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Topic: combining orders?

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juliW avatar
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Subject: combining orders?
Date Posted: 8/7/2007 1:28 PM ET
Member Since: 8/17/2006
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Someone ordered 2 books from me, and they both ship to the same address. But she must have ordered them separately or something....because they show up as two different transactions.

Is there any way for me to combine these 2 books together so that I can send them with one DC #??


hugbandit7 avatar
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Date Posted: 8/7/2007 1:29 PM ET
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of course!  just wrap them together and mail them.  just mark each book as mailed and PM the person to let them know it is coming as one shipment.  That person will mark both books as received when received and you should get 2 credits.

juliW avatar
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Date Posted: 8/7/2007 1:52 PM ET
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I was hoping to combine them together as one order, so the DC# would show that there were 2 books sent.......that way if the post office loses them I'm not out any credits.

Is there no way to do that??

Caryn9802 avatar
Date Posted: 8/7/2007 1:53 PM ET
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They automatically show up separately.  It happens when someone clicks on "Order more from member."  If they're in the same package and you put DC on it, you will automatically get your credit.

junie avatar
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Date Posted: 8/7/2007 2:11 PM ET
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I think you will only get one quick credit for one DC scanned, since the both books are in one package.  The same thing happened to me and I packed them separately to get both DC's scanned, just in case they got lost and I wouldn't be out a credit AND a book!

juliW avatar
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Date Posted: 8/7/2007 2:18 PM ET
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It won't let me mark the 2nd book as mailed without printing a label I think I would only get one credit if I sent them in one package with a DC#.

They are both like-new books.....I guess I'm going to have to mail them separately to make sure I get both credits. I don't want to take a chance of losing a credit on a book that cost me $12 originally that I only read once.


hugbandit7 avatar
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Date Posted: 8/7/2007 2:49 PM ET
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no no do NOT have to mail them separately!  ok, sure if you use DC then you will automatically only get 1 credit but the requestor can log in and mark the 2nd one as received.  you will still get 2 credits.  When you print the 2nd wrapper, don't do the DC, just the wrapper so you can show it mailed.

save yourself $2.13 and mail as 1!

mahbaar avatar
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Date Posted: 8/7/2007 3:48 PM ET
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I'd send a PM to the recipient telling her that you'll be sending the two books together, and reminding her that when the books arrive that she'll need to mark both of them received. Use the wrapper with PBS DC and include the order info for both books inside the package. It's unlikely that the recipient won't mark them received, especially with your PM in advance and the DC on the wrapper.

Generic Profile avatar
Date Posted: 8/7/2007 7:18 PM ET
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I had this happen to me recently. I wrote to R&R and they said there was no way to do it. So I wrote to the person who ordered the books and explained about wanting to use DC and asked her to cancel the order and reorder the books together. She did and it worked out fine. That is the only way to do it as far as I know.

kskrista avatar
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Date Posted: 8/7/2007 8:57 PM ET
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Unless they're WL books....

I've had this happen several times and just sent two books Saturday like this.  I print one label with DC and then click to print the label for the other book so it shows on my screen--then don't print it.  That way I can click that both books are mailed (after I mail them, of course).  I get one credit the next day and the other when the requestor marks it received.  Something to look forward to. ;-)

RockStarGirl avatar
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Date Posted: 8/7/2007 9:41 PM ET
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This happened to me recently too.  I mailed them together, but I was curious why I didn't have to option to print one label for them.  And according to the time that they were ordered, she ordered them together.  I just chalked it up to a glitch.

Generic Profile avatar
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Date Posted: 8/8/2007 8:44 AM ET
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I desperately want more intelligent order-bundling from the site -- not just so that multiple books going to one person can get a 'bulk' label printed, but so that when I'm RECIEVING books that are all from the same person I can click 'received' ONCE and fill out the book survey ONCE.

Maybe something on the sending-books page where you have the option to tell it, "I'm mailing these books in one package"?

Hockeymom14 avatar
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Date Posted: 8/8/2007 12:39 PM ET
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Eloise, great idea. I'd love that option!

This just happened to me also. I posted 4 WL books. 2 were AR, I accepted and printed the labels with dc. The other 2 were 48hr holds. After the 48 hours both books went to the next wisher. Lo and behold one was from the same member who had one of the other books on AR. So I just clicked print label but didn't print it. I'll mail them both together, I'll only get one credit till she marks them received, but I also planned to PM her to givers her the heads up. I can't see paying for both books to ship when I can save so much mailing them together.