King Jesus Part 1 of 2 Author:Robert Graves Part One Of Two Parts "This is the history of the wonder-worker Jesus, rightful heir-at-law to the dominions of Herod, King of the Jews, who in the fifteenth year of the Emperor Tiberius was sentenced to death by Pontius Pilate. Not the least wonderful of his feats was that, though certified dead, and laid in a tomb, he returned three days l... more »ater...King Jesus (for he was entitled to be so addressed) is now worshipped as a god by a sect known as the Gentile Christians." So begins Agabus, an Alexandria scholar writing toward the end of the first century A.D. "Superb narrative powers, painstaking scholarship, wit and imagination guarantee that this fictional portrayal of the life of Christ will be not only magnificent but controversial." (B-O-T Editorial Review Board)« less