This books contains a most interesting series of tales, many of which are related. Of those which are not, I particularly liked 'The Rock That Changed Things' about nurobls who serve obls. A nurobl named Bu finds a rock that changes her life and that of other nurbols when they discover freedom and rebel from the slavery imposed upon them by the obls.
The other tales I liked spiral around a concept known as the churten theory. The Shobies' Story, Dancing to Ganam and Another Story (A Fisherman of the Inland Sea). The Shobies are involved in a test of the theory, and find themselves on a strange brown planet where team members experience differ about the same event. In Dancing a man named Dazul churtens to another planet, first alone, and later with three others. His interpretation of the visit is different from that of the others as he believes that he is to be crowned king of the people they meet. The reality, which the others understand, is quite different. The final story begins with a garbled message that a scientist is trying to decipher. That individual studies the theory, leaving the woman he loves behind in his home village. In an experiment, he churtens to the village returning eighteen years earlier and takes up his life marrying his love. In all the churten theory is a central theme. Fascinating!
The other tales I liked spiral around a concept known as the churten theory. The Shobies' Story, Dancing to Ganam and Another Story (A Fisherman of the Inland Sea). The Shobies are involved in a test of the theory, and find themselves on a strange brown planet where team members experience differ about the same event. In Dancing a man named Dazul churtens to another planet, first alone, and later with three others. His interpretation of the visit is different from that of the others as he believes that he is to be crowned king of the people they meet. The reality, which the others understand, is quite different. The final story begins with a garbled message that a scientist is trying to decipher. That individual studies the theory, leaving the woman he loves behind in his home village. In an experiment, he churtens to the village returning eighteen years earlier and takes up his life marrying his love. In all the churten theory is a central theme. Fascinating!