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Topic: 2019 Cozy Mystery Challenge Discussion Topic

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Alice J. (ASJ) - ,
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Subject: 2019 Cozy Mystery Challenge Discussion Topic
Date Posted: 11/20/2018 5:46 PM ET
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We will use this topic to discuss all of our cozy books and the challenge for 2019. Questions on challenge are welcome too.

2019 Cozy Mystery Challenge

The purpose of this cozy mystery challenge is for you to have fun, and find out about some new to you books and authors. You can read as many or as few categories you want. You may read one or one hundred books in a category. Enjoy and share with us what you are reading.  The challenge starts January 1, 2019

 --- Go here to sign up and reserved your list space.  2019 Cozy Mystery Challenge LIst Only

  1. Nice to Meet Your- Read a cozy by a new to you author (many cozy authors write under several names and that is okay to use one of those).
  2. Brand New -- Start a new to you cozy series (it can be an author you have read before but different series)
  3. Water Water Every Where-- Read a cozy  that  part of takes place near some type of water (Ocean, swamp, pond, lake, river etc)
  4. Visit an Old Friend - Read cozy in a series that you have not read that series in a while
  5. Traveling the World -- Read a cozy set in a country other than the USA
  6. Dying for a Drink   Read a cozy with a beverage in the title 
  7. Entreprendeur-- Read a cozy that the main character or supporting character own the business that story takes place
  8. Beautiful Homes--  Read a cozy that feautures a house, bed and breakfast, castle, chalet  or hotel on the cover or in the story.
  9. Woof -- Read a cozy that has a dog in it  or on the cover
  10. Junk Food Mania--Read a cozy that has junk food in the story or on the cover (cookies, chips, popcorn fries etc)
  11. Earthtones -- Read any cozy that has green, brown or tan on the cover
  12. Make up your own category


Read as many cozies as you can that have some type of hobby in it (knitting, hiking, reading, photography etc)


Last Edited on: 11/20/18 5:53 PM ET - Total times edited: 2
ASJ avatar
Alice J. (ASJ) - ,
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Date Posted: 11/20/2018 5:52 PM ET
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Let me know if you have any questions about categories

I am getting a new puppy on January 5th so we needed a Woof category!!

txmom24 avatar
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Date Posted: 11/20/2018 5:56 PM ET
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These are great!  Thank you, Alice!

BookFan92 avatar
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Date Posted: 11/20/2018 6:21 PM ET
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Great topics! Thanks, Alice!

frogslady avatar
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Subject: Nice topics!
Date Posted: 11/21/2018 12:28 AM ET
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But... I can’t be getting all excited about these yet! I need to read books for the 2018 one still!

MartieKr avatar
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Date Posted: 11/21/2018 7:17 AM ET
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Good choices, Alice. I see a few that will be a challenge even with all the cozies I read.

4buttercup avatar
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Date Posted: 11/21/2018 12:08 PM ET
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Great topics, Alice. Do you know what kind of dog you are getting? 

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Alice J. (ASJ) - ,
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Date Posted: 11/21/2018 12:26 PM ET
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We are getting a Tibetan Terrier.

The litter has 9 puppies the breeder picks out the puppy that best fits your situation. I believe we be getting  female, mostly black with a white on her chest. 

We will call her Jester, Jessie for short. she will look something like this 

Image result for tibetan terrier pictures

Bama-Booklover avatar
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Date Posted: 11/21/2018 2:43 PM ET
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I just grabbed my slot for the challenge.   This is what I came up with for Make up your own challenge.

Read a cozy that takes place in a state I've lived in past or present (Alabama, Tennessee, Arkansas, Missouri, Georgia)

I chose these states because I was born in Alabama, I lived in Tennessee for a year while attending a nursing school, moved to Arkansas when I married, lived 33 years in Missouri, and now live in Georgia.  I've also lived in Germany for three years compliments of Uncle Sam but that would fit the country other than the USA challenge.  I've lived in Texas for a few months for military training but I try to forget those months.

I really like the variety in categories. 

Now to remember how to make the link to take me to my list......I forget every year.

Last Edited on: 11/21/18 2:48 PM ET - Total times edited: 2
Bama-Booklover avatar
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Date Posted: 11/21/2018 2:51 PM ET
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Will someone check my link for the 2019 challenge and see if it works please?  I think, not sure, but I think I remembered how to do it.


BookFan92 avatar
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Date Posted: 11/21/2018 2:56 PM ET
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Lynn, the link in your signature works. yes

jodymcgrath avatar
Date Posted: 11/21/2018 3:42 PM ET
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I chose my own Challenge and it is sort of similar to Lynn P's.

I chose: Read a Cozy that takes place in South Dakota. It might be tough cause I have already read a few, but I will hunt down more! cheeky

Last Edited on: 11/21/18 3:43 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
Bama-Booklover avatar
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Date Posted: 11/21/2018 4:03 PM ET
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Heidi, thank you!  Woo hoo (pat myself on the back)  I remembered how to do the link this year!  Sorry, small things make me happy.


frogslady avatar
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Subject: So...
Date Posted: 11/21/2018 11:20 PM ET
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how do you do a link to a specific post? I would like to do it too. 

BookFan92 avatar
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Date Posted: 11/22/2018 8:09 AM ET
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Margaret, try this link: Margaret's 2019 Cozy Challenge

I was typing these quickly before I have to go to my sister's house for Thanksgiving, so I hope they make sense.

  1. Go to your "Profile" page.
  2. Click on the highlighted number under "Forum Posts".
  3. Scroll down to find the post you would like to link to. (It takes this page a few minutes to catch up with the discussion forum posts. If you don't see your newest posts right away, wait a little bit and check again.)
  4. Click "View Inline" for the post you want to link to. (This takes you to the forum topic with your post at the top of the page.) 
  5. Click in your web browser's address bar to highlight the URL and copy it. 
  6. Go to where you want the link to your post to be, such as Settings >> Forum Settings >> Signature
  7. Type the name of your link, such as "Margaret's 2019 Cozy Challenge" or whatever you want.
  8. Highlight the name and click on the globe with the chain under it to create a link.
  9. In the URL box, paste the link you copied in step 5.
  10. Click "OK"
  11. Be sure to click "Update Forum Signature" to save it.
frogslady avatar
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Subject: Thanks!
Date Posted: 11/22/2018 9:10 AM ET
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Very helpful, Heidi!

Last Edited on: 11/22/18 9:11 AM ET - Total times edited: 1
AZmom875 avatar
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Date Posted: 11/22/2018 9:45 AM ET
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I want to read some of my dusty cat cozies.  

Bama-Booklover avatar
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Date Posted: 11/23/2018 12:31 PM ET
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I'm going to read my dustiest cozies first.  If I get to one that I have several in the series, I'll catch up on that series before I move forward.  Midyear I'll evaluate where I am and see what categories are lacking.   I'd like to read at least three for each category.

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Alice J. (ASJ) - ,
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Date Posted: 11/23/2018 12:37 PM ET
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Yes I am hoping to pick pu some of my series I have forgotten about.  Too many books. I will need a mystery swap soon

Bama-Booklover avatar
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Date Posted: 11/27/2018 12:04 PM ET
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Alice, I'm loving your Christmasy owls.

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Alice J. (ASJ) - ,
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Date Posted: 11/27/2018 4:12 PM ET
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Oh thank you Lynn. I think they are cute too

BoysMom avatar
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Subject: How to Start
Date Posted: 11/28/2018 12:07 PM ET
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I would like to participate in this challenge but I'm unclear as to how to begin. Just post in the reading challenge list forum where everyone lists the challenges and their choice for Make up your own category?



ASJ avatar
Alice J. (ASJ) - ,
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Date Posted: 11/28/2018 12:31 PM ET
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Hi Karen,

Welcome. Just go to this link 2019 Cozy Mystery Challenge LIst Only  and claim the next available space. you can cut and paste in the categories

ASJ avatar
Alice J. (ASJ) - ,
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Date Posted: 12/1/2018 4:47 PM ET
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Both Jeanne and I are having trouble making banners this year. Anyone want to try to give it shot?

BoysMom avatar
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Subject: How to Start
Date Posted: 12/3/2018 9:39 AM ET
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Thanks, Alice!
