Montana's Best Fishing Waters Author:Wilderness Adventures Press, Inc. New Edition of map book, with many changes. From world famous waters like the Madison, Missouri, and Yellowstone Rivers to local favorites like the Beaverhead, Big Hole, and Gallatin Rivers, these incredibly comprehensive maps will lead you to the best fishing Montana has to offer. Official access sites are clearly marked including GPS coord... more »inants, along with boat ramps, campgrounds, and roads and trails that allow additional access to every stream. River miles, public and private land, and a wealth of other useful information for anglers is also included. The Rivers: Beaverhead River, Big Hole River, Bighorn River, Big Spring Creek, Bitterroot River, Blackfeet Lakes, Blackfoot River, Boulder River, Clark Canyon Reservoir, Clark Fork River, Flathead River, Middle Fork Flathead River, North Fork Flathead River, South Fork Flathead River, Gallatin River, Glacier National Park, Georgetown Lake, Hebgen Lake, Quake Lake, Jefferson River, Kootenai River, Madison River, Missouri River, Rattlesnake Creek, Rock Creeks, Rosebud Creeks, Ruby River, Shields River, Smith River, Stillwater River, Swan River, Tongue River, Yaak River, and Yellowstone River« less