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Topic: How can I add books to my bookshelf but not have them swappable?

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juliW avatar
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Subject: How can I add books to my bookshelf but not have them swappable?
Date Posted: 11/30/2023 6:33 AM ET
Member Since: 8/17/2006
Posts: 634
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I'm re-doing my bookshelf because I got rid of a lot of books before a big move and have added others, etc since then. Is there a way for me to put books on my bookshelf, but be able to put them immediately on hold if I'm not ready to swap them? When I post books if they are on a wishlist, they are auto going on hold on someone's wishlist -- and I'm not going to be ready to post these.

I really want to update my shelf to show the books that I have.....then post them for swap when I'm ready to do that.

Is there a way to do this? Help!

rebeccam avatar
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Date Posted: 11/30/2023 6:37 AM ET
Member Since: 9/25/2008
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The To Be Read (TBR) would work for posting so you know you have them and when you are ready to post to someone you can do it from there.

juliW avatar
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Date Posted: 11/30/2023 7:16 AM ET
Member Since: 8/17/2006
Posts: 634
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It's working perfectly!! Thank you! I can't believe I have been a member here for years and years and never used the TBR!!   I just pretty much blanked out my public bookshelf except for ones I am ready to send, and adding everything to the TBR.   So hard to rebuild after being forced to get rid of a lot of my books....finally fixing things so it will list only what I still have! :)     Thank you so much for your help!!!

soelo avatar
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Date Posted: 12/12/2023 10:32 AM ET
Member Since: 5/4/2009
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Put yourself on vacation, add the books, put them on hold, take yourself off vacation.