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Topic: Recommendations for labels to print PBS postage to?

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Subject: Recommendations for labels to print PBS postage to?
Date Posted: 9/24/2023 12:33 PM ET
Member Since: 8/27/2008
Posts: 2
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Hello all! I just got a nice laserjet printer and I am excited to not need to cover the label from my old inkjet in a million layers of tape anymore! WOO!

I am, however, trying to figure out if I can print the pre-paid PBS postage to those sticker labels that Avery/other vendors make. I am seeing that the most common size is a half sheet of letter-sized paper, but being as the pre-paid postage is a full sheet I wasn't sure if anyone where had maybe solved this problem for themselves already. Some nifty trick like software that resizes? Maybe taking the non-pdf flavor of the label and just pasting it into Word? Something clever I haven't dreamed of?

My thanks in advance! Despite being a member for 15 years (WOOOAH) I don't know that I've posted here much! I'm happy y'all are here.


lionrose avatar
Standard Member medalFriend of PBS-Silver medal
Date Posted: 9/24/2023 3:27 PM ET
Member Since: 6/30/2007
Posts: 3,490
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Snip a jpg of the label from the PDF and paste it onto the Avery label template. These are usually available online for each label number. You may need to resize or rotate depending on label orientation. If you have full Adobe Acrobat it will allow you to crop the PDF and print with the Adobe print dialog, size to fit I think. Also most Avery label packs have a sample template (make copies so you can practice) that you can use to see if you're sizing it correctly.