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Topic: spice vs. blaze

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Subject: spice vs. blaze
Date Posted: 8/7/2007 11:55 PM ET
Member Since: 2/8/2006
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which books are naughtier?? I am looking for some books that are hot but not filled neccesarily with casual sex. romance would be nice....but with a naughtier side then typical "harlequinny" books.  ( in other words..lots of sex but not just about a woman who goes and has casual sex with guys without any recourse...does that maek sense?)


I have seen these 2 labels but am not sure about them. Any one here read these??

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Date Posted: 8/8/2007 12:12 AM ET
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I've mainly read Blazes and maybe one or two Spices--I think the Spice line is intended to be more "naughty," and is almost too much for me.  The Blazes often have lots of sex, but also seem to stick with the romance and HEA sort of plot.  I can't speak as much for the Spice ones, not having read many.

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Date Posted: 8/8/2007 12:21 AM ET
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I haven't read any 'spice' I don't think but I've read several Blaze titles. The ones I've read seem to have the 'happy ending' like harlequins but with hotter sex scenes though some have seemed a bit 'casual ' or did at first. I enjoyed Rhonda Nelson's 'men out of uniform' books 'the player' , 'the specialist', and 'the maverick'.3 ex-rangers..the specialist was my favorite of the 3.

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Date Posted: 8/8/2007 3:54 PM ET
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I have read lots of Blazes, really like them, but only 2 Spices and disliked both of them.  The Spices are much naughtier but to me not very romantic at all.

I read "Lying in Bed" by MJ Rose and found it to be really depressing because the love was one-side (on her part) for much of the book and the erotica is in the form of letters, not actual human contact.  Not my thing.

I wanted to give the line another chance with a different author, so I tried "Dirty" by Megan Hart, and it was also depressing because...

SPOILER ALERT, you have been warned...

the heroine has *major* psychological issues so much of the sex is casual, even the eventual falling in love has a very dark, desperate feel to it, and worst of all, to me, there is a three-way with another man that is the "hero"'s idea!  No gay sex, he just wants to watch her be with another guy!  And she is happy to do it!  *Really* not my thing.

So, I am done with Spice.  But others adore the line, so go figure.




Last Edited on: 8/8/07 3:57 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
gingerkitty avatar
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Date Posted: 8/8/2007 6:12 PM ET
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I've never read a Spice book.  Guess my little town doesn't carry erotica!

I do like Blazes, they are usually pretty steamy and have a happy ending. 

AshsHeroine avatar
Date Posted: 8/8/2007 9:25 PM ET
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If you are looking for a spicer then blaze book, Spice is not the way to go. I haven't really heard anything good about it and there is much much better erotica-lite and erotica out there.

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Date Posted: 8/9/2007 12:09 AM ET
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OMgosh Ashley! give some warning before changing your pic for crying out loud! I was sitting here browsing eating some hot tilapia and darn near strangled!! woo hoo..I want the site you find these from!!

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Date Posted: 8/10/2007 5:27 PM ET
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I read a lot of Blazes.  I've never even heard of Spice.  Who is the publisher? 

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Date Posted: 8/10/2007 9:05 PM ET
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Harlequin publishes spice...they seem to be hard to find. I have found them  at amazon and ebay, but target doesnt hve them. Although i did some more searching and theres a line of books by avon (publisher) called avon red that are pretty "naughty".

I have founf those ones in target (and wallmart)

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Date Posted: 8/10/2007 9:06 PM ET
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here's a for info


Last Edited on: 8/10/07 9:26 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
goddessani avatar
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Date Posted: 8/10/2007 10:43 PM ET
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Thanks, Katrina! 

angeloncall avatar
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Date Posted: 8/11/2007 3:34 PM ET
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I have a few Blaze in my bookshelf.  If you find anything, I'll do a 2 for 1.


sslee06 avatar
Date Posted: 8/13/2007 4:05 PM ET
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Katrina, I went to the Spice site using your link and it turned out I have at least one of the books in my TBR pile.  Those books are also quite popular on another site I frequent but I didn't know they were Spice books.  I'll say they are a whole lot hotter than Blaze books.  Blaze books are steamy but Spice books are erotica (or erotica lite).