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Topic: August Mysteries We Are Reading

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Alice J. (ASJ) - ,
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Subject: August Mysteries We Are Reading
Date Posted: 8/4/2019 7:03 AM ET
Member Since: 5/13/2009
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What is everyone reading for August?

I just Louise's Gamble by Sarah R Shaber. Book 2 in the series. Great series set in 1942 Washington DC. Good perspective of living in US during war.

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Date Posted: 8/9/2019 10:30 AM ET
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Just finished

The Flimflam affair by Pronzini and Tightrope by Amanda Quick,Cajun Fried Felony by Jana Deleon, The Girl Who knew too much by Amanda Quick all were great but I think the Flimflam affair was less so.  I just picked up last month Jayne Ann Krentz 2 books (I had forgotten how much I enjoyed her characters and writing.) Promis not to tell and Secret Sisters. 

Now I have run out of her books will have to find some other direction. 

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Alice J. (ASJ) - ,
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Date Posted: 8/15/2019 6:38 AM ET
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I am reading The Body in the Ballroom by R.J. Koreto.  Fun series with Alice Roosevelt as main character. Very entertaining

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Date Posted: 8/16/2019 3:46 PM ET
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Just finished Donna Andrew's  "Toucan Keep A Secret."  Meg Langslow series.  I thought it was good, but not the best she has written.  Seemed to drag on at times with too much explanation for certain things.  

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Date Posted: 8/26/2019 11:22 AM ET
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Cruising in Your Eighties is Murder by Mike Befeler, 8/26/2019.  Sharing my commints about this book:  

This book features an 85 year old man who forgets what happened yesterday.  Paul Jacobson has a habit of bumbling into trouble from accidents that anger others to discovering dead bodies.  Paul is innocent but his smart mouth makes authories suspect him and believe that he is guilty.  Fortunately, his seventies old bride, Marion, keeps him focused.  

The book is a humorous read but this reader became a little tired of Paul's antics and although short in page length it began to seem too long.  However, readers who enjoy humor with a bit of mystery and murder will probably enjoy it.  It's a quick read.