon $10 Off $25 Print Book Purchase

rxrcds avatar
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Date Posted: 11/26/2016 2:56 PM ET
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Tentative 2017 categories:

  1. Can't Wait for those New Releases - Read 1-10 new 2017 releases of any paranormal book.
  2. That Old Black Magic - Read 1-10 books that has a main character that uses magic.
  3. Whodunit - Read 1-10 paranormal mysteries.
  4. Something Borrowed, Something Blue - Read 1-10 books that you borrow from a friend or library or that have blue on the cover.
  5. New To Me- Read 1-10 books by authors you haven't read before or that are #1 in a series.
  6. We Are the Weirdos Mister- Read 1-10 books that have less popular paranormal characters (merpeople, pixies, fairies, orcs, trolls, elementals etc)/
  7. Been Around the World - Read 1-10 books that take place in a different country or a fictional place.
  8. Ch-Ch-Changes - Read 1-10 books that have werewolves or shapeshifters.
  9. Collecting Dust - Read 1-10 books that have been on your TBR for 1+ years or that you had WL'ed for 1 year or more.
  10. You CAN Judge a Book by it's Cover - Read 1-10 books that you love the cover art or picked it up to read based on the cover.


  1. BINGE - Read 1-10 books that you either read in a day or read at least 2 of the series in sequence.
  2. LOL - Read 1-10 books that make you laugh.
  3. OK Cupid - Read 1-10 books that involve a hook up or couple getting together for the first time.



Last Edited on: 11/26/16 2:56 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
jemedwards avatar
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Date Posted: 11/26/2016 6:00 PM ET
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Melissa, where the heck do you get your ideas! Your creativity is amazing!

eclecticfirefly avatar
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Date Posted: 11/26/2016 6:40 PM ET
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Love the new categories!  Although.....I can see 1 or 2 that would be especially challenging for me.  But, that's OK too.

ASJ avatar
Alice J. (ASJ) - ,
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Date Posted: 11/26/2016 9:42 PM ET
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Great categories!!

Seamtress avatar
Date Posted: 11/27/2016 7:36 PM ET
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Haven't updated in a while added 65 books to list today.  I tried over 20 new authors this year and had of course to read the series for each. Like the new list.



vampsteph avatar
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Date Posted: 11/28/2016 7:14 AM ET
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Melissa - love the new categories! - Cathy - Dang girl!! I usually read a book a week - I am having dog issues (my two girls started fighting ..Ugh) so i have read one book in the last month!! Jeez :(

sulock avatar
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Date Posted: 11/28/2016 8:41 AM ET
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Melissa love the catagories, but I have promised myself to read from my stack of TBR only (well except the books that come in because I can't pass up a great deal at Amazon, Thrift books, Library book sales or WL books that come in) 

wyomingblonde avatar
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Date Posted: 12/2/2016 10:05 PM ET
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I've had a really hard time getting back into reading since my father's death.  Concentration is hard at times.

The last couple weeks I finished the following:

  1. Redemption Alley [Jill Kismet] by Lilith Saintcrow
  2. Flesh Circus [Jill Kismet] by Lilith Saintcrow

Continuing the Jill Kismet series - I'll finish it out, but, I'd like more relationship building and a little less fighting and running willy nilly.  Let the girl sleep once in a while, or just bond with her man!

also read

  1. Out of the Light Into the Shadows (anthology)

This anthology had two books by Erin McCarthy in her Vegas Vampires series which I've read and enjoyed, and the other two were from authors I haven't read but were interesting reads.

jemedwards avatar
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Date Posted: 12/3/2016 7:23 AM ET
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What a wonderful tribute in your siggy line Amy. So sorry for your loss.

ASJ avatar
Alice J. (ASJ) - ,
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Date Posted: 12/8/2016 8:23 AM ET
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I am reading a good new series Death and Relaxation (Ordinary Magic, Bk 1) :: Devon Monk

Lots of different types of paranormal characters. Good plot and characters.  Book 2 is out now too

wyomingblonde avatar
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Date Posted: 12/9/2016 9:35 PM ET
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Thanks Jeanette.  I miss him so much some days, like tonight, it really hurts.

This week I read 

  1. Heaven's Spite [Jill Kismet] by Lilith Saintcrow

continuing this series.  I think this girl really really needs a chance to eat, sleep, and just chill!  The ending made me have to grab the next (and final) book to be sure things got better.

luvlove avatar
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Date Posted: 12/14/2016 8:23 AM ET
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I was able to sneak in another 2016 book, Archangel's Heart: Guild Hunter, Bk 9 by Nalini Singh. It tore at my heartstrings. The love between Elena and Raphael just keeps getting deeper and the Cascade IS back. More of Elena's family history is discovered and delved into in more juicy details. One great book for my keeper shelf!

ASJ avatar
Alice J. (ASJ) - ,
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Date Posted: 12/14/2016 8:33 AM ET
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I finished

I enjoy the Dark Protectors and this is nice novella to add ot the series.
EmilyKat avatar
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Date Posted: 12/14/2016 4:32 PM ET
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Just finished Laurell K Hamilton's most recent Anita Blake book. Surprising how a book with this much sex and violence can be so boring. That said, this one felt like it was edited. Not the usual train wreck. Just slow as molasses.

Train wrecks are at least entertaining.

wyomingblonde avatar
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Date Posted: 12/16/2016 8:56 PM ET
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Emily - I agree the main storyline was weak in Crimson Death, but, I rather enjoyed delving into the interpersonal issues with Damian and Nethaniel.


This week I read 

  1. Angel Town [Jill Kismet] by Lilith Saintcrow - finishing off Jill Kismet's story, it wasn't a terrible ending.  I feel like there some questions left unanswered, but, it was acceptable.
EmilyKat avatar
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Date Posted: 12/17/2016 12:21 PM ET
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Crimson Death also seemed to be missing the usual naval glazing and angst. Rah! Sure signs of editing.

ASJ avatar
Alice J. (ASJ) - ,
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Date Posted: 12/22/2016 7:18 AM ET
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I am reading Wicked Embers (Souls of Fire, Bk 2) :: Keri Arthur

Very enjoyable series. Our main character, Emberly is a phoenix. It is nice to have different paranormal characters. Book one was very good.

wyomingblonde avatar
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Date Posted: 12/23/2016 8:56 PM ET
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This week I finished 

  1. Sweet Ruin [Immortals After Dark] by Kresley Cole

I love the Immortals After Dark! I love Kresley Cole!  I wish I could live in the world of the Lore (but maybe not during Accession)

wyomingblonde avatar
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Date Posted: 12/30/2016 8:59 PM ET
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My final book of this year is 

  1. Shadow Silence [Whisper Hollow] by Yasmine Galenorn

I like Yasmine Galenorn's writing, and I think this series could really go somewhere interesting if it can get out of its own way!


Final counts:

New Releases - 6 books

Cops & Robbers - 10 books

Happy Holidays - 2 boks (This is a HARD category!)

Heaven or Hell - 9 books

New to Me - 8 books

Odd Ball - 7 books

Red - 9 books

Life after Death - 6 books

Collecting Dust - 9 books

Happily Ever After - 8 books

Others - 1 book

Last Edited on: 12/30/16 9:01 PM ET - Total times edited: 1