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Topic: Wishing for a book that is not yet in the PBS database

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Subject: Wishing for a book that is not yet in the PBS database
Date Posted: 5/18/2023 4:36 PM ET
Member Since: 6/21/2006
Posts: 16
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IS there a way to wish for a book that does not appear in the PBS database? I would like to wish for several older books, but I can't find those titles when I do a search, whether by author or by title.

TIA for your answers.


Patouie avatar
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Date Posted: 5/18/2023 7:56 PM ET
Member Since: 8/26/2006
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Look up the book on other book sites to see if it has an ISBN. If the book has an ISBN, try searching for only the ISBN (no words, spaces, or hyphens), and that search will prompt the database to try to pull the listing in. Sometimes it pulls it in right away, or sometimes within 2 or 3 days.

If there's no ISBN, or if the database can't pull in the listing (usually because the publisher didn't disseminate the data for the book in the usual way), then the listing can't be added now. But, if the book does have an ISBN, you can save your search and try it later. If it doesn't have an ISBN, you can do a title/author search, save that, and check back every so often.

hardtack avatar
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Date Posted: 5/19/2023 11:55 AM ET
Member Since: 9/22/2010
Posts: 7,302
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Quite often books which were published before ISBNs will have an ISBN number when you find it here. And that is even if the older book wasn't given the ISBN from a more recent publication.