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Topic: punctuation in PMs problem

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IlliniAlum83 avatar
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Subject: punctuation in PMs problem
Date Posted: 9/28/2023 3:53 PM ET
Member Since: 4/28/2009
Posts: 22,031
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I am again getting some wingdings instead of certain punctuation I type, but only in Pms I send. Posts in the chat threads are ok. Mostly it's whenever I use a dash  (--) , but it could be effecting others. 
Anyone else see this happening?  Looks fine when I hit submit to send a PM, but when I look again after I get a reply, some messages are decorated with wingdings!

nandip avatar
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Date Posted: 9/28/2023 8:40 PM ET
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I just reviewed the last 2 PMs I did in the last few minutes (before coming here) and all is good on mine. I had quite a few on both PMs and nothing amiss on either of them. 

I discovered last week (while reading up on windows Trouble Shooter) and buried in the fine print was TRY rebooting/restarting and sure enough, after a reboot it, it all worked as it should have. So I applied that same thing to all our things (Ipad, kindle, Ereader) and sure enough, they too all went to working correctly after a reboot. Not sure why this matters but doing further research, somewhere on Microsoft it states to reboot weekly just in case an update or something was needed and it fixes the tiny glitches. and amazingly, it did for ours. so I'm posting that reminder to our master calendar so the household will know to do this for the future use of all electronics in the house, all on the same day/time. laugh

hardtack avatar
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Date Posted: 9/28/2023 10:03 PM ET
Member Since: 9/22/2010
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Not sure, but it sounds like you are using Microsoft's browser.  I only use Windows because I have to. Everything else I use is not Microsoft's. Even my word processor is WordPerfect. So I seldom see any problems with what I do on my computer, including the Internet.