absolute 5 stars! like "the snow child", this book, and the author, transports me to a world that is not of this world. there is a powerful backdrop of nature, in alaska, wild and untamed and majestic and magnificent. and wild, in the sense that it can be unsafe. one must be brave to live and hike and make a home in the deep forests of alaska and this book tells that very story. it is also the story of people who don't fit in. of people who are outliers. of people who see the world through a different lens. the main characters, birdie and emmie and arthur are such a beautiful little family that have a short moment in time together, loving each other fiercely. another little family of arthur and his parents, who also love each other fiercely. there is such rich fantasy here and as bizarre as it is, it works. i never wanted the book to end and wish i could've met arthur. and.....this is not an easy read. it is deeply disturbing at times. but worth the effort. the narration was beautiful.