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Power Up for Team Results 9: Vision + Valves= Boundaries
Power Up for Team Results 9 Vision Valves Boundaries Author:John P. Carlos, Peter Grazier, Alan Randolph, Kenneth Blanchard, John Carlos From the authors of the best-selling books The 3 Keys to Empowerment and Empowerment Takes More than a Minute * A series of ten short, clear, action-based discussion guides for teams looking to create a culture of empowerment * The first tool of its kind to walk teams through those difficult discussions on self-directed work PUT EMPO... more »WERMENT CONCEPTS TO WORK IN YOUR TEAM Power Up for Team Results is a unique resource specifically designed for the people who have to do the actual work of creating an empowered team: team members themselves. Each Power Up for Team Results pamphlet uses real world examples, focused activities, and clear discussion guidelines to help team leaders and team members develop a mutual understanding of the meaning of empowerment, overcome common problems and misunderstandings, and, finally, become a truly self-directed, high performance work team. Power Up for Team Results enables everyone to move at the same pace towards a place of empowerment, where they feel valued, responsible, and productive. ALIGN EVERYONE IN YOUR GROUP FOR EFFECTIVE ACTION The ten concise, action-oriented pamphlets in the Power Up for Team Results series offer a comprehensive step-by-step process for implementing a successful empowerment initiative. By distributing and discussing the material in these guides, team leaders will be able to work together with team members to identify, establish, and refine effective ways to share information, create flexible boundaries, and build a partnership process that will transform the team and the entire organization. Written in an easy-to-use format, the series provides a dynamic method for aligning everyone around a common base of knowledge and a clear set of action steps for putting empowerment concepts to work. LEARN HOW TO TAP THE TALENT AND EXPERTISE OF EVERY TEAM MEMBER Power Up for Team Results will help leaders shift responsibility to the team while still staying involved, help team members realize their fullest potential, and help everyone make better use of their talents. As teams are empowered, people will bring more creativity and motivation to their work, feel more satisfied doing it, and add greater value to the organization. And by creating an empowered culture, organizations will be able to attract, develop, and retain good people. Whatever kind of business you do, Power Up for Team Results will enable you to do it more efficiently and effectively. Starting and Orienting the Journey 1. What Is Empowerment? 2. Beginning to Share Information 3. Autonomy Through Boundaries 4. Developing an Empowered Team Change and Discouragement 5. Two-Way Sharing of Information 6. Widening the Boundaries 7. More Decision Authority for the Team Adopting and Refining Empowerment 8. Information Drives Results 9. Vision + Values = Boundaries 10. The Team Replaces the Hierarchy« less