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Discussion Forums - Random Acts of Kindness (RAOK) Random Acts of Kindness (RAOK)

Topic: ********MAY RAOKs (things to give away)*******

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IlliniAlum83 avatar
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Subject: ********MAY RAOKs (things to give away)*******
Date Posted: 4/30/2024 8:49 PM ET
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Welcome to the Random Acts of Kindness thread, also known as the RAOK place. This is where we post things to give away to others, asking NOTHING in return but a thank you. No money or credits are exchanged. We give freely, at our own expense. If you see something you’d like, PM the member with your mailing info. If you are the one mailing, please be sure to put full postage on any packages you send. Members have reported receiving "gifts" with postage due.  Remember this is a PUBLIC forum, meaning anyone (not just members) can see what is posted here.  Please do not post last names, addresses, or postal tracking numbers here, in order to protect the privacy of our participants.

Please note that we must abide by PBS rulesNO buying, selling or advertising allowed.

For liability reasons, we are sorry, but no medications of any kind may be posted in this forum. This includes prescription medicines, over-the-counter medicines, vitamins, and supplements.

RAOK rules -
You may not ask for anything in return for the things you post here. Please do not ask for postage, or to swap or trade.
If you ask for a RAOK posted by another member, please do not offer to pay or give something in return. This is not allowed and defeats the purpose of the Random Act of Kindness.  Try to pay it forward and perhaps grant some wishes in the ***I Wish*** thread.
We ask that you do not reply within the thread, use PMs instead. We are different from most forums in this way. When we go to ***I Wish***, we see wishes; in ***RAOK***, we see just what’s being given away. If you have a question about it, simply PM the member. All RAOKs should be handled privately between members via PM.
Please do not post single use codes - such as Coke codes - in this forum. Post that you have them and let members PM you for them. It saves all the replies within the thread (see above). You may start a separate thread if you want to post them that way. Or check the ***I Wish*** thread and simply grant a Coke code wish or two. Codes that can be used over and over again are perfectly fine to post here in RAOK.
Please do not ask someone for ‘everything on your list’ (yes, it’s been done), so that others can have a chance.
One of our most important rules is that you must acknowledge receipt of the things sent to you! This is our biggest problem. People take the time to post, wrap, and mail, and then never know if the package arrived. Please say thanks for what you receive, either by PM or in the ***Thank You*** thread. It’s the polite thing to do, and we all worry about our mail getting through. Those who don't acknowledge a kindness will often find their future requests ignored.
Please include your nickname when you mail out a RAOK. This makes you easier to find and thank.
Be sure to check your listing and edit as needed, so people are not disappointed. We know that life gets in the way and computers crash, but please try.
Credit transactions should take place in the Book Bazaar or by private PM.  Credits may not be offered as gifts anywhere in RAOK.

RAOK Tips -
Think carefully about what you want to give away before you post. Postage costs these days can be terrible for ALL items that cannot go by media mail. We have all been shocked by the postage for something we mailed here; it happens often. Think first! This is a fun place, but you don’t need to empty your wallet by taking part. It’s wonderful to do something nice for others, but be kind to yourself too.

Before you post something to give away, check the ***I Wish*** thread --- someone may already be asking for it!

If you mark "taken" by your items that have been asked for, please put the word TAKEN in another color by that item, so it's easily apparent to our members that something is no longer available. Or use another method to show an item is no longer available.  This avoids disappointments and keeps you from getting more requests for an item that has already been claimed.  Or, just edit your post to delete that item.

Random drawings:  If you wish to sponsor a random drawing for an item you are offering, please, before you post your offer, PM the current RAOK manager with the winning number (between 1 and 25).  The manager will post a table with the numbers 1 through 25.  Then post your offer, including the information that people interested in participating in the drawing should choose a number between 1 and 25 and PM that number to the thread manager.  The manager will enter participants' names into the table, so that subsequent participants will know which numbers are still available.  When no more numbers have been requested for 24 hours, the drawing will be closed and the winner announced.

If one of us contacts you about changing your post, please understand that we have to follow PBS rules and guidelines. Often we have to ask someone to change or delete a post because of that. New things come up here all the time. If something is not appropriate, we will tell you so, and ask you to change it. Remember that the PBS team does oversee the forums. They edit posts and have been known to suspend accounts. We hate to have that happen to our fellow RAOKers when we can take care of problems ourselves.

RAOK reminders for people requesting something that is offered here -
The people offering RAOKs are doing it out of kindness and generosity, often despite limited means.  Please make your requests for those items in the same spirit, and do not ask for anything that was not explicitly offered.  The people posting RAOKs are offering just what they have, and we appreciate them for doing so.  A request for substitutions is not in keeping with the intention of this thread.  If you would accept only a particular color, size, flavor, or other quality of an offered item, then please use the monthly ***I Wish*** thread to ask for the specific item there instead.

Reminder about the use of Media Mail
Per the USPS website, here are the things that can be sent by Media Mail:  books, CDs, DVD, manuscripts for books or music, play scripts, computer-readable media for any of the preceding, cellluloid film of 16mm width or less, printed test materials and their accessories, printed educational reference charts, medical information in the form of loose-leaf pages in a binder.   Anything else, even if printed (such as message pads, stickynotes, notebooks without an ISBN, etc) must go by some other class of mail.

As always, if you have any questions, please feel free to PM me and ask. We are always happy to be of help to members of the RAOK forum, new or old. Thanks for participating in this great part of PBS!  Enjoy!

blubonnet1 avatar
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Date Posted: 4/30/2024 9:12 PM ET
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I have a variety of sunflower seeds.  Not just the traditional color.  multi colored ones, including white, chocolate, sunset, etc

I can gift 10 people packs of 15 seeds each. TAKEN

Last Edited on: 5/4/24 8:45 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
tommygirl avatar
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Date Posted: 5/1/2024 7:51 AM ET
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Last Edited on: 6/1/24 6:52 AM ET - Total times edited: 6
vickinb avatar
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Date Posted: 5/1/2024 10:12 AM ET
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Happy May Everyone!!

I can make address labels for those that need some. PM me your full address if I don't have it or if it's a new address so I can update my label file. Also let me know if you want any special clip art or if you want it to be a surprise.

Last Edited on: 5/21/24 4:39 AM ET - Total times edited: 2
txbookhound avatar
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Date Posted: 5/1/2024 2:04 PM ET
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All taken

Last Edited on: 5/19/24 8:33 PM ET - Total times edited: 6
vickyt avatar
Vicky (vickyt) - ,
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Date Posted: 5/1/2024 8:02 PM ET
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Skipped last month due to so many things going on and being on the road a lot, however, for this month I have the following:

3 sheets of DQ (Dairy Queen) coupons       1 sheet taken

1 sheet of Hardees coupons

1 sheet of Tudor's Bisquit World/Gino's coupons

3 sheets of Long John Silver's coupons

8 packages of 7mm paste on wiggly eyes, 20 in each pkg  ( 2 pkgs to each person who want them)  TAKEN

many card fronts from all different holidays and greetings TAKEN

used postage stamps   TAKEN

3 new small postcards by "The New Yorker"    TAKEN

1 Happy-Lab Organic Good Morning tea

1 Happy-Lab Organic Chamomile tea

1 coin called Angel of god that came from a charity  TAKEN

1 pad of 10 Easter Seals note sheets but are lined and could be used as stationary

1 sheet of American Lung Association stickers that have cute animals on them (bear, cat, bird, dog, etc)     TAKEN

1 spiral bound cookbook from Courtland Avenue Senior Young Friends (1974)  TAKEN

unpostable book -  The 8th Garfield Treasury.  This book has a small bit of water damage.  It is very readable.  TAKEN

coupon code for Roaman's   $50 off $100 or   $100 off $200   use by June 23.  Code is RDC50OFF24


Last Edited on: 5/30/24 5:54 PM ET - Total times edited: 11
kevinsbebe avatar
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Date Posted: 5/1/2024 8:50 PM ET
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I would love to send out a few birthday cards this month. Celebrating a birthday? Just send me your address and I'll get one out to you. (Or if someone you love is having a birthday just tell me who it's going to). Thanks and have a great month!

IlliniAlum83 avatar
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Date Posted: 5/2/2024 7:53 AM ET
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Still packaging items from April. Since I can't drive I have to wait for hubby or a friend to go to PO. 

sending: to *Vicki B-- *stickers

*Surprise to *Mona

*canx stamps to *REK, *Fran, and Jean F*late 

*2nd surprise to *Mona

*Car sticker says ' I 'heart' PARKS'  to *Cindy W   

* surprise to *Irene


Last Edited on: 6/12/24 4:42 PM ET - Total times edited: 13
conniej76 avatar
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Date Posted: 5/2/2024 7:36 PM ET
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Stuff I have to give away:

2. I have new manila seed packet envelopes(empty) that you share seeds with people--came from Target in tan or gray colors--up to 1 person on

3. I have one set of 3 stamps from Granada that are Disney related for one person.

Please include your address in your PM. Will send items due to heavy work schedule and wacky weather. Thanks.

Last Edited on: 5/10/24 9:18 AM ET - Total times edited: 2
Generic Profile avatar
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Date Posted: 5/2/2024 9:06 PM ET
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Colored pencils, used. About 3 1/2 inches long. Reds, oranges, browns, grey, blue, gold.

Pants. Two pairs of wool pants. About size 8.

Year stickers for chart edges. 22 22 in dark peach. 23 23 in purple. Many sheets available. Small rectangles.

Multiples of these coupons. May be updated throughout the month.

  • Aleve $2 6/30/24
  • Astepro $5 12/31/24
  • Aveeno baby products $3 12/31/24
  • Bayer aspirin $1 6/30/25
  • Cepacol $2 6/30/24
  • Colace $2 no exp
  • Culturelle baby or kids probiotic $5 6/1/24
  • Delsym $2 12/31/24
  • Miralax $5 6/30/25
  • Mucinex $3 3/31/25
  • Mylicon child tummy $2 5/31/25: chewable, liquid
  • Mylicon infant probiotic $3 12/31/24
  • Mylicon child tummy or or infant probiotic or infant gas $2 12/31/25
  • NeilMed products $2 rebate 12/31/26
  • Tylenol or Motrin pediatric $1.50 6/1/24.
  • Tylenol Precise $3 9/1/24

Last Edited on: 5/30/24 3:58 PM ET - Total times edited: 3
Generic Profile avatar
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Date Posted: 5/2/2024 9:48 PM ET
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I would be happy to send 3 people a postcard of cheer :)

jacci-jerri avatar
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Date Posted: 5/3/2024 5:47 PM ET
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I have a Chewy code for $20 off an order of $49 or more if someone can use it.  Taken

Last Edited on: 5/24/24 3:39 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
Lambie avatar
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Date Posted: 5/4/2024 1:16 PM ET
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I have a few project directions ripped from magazines:

1. Plastic canvas glow in the dark Halloween totes

2.Cross stitch wedding cake

TAKEN--3. Luv n paws crochet pet blanket

4. Cross stitch Easter sampler 

TAKEN--A small booklet with 10 napkin folding tricks 

2  big "Wanna Date" stickers (from a food company lol)

Last Edited on: 5/5/24 12:58 PM ET - Total times edited: 2
txbookhound avatar
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Date Posted: 5/4/2024 8:27 PM ET
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New  craft available - see my post above. 

Zooie avatar
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Date Posted: 5/5/2024 2:25 PM ET
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I went through my supplies and found some things I know I'm not going to use, but I'd like to offer them instead of dumping them.

Bundle 1:  TAKEN

Bundle 2:  TAKEN

Bundle 3:  TAKEN

Bundle 4:  TAKEN

Last Edited on: 5/19/24 1:27 PM ET - Total times edited: 4
vickyt avatar
Vicky (vickyt) - ,
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Date Posted: 5/6/2024 9:40 PM ET
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added an item


vickinb avatar
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Date Posted: 5/10/2024 11:10 AM ET
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Added item above.

kevinsbebe avatar
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Date Posted: 5/10/2024 2:49 PM ET
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Oops sorry..

Last Edited on: 5/10/24 4:14 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
rebeccam avatar
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Date Posted: 5/10/2024 4:34 PM ET
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I have an envelope of assorted coupons. Taken

I have an inspirational journal. Taken

I also have a Handy Standy Phone Stand. Taken

Send a PM with full mailing details if interested in either.

Last Edited on: 5/26/24 6:30 AM ET - Total times edited: 5
Darlin-D avatar
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Date Posted: 5/12/2024 3:47 AM ET
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I have 15 slightly weird bandaids to offer. They are black with colorful hashtags of... #ootd, #tbt & #selfie. Told ya it was  *** TAKEN ***

 I also have some dog & cat stickers. These are real pics of dogs & cats in different poses. There are 10 to a sheet and I can send 2 different sheets to up to 5 people. Let me know if you want dogs or cats or a combo of both. *** TAKEN ***

1) Connie B

2) Michelle W

3) Joyce B

4) Jacci M

5) Pat V

Please be sure to include your mailing info in your message. 

Added 5/17

*** Coupons for Subway, Popeyes & Burger King ***

Added 5/23

* Pirate Island Peel & Stick Decorations ~ These are for walls, mirrors, lockers, etc. 20 stickers of things like pirate ship, treasure chest, volcano, etc. Removable.

* Set of 4 Blank Notecards ~ floral w/Psalm 106:1 on front. ~ TAKEN ~

* Set of 4 Blank Notecards ~ typewriter w/heart on front. ~ TAKEN ~

* "Cat"astrophes book of encouraging quotes. Missing several pages. ISBN# 0-7369-0389-5

* Foil Confetti ~ 3 different styles... a) teal parrots b) copper pineapples c) lime green palm trees ~ You may request 1 or all.

* Ephemera/Scrapping Items ~ Paper & Stickers ~ Best described as Primitive Farm design... chickens, cows, sunflowers, patchwork, etc. It came from an old quilting design book.

Last Edited on: 6/2/24 2:56 AM ET - Total times edited: 11
IlliniAlum83 avatar
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Date Posted: 5/14/2024 7:18 PM ET
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TAKEN - car sticker says ' I 'heart' PARKS' + From the National Park Foundation. 

Last Edited on: 5/16/24 10:41 AM ET - Total times edited: 1
Darlin-D avatar
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Date Posted: 5/17/2024 2:06 AM ET
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Added some fast food coupons to my post above...

Generic Profile avatar
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Date Posted: 5/17/2024 2:29 PM ET
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Added some coupons.

IlliniAlum83 avatar
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Date Posted: 5/20/2024 8:22 PM ET
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I have a Coupon code available for someone's first order at Chewy. $20 off an order of $49 or more. 

Darlin-D avatar
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Date Posted: 5/23/2024 12:54 AM ET
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I know it's late in the month but I've added several things to my post above.
