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Topic: How to send pictures to PBS (email)

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bookbuggg avatar
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Subject: How to send pictures to PBS (email)
Date Posted: 5/24/2023 9:41 PM ET
Member Since: 6/2/2014
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So here's my situation. Someone posted a WLbook, I was next in line, I accepted and it was sent. So far so good....THe book arrives with a big chunk of pages coming out at the spine break. I marked received with a problem, thanked the sender for sending me the book and said there was a chunk of pages coming out at the spine break and may I please receive my credit back. Her response was sure..LOL..I can do that, I have over 800 credits so I can lose one. She then says she read it just fine and maybe I can get a pristine copy now with the returned credit..

So this is ridiculous..she sent a book against pbs rules and she makes it sound like a pristine copy was wanted. This is a library book, very worn (I should say I don't mind library books and I have no Requesters Conditions) and I think she picked it up at a library sale and didn't thumb through it. I want to send PBS pictures so they can see it wasn't a case of wanting a "pristine" was a case of someone sending a book with a chunk of pages falling out.

I'm sure if she had read it, she was very careful with the pages but sending someone a book with so many pages coming out doesn't make sense. Following her logic, just send a book with all the pages can still read it.

Is there an email address or a way to upload photos to send to the librarian? Thank you.



Last Edited on: 5/25/23 10:27 AM ET - Total times edited: 1
rutabaker avatar
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Date Posted: 5/25/2023 7:53 AM ET
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email addies: 

I have no idea about uploading photos. 

bookbuggg avatar
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Date Posted: 5/25/2023 8:16 AM ET
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Thank you I think the librarian one is one that you can't reply to either. I think that's just an email that you can send from but not receive so the other one may work.

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Date Posted: 5/26/2023 2:11 AM ET
Member Since: 8/26/2006
Posts: 9,578
Back To Top  is the good email. ( is the one we're not supposed to reply to.)

But... the Admin Team doesn't review photos of problem swaps. Instead, you can post the photos on a free photo hosting site like Flickr, then send the link to the other member. The Help doc "There is a problem with a book I received!" gives more details. If the other member doesn't respond to your message, you can contact the Admin Team, but give it 4 or 5 days.

Since she did return your credit, most of the situation is resolved. Given her comment, they may contact her if she has a pattern of sending bad books, but they probably won't give you details on that.

Last Edited on: 5/26/23 2:16 AM ET - Total times edited: 1
bookbuggg avatar
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Date Posted: 5/26/2023 10:14 AM ET
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Thank you!