Deep and sinister, Marta! Good work.
You introduced me to books Inbued me with a love of words My child-self lived in the lush worlds of AA Milne and L Frank Baum Bedtime tales segued into vivid dreams But your shadow-self crept into those nocturnal landscapes and whispered of things Not Discussed Never Discussed in the light of day Pooh Corner and Oz disappeared beneath the shattered glass of Kristallnacht Whimsical creatures became snarling guard dogs Castles became crematoria Did you know that your shadow-self invaded my childhood That he needed me to know To remember To bear witness You died at the age of 40 Your adult-self ironically betrayed by a mundane death Your bruised heart no longer able to contain the horror locked inside of you But your shadow-self remained Your secrets revealed in slivers and shards Whispers in my dreams I followed you though the gates of Auschwitz And searched the corpses Stacked like kindling For your murdered family Yitgadal v'yitkadash shmey rabah |
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