Helpful Score: 10
This is a MUST read for any Twilight fan! This is the story of Bree Tanner, who was featured as a newborn vampire in Eclipse (the best of the series in my opinion). Bree is the young vampire that surrenders during the battle between the Cullen's/Wolfpack and Victoria's army of newborn vampires. I learned some interesting things in the book, such as other uses for vampire venom. Bree's short second life proves that being a vampire is not all it is hyped to be. Being a newborn is a very dangerous existence.
I really enjoyed the chance to get back into the Twilight saga that this novella offered. It was fun, fast paced, and offered views of the Cullen's and Bella from an outsider. Fortunately, I had remembered Bree from Eclipse and that Bella was fascinated by Bree because she wondered if she would also beome a blood thirsty uncontrolled newborn when she turned. I can only hope that Stephenie Meyer will choose to write more of these novellas in the future based on some of the outskirt vampires such as James, Laurent or Aro (which could be an entire series based on his age). If you are a fan get this book!
I really enjoyed the chance to get back into the Twilight saga that this novella offered. It was fun, fast paced, and offered views of the Cullen's and Bella from an outsider. Fortunately, I had remembered Bree from Eclipse and that Bella was fascinated by Bree because she wondered if she would also beome a blood thirsty uncontrolled newborn when she turned. I can only hope that Stephenie Meyer will choose to write more of these novellas in the future based on some of the outskirt vampires such as James, Laurent or Aro (which could be an entire series based on his age). If you are a fan get this book!

Helpful Score: 5
I loved this book. A great story about a newborn vampire who goes through so much in just such a very short time. Had me turning the pages constantly. Hopefully Stephenie will write a book about a vampire we meet in there named Fred. I want to know more about Fred and what happens to him so much! If you love Twilight this is a great book, if you're new to the books I suggest you read this after you finish Eclipse or else it won't make much sense at all. Again great job, I love it!
Helpful Score: 4
All I can say is: WOW
This book blew me away in only one sitting. Totally engaging with no chapters at all, I could not bring myself to put it down even for a few minutes. I love reading books like this that completely capture your attention. Its a keeper for sure for anyone who loves the twilight saga. Honestly, I wished the origional 4 books were as fast moving as this one was.
We ge there a glimps into the life of Bree Tanner. A 3 month old newborn whos forced to live by the rules set forth by "her". They are told the sunlight will kill them, and are basically brainwashed into obeying all of "her" instructions.
When Bree befriends Diego, they discover that the sunlight doesnt actually harm them, they soon realize they are being lied to by Riley (the group leader) and "her".
NO SPOILERS HERE: anyways, the Twilight fans already know what ultimately happens to Bree in the bittersweet ending. It was interesting to learn to how the re-borns act and think, and why the Cullens' eyes are yellow, and also why Bellas blood is so irresistable.
Hands down, I loved this book.
This book blew me away in only one sitting. Totally engaging with no chapters at all, I could not bring myself to put it down even for a few minutes. I love reading books like this that completely capture your attention. Its a keeper for sure for anyone who loves the twilight saga. Honestly, I wished the origional 4 books were as fast moving as this one was.
We ge there a glimps into the life of Bree Tanner. A 3 month old newborn whos forced to live by the rules set forth by "her". They are told the sunlight will kill them, and are basically brainwashed into obeying all of "her" instructions.
When Bree befriends Diego, they discover that the sunlight doesnt actually harm them, they soon realize they are being lied to by Riley (the group leader) and "her".
NO SPOILERS HERE: anyways, the Twilight fans already know what ultimately happens to Bree in the bittersweet ending. It was interesting to learn to how the re-borns act and think, and why the Cullens' eyes are yellow, and also why Bellas blood is so irresistable.
Hands down, I loved this book.

Helpful Score: 2
To be completely honest with you, when I heard that a new Twilight book was coming out I had to ask Lori "Who's Bree Tanner". Even after she explained to me that she was a newborn we met very briefly in Eclipse, I still couldn't remember her. I did however, remember the newborn storyline, which is all that is really needed to be able to follow along with this novella. It was interesting to be inside the head of one of the "human-drinking" vampires. Bree really wasn't a very remarkable character, even once the story was over. I really like "Fred", he was a great add-on character that I wish I could know more about. Never-the-less, I enjoyed the glimpse of the Cullens from "the other side" and found the book to be a quick enjoyable hour of entertainment.
Helpful Score: 2
This was different than I expected... not as revealing to the main story line as I had anticipated in some ways, and more so in others. To someone who isn't familiar with the series this is probably not the best place to start, but for those of us who are infatuated with the saga, it is just another way to immerse ourselves in this fantasy world a little more, a little longer, a little better.