Worm's Eye View Author:Brian Taylor ORIGINAL POCKET VERSION. Cartoons from Underground. Old friends (and new ones). "Where the bee stings, there I hurt... How poignant!" "Daddy certainly didn't buy me a bow-wow." "Listen kid! When I say schmoo I mean schmuck. Geddit?" "Teacher has changed ma sobriquet!" "When I said I was going to Heaven, they put me on muesli, Ivy. They mean w... more »ell. Ivy. They really do." Amy's mum says men do it on purpose." "According to our records, I died today.." "You play Red Riding Hood. OK. OK. And I'll provde the animal interest. OK." "On Sunday afternoon I play croquet with David Bowie." "You scratch my back and then watch out!" "A stitch in time before you leap, eh Jonah?" "Headlice have feelings too Sarah!" "Jellyfish stop at nothing." " I wish I was a milk bottle. Don't you, Lorraine?" "Amy's Mum says it makes your toes curl. Mmm." "Cmon Paddy! Put the boot in!" "Amy's Mum say they chain you to the kitchen stink!"« less