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Topic: 2021 Cozy Mystery Challenge Discussion Topic

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Alice J. (ASJ) - ,
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Subject: 2021 Cozy Mystery Challenge Discussion Topic
Date Posted: 11/24/2020 11:22 AM ET
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We have a New Cozy Mystery Challenge for 2021. Use this topic to ask questions and discuss cozies you are reading. Challenge yourself to read as many as you can in each category. A few I have carried over from last year

Use the Link below to save you spot in the challenge list

Link to the 2021 Cozy Mystery Challenge List only topic


  1. Nice to Meet Your- Read a cozy by a new to you author (many cozy authors write under several names and that is okay to use one of those).
  2. Next in Line -- Read the next book in a series you have started.
  3. New Series- Read a new to you cozy series.
  4. Holiday Theme - Read a cozy that is set during a holiday (any holiday).
  5. A Little Bit Older But Still Loved.  Read a cozy that is at least 5 years old (published in 2016 or before)
  6. Death! - Read a Cozy with Death in the title.
  7. Oceanview - Read a Cozy That Takes Place in State (or if not USA a Country) That Borders the Ocean.
  8. Back in Time - Read a Historical Cozy.
  9. Woof -  Read a Cozy with a Dog on the Cover.
  10. A Need a Drink - Read a cozy that is set in a place that services beverages, pub, coffee shop, winery etc)
  11. Feathered Friends - Read a cozy with birds on the cover. 
  12. Make Up Your own Category.

Last Edited on: 11/24/20 11:26 AM ET - Total times edited: 1
jannymarie avatar
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Date Posted: 11/24/2020 4:21 PM ET
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Looks like great choices - Thanks Alice

frogslady avatar
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Subject: Thanks!
Date Posted: 11/24/2020 10:24 PM ET
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Thanks, Alice, for keeping this up! Now, I need to go back and read a few more to finish out 2020.

Bama-Booklover avatar
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Date Posted: 11/26/2020 4:12 PM ET
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Thank you Alice.  Looks great!  Historical will be challenging for me......but I"ll work on it.  Trying to decide on my I pick category.....

My challenge is completed for 2020 except for lacking one outside the USA......

Last Edited on: 11/26/20 4:13 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
Bama-Booklover avatar
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Date Posted: 11/27/2020 10:55 AM ET
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I decided on my choice category:
I Have a Sweet Tooth--Read a cozy that includes a donut shop, bakery, candy shop, etc......

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Alice J. (ASJ) - ,
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Date Posted: 11/27/2020 2:45 PM ET
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There a lots of light historical cozies these days Lynn. Jessica Ellicott and Alyssa Maxwell both have some series you may like

Bama-Booklover avatar
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Date Posted: 11/27/2020 9:04 PM ET
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I'll check those out.    

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Date Posted: 12/18/2020 10:47 PM ET
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My choice category... maybe " Visit an Old Friend"-

Reread a favorite book 

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Date Posted: 1/3/2021 12:27 PM ET
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First book added for 2021..........I read one of my Jessica Beck's Donut Shop books I have on Kindle.   I have a few missing links that I gave in and ordered the Kindle version so I could catch up to the ones I have of the series on my physical TBR.....

shelsbooks avatar
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Date Posted: 1/3/2021 1:17 PM ET
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Thanks for putting this together, Alice.  I am going through my TBR books and this will motivate me.

ASJ avatar
Alice J. (ASJ) - ,
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Date Posted: 1/4/2021 8:18 AM ET
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I have started a lovely new to me cozy series  

Dead Wrong by Vannetta Chapman   An Amish Bed and Breakfast cozy. I am enjoying it so much I put book 2 on my WL.

Set in Texas our protaganist is a bit older 55 (nice to have someone a bit older), writing style is lovely.The story pulls you right in. If you like Amish cozies I would recommend this one.

frogslady avatar
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Subject: Jessica Beck
Date Posted: 1/5/2021 11:35 PM ET
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I have one I think you might not have, Lynn, I keep trying to be in a swap with you to offer it, but either we aren't in the same swap or it doesn't fit the requirements!  It is number 42

Bama-Booklover avatar
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Date Posted: 1/6/2021 3:40 PM ET
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It is on my WL, Margaret.   In fact, I may have had it and used it in a swap as I had so many to read before reading may have gotten it from me.   Lol.   I think I"m good through book 35.

jannymarie avatar
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Date Posted: 1/6/2021 4:09 PM ET
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Alice appreciate hearing Dead Wrong by Vannetta Chapman is good.  I have been after it for awhile now was debating whether to give up on it,  now I think I will keep after it awhile longer.

I finished my first 2021 Cozy this week Crochet and Cauldrons by Nancy Warren.  I really enjoy this Witch & Vampire knitting group.  Hope to find the next one sooner than later.  

Last Edited on: 1/6/21 4:12 PM ET - Total times edited: 2
frogslady avatar
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Subject: Hmmm
Date Posted: 1/6/2021 11:17 PM ET
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Janice, I have #1 in that series on my TBR and since you recommend it I may have to move it up! And it will work as new author for me.

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Alice J. (ASJ) - ,
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Date Posted: 1/12/2021 7:33 AM ET
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I am reading The Scent of Murder by Kylie Logan. This book has been sitting on my shelf for a bit. I am loving it. Great connection with the dog, interesting story a bit different. Put the next two on my WL. 

Last Edited on: 1/12/21 7:35 AM ET - Total times edited: 1
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Subject: Historical Mysteries
Date Posted: 1/19/2021 9:46 PM ET
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Lynn....Historical mysteries have become my new favorite....I recommend the Mrs.Jefferies series by Emily is an easy, light may really enjoy it! I've read every one of the books in the series so far...

.Rhys Bowen - Her Royal  Spyness series  is also good starter of historical mysteries....there is some laugh out loud funny situations involving the heroine who is in line to the thrown of England ...way, way way removed though! 

Last Edited on: 1/19/21 9:52 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
ASJ avatar
Alice J. (ASJ) - ,
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Date Posted: 1/23/2021 7:47 AM ET
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I finishesd Booked to Death by Victoria Gilbert. It is first in a new series. The book was slow to start. It took me to about two thirds through to get really interested. She has it set up so the following books have the potential to be much better. It is set in North Carolina, in a Bed&Breakfast that host literary discussions. Similar to Ellery Adam's SToryton series.  I think if Ms. Gilbert restruced the book it could have been better. I will read book two though.

vintagejoy avatar
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Date Posted: 1/23/2021 2:01 PM ET
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Alice, Vanetta Chapman has written a couple of other really good Amish cozies. I've read them, or am in the process of reading them.  

4buttercup avatar
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Date Posted: 1/30/2021 4:53 PM ET
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I was looking through my books for the Little Bit Older category and I came across the Donut Shop series by Jessica Beck. I have read 8 of the first 9 (somehow I skipped #5). After seeing how far the series goes I'm not sure I want to finish it. For those of you who have read it is it worth keeping on with the series or does it get too redundant? With so many newer series I am hesitant to continue with it.

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Alice J. (ASJ) - ,
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Date Posted: 1/31/2021 7:41 AM ET
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I finished a very good cozy today

Jane Darrowfield Professional Busybody by Barbara Ross. Set in Massachusetts. Older group of people I would say 60/70. Very mature characters and relations, deals with elder issues. Good descriptoin of area (I live in Massachusetts so I know the area). One of the better cozies I have read in a while. Lots of potential for this series. I put book 2 on my WL. Highly recommend.

Bama-Booklover avatar
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Date Posted: 1/31/2021 12:43 PM ET
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Kim W, I'm still reading the Donut series.  I'm on book 21.........reduntant, maybe but I read a couple, leave them alone, and go back to them another time.  I cant read them one after the other for too many.

vintagejoy avatar
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Date Posted: 1/31/2021 5:07 PM ET
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Kim, I think I read up until #9-10 before I just had to quit.  It wasn't so much that they were redundant, but I really had trouble with the MC.  In most of the books I read, I really didn't like her and for some, there was just no blasted reason for her to stick her nose into solving the murders. IMHO she was just too bossy as well. 

Thanks for the review of 'Jane Darrowfield,' Alice.  I've had it on my wish list for awhile putting it on hold, taking it off, etc. I will read it and put book two on.  

Last Edited on: 1/31/21 5:09 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
jannymarie avatar
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Date Posted: 1/31/2021 6:15 PM ET
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Oh Alice I just struggled with my picks over in the box and Jane Darrowfield was one of my main choices but with only two options looks like I made a mistake.  Wish I read your message here before I played.  Hope it will still be available next go round........

frogslady avatar
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Subject: Donut
Date Posted: 1/31/2021 6:16 PM ET
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I read them. I like the length; too many cozies seem like there is extra filler because the authors have a page goal. 
not as much character growth as in some series.
