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Topic: Is there anyone who is looking for some duplicate books for older elementar

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Subject: Is there anyone who is looking for some duplicate books for older elementar
Date Posted: 3/9/2024 6:55 AM ET
Member Since: 11/12/2005
Posts: 1,371
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I was given a large number of boxes of books from a library and there were a number in there that were duplicates as they had come from a school that was merging with another school.  If anyone is interested in the titles, let me know.


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Subject: Other deals?
Date Posted: 3/9/2024 5:03 PM ET
Member Since: 7/10/2012
Posts: 218
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I know that in the past you have offered a 3 for 1 deal (you do have a lot of books). Will you be offering a deal like this again? Thanks

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Date Posted: 3/26/2024 7:20 PM ET
Member Since: 9/25/2008
Posts: 112
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Would be interested in knowing titles of multiple upper elementary books please