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Topic: 2017 Paranormal Challenge Discussion

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wyomingblonde avatar
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Date Posted: 11/24/2017 9:14 PM ET
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This week's reads were:

  1. All Souls' Night [Blood Ties] by Jennifer Armintrout - book 4 redeamed the series to some degree, wasn't as awful as the middle two, and wrapped things up nicely.
  2. American Vampire by Jennier Armintrout - I much preferred this book over the middle two fo the Blood Ties series.  This was an interesting twist  on a vampire as a side charactor, not actually the main point of the story at all.
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Alice J. (ASJ) - ,
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Date Posted: 11/28/2017 7:18 AM ET
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I had about given up on Kevin Hearn I thought is Iron Druid series had run out of steam. Last night I started A Plague of Giants  by Kevin Hearn it is very good. Very interesting world he is creating. 

leesie avatar
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Date Posted: 11/29/2017 11:47 PM ET
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That is awesome Alice, glad to hear that. Will have to pick it up at some point.

sulock avatar
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Date Posted: 12/1/2017 3:20 AM ET
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I have finished the challenge and ended on a high note.  Just finished 'Favored Dragon's Release by D. Renee Bagby, what a great surpise new author inter--dimensional time travel and a great romance you just don't see how they will work it out.  Great story and great ending.  If you can find it great read.  Something different what I am always looking for this fit the bill. 

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Alice J. (ASJ) - ,
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Date Posted: 12/4/2017 5:34 AM ET
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I read a really good independantly published paranormal Magick Reborn by Katerina Martinez.  Set in New Orleans very creative. I would recommend giving this one a try.


wyomingblonde avatar
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Date Posted: 12/8/2017 7:57 PM ET
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I started another series by Jennifer Armintrout: 

  1. Queene of Light [Lightworld/Darkworld] by Jennifer Armintrout - I found this first book to be much more interesting than her Blood Tie series, so far a good set up.
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Alice J. (ASJ) - ,
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Date Posted: 12/10/2017 9:17 PM ET
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I finished Blade bound by Chloe Neill. It was good as usually although ending was rushed setting up for her next series.

eclecticfirefly avatar
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Date Posted: 12/10/2017 11:31 PM ET
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I recently read Nobody's Hero (Burned Lands, Bk 1) by Bec McMaster and just finished The Last True Hero (The Burned Lands) (Volume 2).  Really did enjoy both of these.  Love the writing style.  Easy to read, almost a wild west feel to the books, which I usually don't care for, but it worked here.  Want to read some of her other series.  Has anyone read Shadowbound (Dark Arts, Bk 1) ?  

rxrcds avatar
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Subject: Tentative 2018 Challenge
Date Posted: 12/11/2017 9:16 AM ET
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  1. Can't Wait for those New Releases - Read 1-10 new 2018 releases of any paranormal book.
  2. It was the ghost in the library with a Hammer - Read 1-10 paranormal mysteries or books with ghosts.
  3. One thing about living in Santa Carla I never could stomach; all the damn vampires - Read 1-10 vampire books.
  4. Paranormal Law & Order - Read 1-5 first books where the main character is in some form of law enforcement or crime detection (cops, crime scene, detectives, private investigators, etc).
  5. Color Bright - Read a paranormal book with a color in the title (color in the series title is ok too).
  6. New To Me- Read 1-10 books by authors you haven't read before or that are #1 in a series.
  7. One Word Titles - Read a paranormal book that has just one word in the Title.
  8. The Truth is Out There (paranormal free for all) - Feel like you're reading an episode of X-Files? Psychic phenomena, Aliens, Chupacabra, anything paranormal fits.
  9. It's the end of the World as we know it - Read 1-10 books with a world much different than our own (dystopian, post-apocalyptic, zombies, alternate history, etc).
  10. Ch-Ch-Changes - Read 1-10 books that have werewolves or shapeshifters.

Alternates (Don't like one above? Feel free to substitute with one of these or your own.):

  1. Collecting Dust - Read 1-10 books that have been on your TBR for 1+ years or that was published before 2013.
  2. 1 If By Air, 2 If By Sea - Read 1-10 books that involve beings that can either fly or swim (angels, fairies, mermaids, selkies, dragons, etc).
  3. Heaven or Hell - Read 1-10 books that involve Angels or Demons.
sulock avatar
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Date Posted: 12/11/2017 9:27 AM ET
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Looks good to me Melissa.  Thanks for putting together.  Hard to beleive the end of the year is so close.

jemedwards avatar
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Date Posted: 12/11/2017 9:46 AM ET
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Looking forward to the new challenge.  I can see that I'll be scanning other folks WL for suggestions in a couple of categories!

leesie avatar
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Date Posted: 12/11/2017 9:50 AM ET
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Those look great! Thanks for keeping the challenge going Melissa!!

eclecticfirefly avatar
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Date Posted: 12/11/2017 9:59 AM ET
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Great categories!

wyomingblonde avatar
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Date Posted: 12/15/2017 9:02 PM ET
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This week's reads include

  1. Child of Darkness [Lightworld/Darkworld] by Jennifer Armintrout
  2. Veil of Shadows [Lightworld/Darkworld] by Jennifer Armintrout

This finishes my pile by this author.  I liked this series much better than her other series. I could have been happy if this series hadn't wrapped up so neatly and actually continued for a few/many more books.

ASJ avatar
Alice J. (ASJ) - ,
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Date Posted: 12/16/2017 7:00 AM ET
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I like your list Melissa

sulock avatar
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Date Posted: 12/18/2017 11:35 AM ET
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I am excited for the new year, can't wait to see what books will fit the new challenge.  Reading Contemporary Rom, and hist rom to for the next several weeks.  There is a space in DGroups in Games that list all the challenges for 2018.  When are you going to be able to open up the challenge for PRN challenge?

I don't know if any of you read Sarah McCarty's Hells Eight but I thought I would share had it on my wish list forever.  She must have been dropped by her publisher.  The EIN I had kept pushing the publishing date forward.  But I found the final book at Walmart came out this month.  It is a western erotica rom. but the series is great, gritting and the characters are awesome. So anyone interested it is a Harliquin Rom but not  the fluff.

jemedwards avatar
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Date Posted: 12/18/2017 11:51 AM ET
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Are you talking about Luke's Cut?

If so, thanks!


sulock avatar
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Date Posted: 12/18/2017 12:08 PM ET
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Luke's cut kept me up last night it was super good.  Maybe a walmart printing but I know it wasn't listed until I found it and put it in the system.

wyomingblonde avatar
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Date Posted: 12/22/2017 9:13 PM ET
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This week I read 

  1. The Turn [Hollows] by Kim Harrison

I really loved the Hollows series, and the prequill does not disappoint.  I would love to see more between the two series, how did things go at first after the coming out of the supernaturals?  How did the pixies get to where they are in the Hollows? etc.

wyomingblonde avatar
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Date Posted: 12/29/2017 8:40 PM ET
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Well, I'm not going to get the challenge done, but, my every year goal is to read 100+ books.  Considering I started graduate school in January, I feel good to have read 72 books, not counting most of the text books because we didn't read them cover to cover.

This week I read 

  1. First and Last Sorcerer [Noble Dead] by Barb & JC Hendee

I feel like this series has drug along for so long, and I'm so glad to be able to start the final book.  It seems like the love triangles are just tired, and I'm tired and the charactors are tired of the tensions, and all the go go go and maybe, just maybe, things can finally get resolved!
