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Michelle K. (mlsjkramer) - Reviews

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8 Simple Rules for Dating My Teenage Daughter : And Other Tips from a Beleaguered Father (Not That Any of Them Work)
Review Date: 4/22/2007

In 8 Simple Rules for Dating My Teenage Daughter, humorist W. Bruce Cameron takes us blow by blow, shriek by shriek, through the process of raising teenagers, an experience he says is similar to "blunt force trauma." It's a survival guide written by a man who has lived among teenagers and has the credit card bills to prove it.

Be Healed in Jesus' Name
Be Healed in Jesus' Name
Author: Joyce Meyer
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 4.8/5 Stars.
Review Date: 4/15/2007

In this small dynamic book, bestselling author Joce Meyer presents a clear, concise explanation of the basics of bibilcal teaching concerning God's will to heal.

The Brethren
The Brethren
Author: John Grisham
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 3.6/5 Stars.
Review Date: 4/16/2007

They call themselves the Brethren: three disgraced former judges doing time in a Florida federal prison. One was sent up for tax evasion. Another, for skimming bingo profits. And the third, for a career-ending druken joyride. Meeting daily in the prison law library, taking exercise walks in their boxer shorts, these judges-turned felons can reminisce about old court cases, dispense a little jailhouse justice, and contemplate where their lives went wrong.

Or they can use their time in prison to get very rich - very fast.

Even Now (Even Now, Bk 1)
Even Now (Even Now, Bk 1)
Author: Karen Kingsbury
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 4.3/5 Stars.
Review Date: 4/10/2007

Shane and Lauren have a baby that is given up for adoption. They part ways and become successful working adults. Emily, their daughter, finds them after she has grown up. Can she bring her parents back together after so many years apart?

Help Me! I'm Depressed
Help Me! I'm Depressed
Author: Joyce Meyer
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 3.9/5 Stars.
Review Date: 5/13/2007

Do you consistently experience hopelessness and boredom for no apparent reason? Or have you experienced so many disappointments you can't seem to pull yourself out of despair? Whatever the reason for depression, the sourve is always the same - Satan is ultimately behind it all.

Help Me, I'm Discouraged (Help Me, Series)
Help Me, I'm Discouraged (Help Me, Series)
Author: Joyce Meyer
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 5/5 Stars.
Review Date: 5/13/2007

We have all been disappointed when things did not turn out as we had planned. Sometimes it may seem as if everything is going wrong and all our hopes remain unfulfilled. If we do not deal with the disappointment immediately, we give the devil permission to lead us down the path of discouragement and, ultimately, into devasting depression.

Help Me, I'm Worried!: Overcoming Emotional Battles With the Power of God's Word
Review Date: 5/13/2007

Worry is a sin that steals your peace, wears you out physically and can even make you sick. It is oppostie of faith and can do nothing to change your situation. If you are caught in the deadly trap of trying to figure everything out in your life, then this book is for you!

The House of Thunder
The House of Thunder
Author: Dean R. Koontz
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 3.7/5 Stars.
Review Date: 4/16/2007

In a cavern called The House of Thunder, Susan Thornton watched in horror as her lover was beaten to death in a college hazing. During the next several years, the four young men involved in the fraternity rite also died violently. Or did they?

Jewels of the Sun (Irish Trilogy, Bk 1)
Jewels of the Sun (Irish Trilogy, Bk 1)
Author: Nora Roberts
Book Type: Mass Market Paperback
  • Currently 4.1/5 Stars.
Review Date: 4/15/2007

Determined to re-evaluate her life, Jude Murray flees America to take refuge in Faerie Hill Cottage, where she immerses herself in teh study of Irish folklore-and discovers hope for the future in the magic of the past...
Finally back home in Ireland after years of traveling, Aidan Gallagher possess an uncommon understanding of country's haunting myths. Although he's devoted to managing the family pub, a hint of wildness still glints in his stormy eyes- and in Jude, he seea a woman who can both soothe his heart and stir his blood. And he begins to share the legends of the land with her- while they create a passionate history of their own...

Life Expectancy
Life Expectancy
Author: Dean Koontz
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 4/5 Stars.
Review Date: 4/16/2007

Before he died on a storm-wracked night, Jimmy Tock's grandfather predicted there would be five dark days in his grandson's life - five dates whose terrible events Jimmy must prepare to himself to face. The first is to occur in his twentieth yeat, the last in his thirtieth year. What terrifying events await Jimmy on these five critical days? What challenges must he survive?

Life Management for Busy Women: Living Out God's Plan With Passion and Purpose
Review Date: 4/13/2007
Helpful Score: 5

God's guidelines for managing the seven major areas of your life (your spiritual life, your body, your finances, your friendships, and more).
Practical disciplines for managing your life more efficiently and effectively.
How-to-ideas for improving your schedule and life right away.

The MacGregor Grooms (MacGregors, Bk 10)
The MacGregor Grooms (MacGregors, Bk 10)
Author: Nora Roberts
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 4/5 Stars.
Review Date: 4/15/2007

He'll stop at nothing to get what he wants. And Daniel MacGregor, powerful patriarch of the MacGregor clan, wants to see his three handsome, eligible - but stubbornly single - grandsons married. So he's found just the women to tempt, tease, and torture cousins D.C., Duncan, and Ian all the way to teh alter. Yes, Daniel has plans...

A Moment of Weakness (Forever Faithful, Bk 2)
A Moment of Weakness (Forever Faithful, Bk 2)
Author: Karen Kingsbury
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 4.3/5 Stars.
Review Date: 4/10/2007
Helpful Score: 2

Karen Kingsbury is one of my favorite authors. She writes heart wrenching stories.

Mr. Francis' Wife (Gills, Sandy. Promises, a Romance, Bk. 1.)
Mr. Francis' Wife (Gills, Sandy. Promises, a Romance, Bk. 1.)
Author: Sandy Gills
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 2.8/5 Stars.
Review Date: 4/15/2007

Why did Eli die so suddenly? Their plans for the ranch were unfinished. The children were still young- with another on teh way. What was Hannah to do? Could - should - she propose marriage to Mr. Francis, their hired man? Eli was, and would always be, the love of her life. Mr. Francis she respected. Trusted. True, they shared faith in God. But that alone wasn't enough to build a marriage on.
And Frank - Mr. Francis. He liked working the ranch well enough. He liked the kids. He even like Hannah. But friendship went just so far. Move from his trailer to her bedroom? Did Hannah know what she was asking him to do? What would God have him do?

Oceans Apart
Oceans Apart
Author: Karen Kingsbury
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 4.3/5 Stars.
Review Date: 4/10/2007

Airline Captain Connor Evans has nearly forgotten that stormy weekend in Hawaii eight years ago when he broke the greatest promise of all. Now Connor has the perfect life with his wife Michele, and their two daughters, adn the secret of that long-ago time is his alone. But and ocean away, a flight attendant is raising her young son by herself whtn the plane she's working on crashes into the Pacific. Her will is very clear about one thing - before the child can be given over to the state, his father must be contacted.

The Pact: A Love Story
The Pact: A Love Story
Author: Jodi Picoult
Book Type: Mass Market Paperback
  • Currently 4/5 Stars.
Review Date: 4/15/2007

I love this author!

Until the phone calls came at three o'cock on a November morning, the Golds and their neighbors, the Hartes, had been inseparable. It was no surprise to anyone when their teengage children, Chris and Emily, began sowing signs that their relationship was moving beyond that of lifelong friends. But now seventeen-year-old Emily is dead- shot with a gun her beloved and devoted Chris pilfered from his father's cabinet as part of an apparent suicide pact - leaving two devastated families stranded in the dark and dense predawn, desperate for answers about an unthinkable act and the children they never really knew.

Plain Truth
Plain Truth
Author: Jodi Picoult
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 4.1/5 Stars.
Review Date: 10/21/2007

I loved this book. I have almost all of her books and I've never been disappointed. The ending is a surprise.

Purity in Death (In Death, Bk 15)
Purity in Death (In Death, Bk 15)
Author: J. D. Robb
Book Type: Mass Market Paperback
  • Currently 4.2/5 Stars.
Review Date: 4/15/2007
Helpful Score: 1

Louie Cogburn had spent three days holed up in his apartment, staring at his computer screen. His pounding headache was unbearable- it felt like spikes drilling into his brain. And it was getting worse. Finally, when someone knocked at his door, Louie picked up a baseball bat, opened the door, and started swinging...

Refiner's Fire
Refiner's Fire
Author: Sylvia Bambola
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 4.1/5 Stars.
Review Date: 4/22/2007

Alexander Wainwright is the ambitious new U.S. ambassador to Romania. Yuri Deyneko is the Romanian army officer-and clandestine Christian-sent to spy on him. Both know their assignments. What they don't know-though Yuri suspects-is that each is the other's long-lost fraternal twin.

Set amidst the brutal reign of Nicolae Ceausescu in the 1980s Bucharest, Refiner's Fire is an extraordinary story of secrets, suspense, persecution, and faith. When the threat of imprisonment and torture lurks around every corner-especially for members of the Underground church-no one can be trusted. Yet two brothers on opposite sides of the Iron Curtain must learn together how to discover their destinies- and each other.

A Rogue's Pleasure
A Rogue's Pleasure
Author: Hope Tarr
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 3.8/5 Stars.
Review Date: 4/15/2007

The pistol in my face made it prudent to give up my money and valuables, though my fiancee protested the loss of her pearls. The highwayman made good his escape, but there was something amiss in his slim figure, the pitch of his voice, the pouting lips. This was no ordinary thief. This thief was a woman!
I was determined to find the comely robber - and not just reclaim the pearl necklace. And soon enough I caught her stealing from my very own townhouse! But this time I was better prepared. Holding her captive, I removed her disguise and uncovered a stunning beauty. Chelsea Bellamy's brother had been kidnapped, and in desperate need of funds for the ransom, she had resorted to a life of crime. Imtrigued by her predicament and determined to seduce her, I offered her my assistance in rescuing her brother. The challenge of finding him was a welcome distratction from the boredom that plagued me, but the real challenge would be in wooing Chelsea to my bed...
- Anthony Grenville, Viscount Montrose

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