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Topic: 2018 Paranormal Challenge Discussion

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rxrcds avatar
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Subject: 2018 Paranormal Challenge Discussion
Date Posted: 12/20/2017 4:44 PM ET
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Here's the categories for the 2018 challenge. Feel free to start organizing books but only titles finished after 1/1/18 should be included. All books can be from any of these genres (unless specified to be certain ones per category): (UF, YA, mystery, paranormal romance, erotica, graphic novels & mangas are OK too).

Here is our Reading Challenge for 2018. Challenge starts Jan 1, 2018.

  • Read one in a category bronze medal.
  • Read two in a category for silver medal.
  • Read three in a category gold medal.
  • Read five in a category for platinum medal.
  • Read 10 in a category for overachiever/paranormal junkie status.
  1. Can't Wait for those New Releases - Read 1-10 new 2018 releases of any paranormal book.
  2. It was the ghost in the library with a Hammer - Read 1-10 paranormal mysteries or books with ghosts.
  3. One thing about living in Santa Carla I never could stomach; all the damn vampires - Read 1-10 vampire books.
  4. Paranormal Law & Order - Read 1-5 first books where the main character is in some form of law enforcement or crime detection (cops, crime scene, detectives, private investigators, etc).
  5. Color Bright - Read a paranormal book with a color in the title (color in the series title is ok too).
  6. New To Me- Read 1-10 books by authors you haven't read before or that are #1 in a series.
  7. One Word Titles - Read a paranormal book that has just one word in the Title.
  8. The Truth is Out There (paranormal free for all) - Feel like you're reading an episode of X-Files? Psychic phenomena, Aliens, Chupacabra, anything paranormal fits.
  9. It's the end of the World as we know it - Read 1-10 books with a world much different than our own (dystopian, post-apocalyptic, zombies, alternate history, etc).
  10. Ch-Ch-Changes - Read 1-10 books that have werewolves or shapeshifters.

Alternates (Don't like one above? Feel free to substitute with one of these or your own.):

  1. Collecting Dust - Read 1-10 books that have been on your TBR for 1+ years or that was published before 2013.
  2. 1 If By Air, 2 If By Sea - Read 1-10 books that involve beings that can either fly or swim (angels, fairies, mermaids, selkies, dragons, etc).
  3. Heaven or Hell - Read 1-10 books that involve Angels or Demons.


I'll try to work on banners next week for us.

ASJ avatar
Alice J. (ASJ) - ,
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Date Posted: 12/20/2017 5:01 PM ET
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Thank you Melissa great categories

eclecticfirefly avatar
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Date Posted: 12/20/2017 5:12 PM ET
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Thanks Melissa!  I look forward to this Challenge every time.

sulock avatar
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Date Posted: 12/20/2017 8:43 PM ET
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I'm in thanks Melissa.

leesie avatar
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Date Posted: 12/20/2017 11:13 PM ET
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entRedRaider avatar
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Date Posted: 12/21/2017 4:41 PM ET
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Woo-hoo; thanks for doing this again Melissa!

jemedwards avatar
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Date Posted: 12/22/2017 4:16 AM ET
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I appreciate you Melissa for taking this on for another year! 

Great way to start 2018!

wyomingblonde avatar
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Date Posted: 12/25/2017 2:42 PM ET
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Last Edited on: 12/25/17 2:43 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
sarap avatar
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Date Posted: 12/28/2017 12:06 PM ET
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I'm going to do this, this year, I have always lurked before to read your guys book reviews ....

rxrcds avatar
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Date Posted: 12/28/2017 12:13 PM ET
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YAY! Thanks for joining us Sara! I'm really hoping to set aside more time to read this year as I barely even did just 1 of each category last year.

sulock avatar
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Date Posted: 12/28/2017 1:35 PM ET
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The New Year is so close and I can't wait to stop reading all the contemporary romance and mysteries that were sitting in my TBR pile.  There are some really tempting books waiting for January 1st. Actually found one really good author Katie Reus   and her series (Red Stone Security Series) .  So I have found some good ones in stacks I never get to.

ASJ avatar
Alice J. (ASJ) - ,
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Date Posted: 1/1/2018 8:40 AM ET
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Melissa do you have any 2018 banners for the challenge?

rxrcds avatar
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Date Posted: 1/1/2018 8:49 AM ET
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I'll try to work on some in the next few days. Going through a rough new years with some harassment so I don't really want to be online much, but I'll see what I can do. Anyone else that has time or is interested is welcome to make some if they can. Thanks.

rxrcds avatar
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Date Posted: 1/1/2018 9:13 AM ET
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Well, that was at least a little distraction. I can try to work on a few others later.

eclecticfirefly avatar
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Date Posted: 1/1/2018 11:17 AM ET
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Sorry someone is causing you problems Melissa.  The banners look great!

ASJ avatar
Alice J. (ASJ) - ,
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Date Posted: 1/1/2018 1:29 PM ET
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Thanks Melissa they look great

ASJ avatar
Alice J. (ASJ) - ,
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Date Posted: 1/1/2018 8:51 PM ET
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I finished the first book of the challenge, books sitting around for more that a year

I read Chaos Choreography by Seanan McGuire.  I have gotten a bit behind on this series. Love the series very creative and fast moving. This wasn't my favorite in the series but makes we want to read the next book.

PhoenixFire avatar
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Date Posted: 1/3/2018 11:44 AM ET
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I managed to read two books so far :D

sulock avatar
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Date Posted: 1/4/2018 8:11 AM ET
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Well I have read 2 so far, one just had to plow thru. The first Welcome to the Neighborhood Author: Mary Abshire, the premise was good paranormal suburbia, that was the last good thing.  The characters were kind of flat, the 350 yr old female vamp was insecure and juvenile, the Male lead (Werewolf) was too nice, too sugary I think I might have gotten tooth rot. The book wasn't proof read well there were quite a few unedited problems (it didn't make it unreadable but a little annoying).  The language and sex scenes were written by someone who had little or no sexual experience and toward the end I just wanted the main characters to get it together.  I gave it 2 stars because I did finish reading the book.

My second read after tossing a couple of books that I couldn't get into found Shadow's Seduction Author: Kresley Cole , an Immortals after dark novel, loved the others so was excited.  Well written good characters, exciting plot , sexual tension, the only hitch it is M/M not my favorite.  But I got over myself and fell in love with the dilemma of mates predestined to find each other but having one hetero finding his mate a male.  Once I got with the characters I really enjoyed the book.  There are characters that were in earlier books brought in and there is quite a few good turns.

All in all loved the book. gave it 4 stars.

leesie avatar
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Date Posted: 1/4/2018 10:58 AM ET
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Two good ones, Company Town by Madeline Ashby and Crimes Against Magic by Steve McHugh.  Company Town I raced through to find out who is doing what, though I must admit i was a bit confused at the end, high science and quick reveal (or too quick for me) but it was great. And Crimes Against Magic had a super mega magic dude who gets knocked about a bit until he kicks some butt.  Was just a lot of fun.

rxrcds avatar
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Date Posted: 1/4/2018 6:35 PM ET
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Trying to read Heartless by Marissa Meyer. Has anyone else read it. It's not grabbing me the same way the lunar chronicles did. But, I'm also not a huge Alice in Wonderland fan either so I'm probably missing a lot of inside jokes/references.

eclecticfirefly avatar
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Date Posted: 1/4/2018 8:20 PM ET
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Melissa - I read that one and evidently liked it cuz I gave it 4 stars!  Don't remember a lot about it now though......

ASJ avatar
Alice J. (ASJ) - ,
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Date Posted: 1/5/2018 8:28 AM ET
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I am reading Renegades by Marissa Meyer. It is her new series. It is a fantasy, super hero, super power book. Very good. Nice world building. Something very different from what I usually read.

wyomingblonde avatar
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Date Posted: 1/5/2018 8:33 PM ET
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First PN Book of the year!  

  1. The Night Voice [Noble Dead] by Barb and JC Hendee - the final book in the series.  The ending leaves a TON of things not wrapped up, but, it is nice to have some finality of the things that did get wrapped up.
eclecticfirefly avatar
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Date Posted: 1/10/2018 9:05 PM ET
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Amy - I'm gonna try to be more like you and post what I read here more often!

So far this is what I've read:

Descended from Dragons: an Urban Fantasy Novel (Moonlight Dragon) (Volume 1) by Tricia Owens - cute book, I did write a review for this one if you want to check it out.

The Shifter Romances The Writer (Nocturne Falls) (Volume 6) :: Kristen Painter  - these are light and fluffy, and even though I usually go for the darker stories, I'm really enjoying this series.

The Dragon's Price (Transference, Bk 1) :: Bethany Wiggins - nice start to a new series.  The transference of abilities from the dragons is something I haven't read before.  Quite interesting, and it caused quite a twist at the end!  I'll be looking for the next book.

Falling Sky [Ben Gold, Bk 1] by Rahan Khanna - Dystopian with lots of zepplins and airships.  A virus creats zombies on the land, so the majority of the people have taken to the skies.  Loved it!  I've got book 2, hoping to get time to read it soon.
