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Life Of Her Gracious Majesty The Queen - Vol. I
Life Of Her Gracious Majesty The Queen Vol I Author:Sarah Tytler Life of Her Gracious Majesty the Queen - PREFACE - HAVE been asked to write a few words of preface to this mork. I If the life-long friendship of my lnother with her Majesty, which gained for me the honour of often seeing tlie Queen, or a deep feeling of loyalty and affection for our sovereign, which is shared by all her subjects, be accepted as... more » a qualification, I gratefully respond to tlie call, but 1 feel that no written words of mine can add value to the following pages. Looking over some papers lately, I found the following note on a slietch which I had accidentally met with in Windsor Castle-a coloured chalk drawing, a nlere stlldy of one of the Queens hantls, by Sir Uavid Wilkie, probably made for his picture now in the corridor of the Castle, reprcscnti lg the first council of Victoria. Of tliis slictch I wrote as follows - I was looking in one of the private rooms at Windsor Castle at L elialli sketch, by Sir David TVilkic, of a fair, soft, long-fingered, dimpled hand, with a graceful wrist attaclled to a rounded arm. L Only a womans hand, might Swift, had Ile sec11 that sketch, have written below. Only a slietcli of a wonians hand but wliat me noricsth at slietch 1. ccalls How many years ago Williic drew it I know not that great artist died in the montli of June, 1841, so that more than forty years have passed, at least, since lie made that drawing. The hand that linincd this mork has long ago suffered a sea change. And the hand which he portrayed That is still among the living-still occupied with dispensing aid and comfort to tlie suffering and the aflicted, for the original is that of n Qnecii, beloved as iiidely as her realms extend-the best of sovereigns, the liindest-hcartcd of womcn. To write the life of Queen Victoria is a task which many authors might well have felt incompetent to undertake. To succeed in writing it is an llonour of which any author may well be proud, This honour I humbly thinli has been realised in the work of which these poor lines may form the preface. RONALD GOWER. -- CONTENTS -- VOL. I. V. THE PROROGIU O I F N P O A RLIANE T N HE T V , ISIT TO GUILDHALL A , SD TIIE COROFATION . . 65 VI. THE MAIDEN QUEEN . . . 89 VII. TIIE BETROTHAL . . 95 E, A ROYALP AIR . . . . . . 125 X. BOYA0Lc c u a 1 o s s . - A N ATTEMPT OK TIIE QUEENS LIFE . . . 135 XII. BIRTH OF THE PRINC OF E W ALES.-TIIE G I I A N D ISASTERS.-VISIT O F TEE I IhO OF RUSSIA. XIII. FRES A H T TENPT A S G AIKST TIIE QUEEBS IFE.- E ELSEOIIN- EOAFT TIIIf E DUC DOILLEAKY 166 S I V . THE QUEENS FIRST VI SIT TO SCOTLAX . D . . . . 174 XV. A MARRIAGIE A , D E A T , A T A BIRTII I N TIIE ROYAL FA MILY.-A PALACHEO ME . . 187 XVI. THE CONDEMNATION OF THE EXGLIS D H U EL.-ANOTHER N RRIAGE.-TEEQ UEEXS VISIT TO XVII. THE QUEENS TRIP TO OSTEND.-VISITS TO DRAYTON CI , IATSWORTT A I N , D RELVOIR . . 207 XVnI. ALLIES FRO31 I AR.-DEATH Ah ABSEKCE.-BIRTHDAY GREETIXOS . . , a . 215 XIS. ROYBL V ISITORS.-THE BIRT O F PRINC A E LF RED.-A NORTHEI R N E TREAT. . . . 221 XX. LOUISP HILIPPE V S IS IT.-TEE OPENIN OF TEE ROYAL F CHB O . E . , . . 228 LIST OF SIRETA PLATES. QUEEN VICTORIA CHAPTER I. SIXTY-TIIREE YEARS SINCE. 2iith of Ifay, 1819, w s a memorable aiid happy day for England, though. like ylally such days, it was little noticed at the time. Sixty-three yew since Do maily of us quite realise what England was like then how much it differcd fi-oin the England of to-day, even though some of us have lived as many ycars It is worth while devoting a chapter to an attempt to recall that England. A famous novel had for its second heading, Tis sixty years since...« less