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Topic: Anyone else read the series about Kate Burkholder by Linda Castillo

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Subject: Anyone else read the series about Kate Burkholder by Linda Castillo
Date Posted: 4/17/2019 9:28 PM ET
Member Since: 6/21/2008
Posts: 6,663
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I can't figure out what happened to her pregancy from book After the Storm to Among the Wicked.   Do I have to read the novella Only the Lucky to find out?  She is preggers and then not.....  



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Date Posted: 7/27/2019 9:52 AM ET
Member Since: 9/17/2008
Posts: 528
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yes, I read this series but these books are so far apart it gets hard to remember what has happened at times, so for now I can't remember her being preggers, sorry

Her new book has just hit my library and I have it on list but I'm number 10 in line so it'll be 3 months before I get it--boohoo