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Topic: Requesting Option to

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thebigaym avatar
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Subject: Requesting Option to
Date Posted: 1/4/2024 7:33 AM ET
Member Since: 9/30/2008
Posts: 19
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Update: I'm not sure how I missed this before:

I wish PBS would add the following option when a book on a person's Wish List becomes available: Defer Wish.

Last Edited on: 1/5/24 8:10 AM ET - Total times edited: 1
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Pat O. (PatinCO) - ,
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Date Posted: 1/4/2024 1:37 PM ET
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There is, but not for what you wanted to do. There's a 'Not at this time' option, which leaves the person still at #1 on the list, but lets the book roll over to the next in line. This works well if the #1 person doesn't have a credit right then. Pat

rebeccam avatar
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Date Posted: 1/4/2024 4:51 PM ET
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Not Now has been an option for a while now, since 2011 according to the help documents.

Not Now' option for Wish List offers

Introduced 8/24/2011.

The "Not Now" button on a Wish List offer will appear between the "I want this book" buttons and the "I do not want this book" on the offer while it is active on your My Account page.

What it does:

Clicking the Not Now button will decline that copy of the book but KEEP the book on hold on your Wish List, without losing its position in the Wish List line.  The "held" wish will continue to advance in the Wish List line (if it is not already #1) while it is on Hold. 

Then, when you're ready to accept the next offer of the book, you just go to your Wish List, and unHold the Wish. To do that:

  • click to check the box to the left of the listing on your Wish List, and
  • click UnHold at the top of the list).   

Then wait for the next offer!

Please note:

  • Each item on your Wish List will have the "Not Now" option only once - so if you use the Not Now button for a book, the next offer of that book will need to be accepted or declined.
  • There is no option to use the Not Now button retroactively - it is available only during the 48 hours in which the offer is active, on your My Account page.
  • If you are the only one wishing for a book and you use the Not Now button when the book is offered to you:
    • the book will go onto the posting member's Bookshelf and your Wish for the book will go on Hold on your Wish List. 
    • If you unHold the Wish later and the book is still available, it will be offered to you immediately.
IlliniAlum83 avatar
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Date Posted: 1/5/2024 11:41 AM ET
Member Since: 4/28/2009
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Weird.  I never had this option ever appear til long after we started paying membership fees. For me, it seems like a more recent option.