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Topic: FictFact Users

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yankeechick avatar
Standard Member medal
Subject: FictFact Users
Date Posted: 6/13/2019 10:56 AM ET
Member Since: 7/6/2007
Posts: 1,024
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Just an FYI -

If anyone uses to track series, I just discovered the site is now closed.  But if you go the website, you can download an Excel spreadsheet of your account before July 1st. It's a hot mess to look at it, but it's better than nothing.



Spuddie avatar
Friend of PBS-Gold medalPBS Blog Contributor medal
Date Posted: 6/26/2019 9:29 AM ET
Member Since: 8/10/2005
Posts: 4,607
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I was signed up for it, but haven't really used it for years. I have been using Fantastic Fiction... I hadn't realized in the past (or maybe this is a newer thing) that you can sign up for an account, list your "watched" authors and set up to get email notifications when they either (or both) add a book to be published or new books on their release day. It's come in handy a few times!  Their website is now  (used to be
