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Julie G. (desert-rain) - Reviews

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Blood of the Wicked (Dark Mission, Bk 1)
Blood of the Wicked (Dark Mission, Bk 1)
Author: Karina Cooper
Book Type: Mass Market Paperback
  • Currently 3.1/5 Stars.
Review Date: 12/5/2011
Helpful Score: 1

Like others, I didn't care for this book. I couldn't finish it. I started it and read it consistently for a few days and then a book I'd been wanting showed up from the swap and I put this aside...and never wanted to go back to it. When that happens, I know that I'm not going to finish it.

I just couldn't get into the characters. The premise itself isn't bad but there was nothing about either of the lead characters that drew me in and made me like them. I can over look a lot of things in a book if the characters are likeable or its a series that I overall love but this book just didn't do it for me.

The Crimson Fold: Vampire Close / Cravings
The Crimson Fold: Vampire Close / Cravings
Author: Teri Adkins, Susanne Saville
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 2/5 Stars.
Review Date: 7/12/2009

After having this on my wish list with and the swap for several months, it was such a let down when I finally read it. The first story wasn't bad, just not great. The second story had promise but was confusing from the start and while I do enjoy a story that has some regional dialect and nuance so that you get a stronger feel for the setting, there was too much for me in this one. I found it very distracting. So about 10 pages in, I shut the book and put it back on the swap.

Perhaps I'm being unfair since I didn't finish the second story but I'm so glad I didn't spend money on this book. That's the beauty of the swap--win some, lose some!

First Grave On The Right (Charley Davidson, Bk 1)
First Grave On The Right (Charley Davidson, Bk 1)
Author: Darynda Jones
Book Type: Mass Market Paperback
  • Currently 4.1/5 Stars.
Review Date: 11/2/2013
Helpful Score: 1

I really enjoyed this book. It's been sitting on my bookshelf for probably a year, and I routinely pass it by when I'm looking for something to read. I finally grabbed it off the shelf and I'm so glad I did.

I read a lot of paranormal, paranormal romance, erotica and urban fantasy. The genre for paranormal is vast but ideas and plots often overlap. I won't say this one is 100% fresh, but I will say that it was not quite like all the others and that made it all the more enjoyable. I'm actually thinking of PAYING for the next one in the series rather than waiting until it comes up for me on the swap. I rarely buy a book new these days, and for me to consider it says a lot.

I loved all the characters, main and supporting and it was a great blend of paranormal/humor/mystery and romance. It didn't take itself too seriously but it also didn't make a mockery of the characters by trying too hard or throwing in cliché after cliché.

The only reason I didn't give it 5 stars is because I felt like some of the backstory on Charley & Reyes was very unclear--who they were, especially Charley, and why Reyes kept waiting like he did. Maybe the vagueness was intentional and will be explained further a long in the series. Or maybe I just missed something.

In any event, definitely worth a read and while I've listed my copy, it wouldn't surprise me down the road finding myself trying to get a copy again to have on my keeper shelf, which is what I've found myself doing with authors like Nalini Singh.

Into the Mist (Falcon Mercenary Group, Bk 1)
Into the Mist (Falcon Mercenary Group, Bk 1)
Author: Maya Banks
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 3.9/5 Stars.
Review Date: 1/23/2011

Started this book at about 2:30PM on a Sunday, finished it at 9:05PM. Had dinner and watched a movie in between there too. Great story--lots of action, romance, hot sex and great characters. There is a nice blend here, Banks doesn't draw out the sex for pages on end and she doesn't skimp on character development or back story. Particularly enjoy stories with strong female leads and Tyana is exactly that. Eli is a sexy alpha male but he isn't so hard headed you want to hit upside of the head with a 2x4.

Great read, looking forward to the next in the series. Hoping the author continues the series because she has a strong supportive cast of characters who deserve their own stories.

Loup Garou
Loup Garou
Author: Mandy M. Roth
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 3.8/5 Stars.
Review Date: 8/19/2008

Ok, I will be the first to say that this isn't a literary masterpiece but I don't care. I really enjoy Mandy M Roth and while I haven't liked all of her books, I LOVE this one. I call this 'brain candy.' When I want a book to escape into and nothing in the TBR pile appeals, this is one of those books I grab.

Strong, like-able female-with strong, supportive FRIENDS--don't see too many of those! Hot men-yes MEN--who aren't afraid to be vulnerable but are also powerful and oh so alpha.

Great blend of action, romance, hot sex, paranormal, kick a** heroine and even some very emotional moments. Highly recommend.

Mating Games: The Wallflower / Sweet Dreams / Cat of a Different Color (Halle Pumas)
Review Date: 4/3/2011

These 3 stories are very entertaining with a nice mix of characters. Each story seems to lead up to the next quite smoothly so that in one story you have supporting characters who are main characters in the next. This writer does something I really enjoy in a series: she brings past characters into the new stories so you continue to experience their lives, although they aren't a focus. They become the supporting characters.
The stories are sexy, romantic, at times humorous and I read both this and the second collection,"Animal Attraction" over a weekend.

My only complaint was sometimes the writing was hard to follow. I couldn't always tell who was speaking in the dialogue. My initial impression would be that one character was speaking but the supporting dialogue wouldn't make sense. I would occasionally have to read a section 2 or 3 times to be sure I was understanding the nuances correctly.

Otherwise, very enjoyable paranormal, erotic romance. Characters you'd like to meet yourself, in a world that isn't hard to believe exists.

Midnight Treat: To Kiss a Gargoyle / Tall, Dark and Deadly / Curse of Brandon Lupinus
Review Date: 4/24/2011
Helpful Score: 2

I am so very glad I did not pay for this collection. I love paranormal romance, I love erotica and between the 2 you have to truly suspend your sense of reality.

However, this collection has to be one of the most disappointing I've ever read. I did not finish one story in the lot, although I skipped to the last few pages just to see how they ended. Out of the 3, "Curse of Brandon Lupinus" by Shelley Munro has the most potential but still not enough to drag me away from the other books I am reading.

I guess I'm used to more from my paranormal erotica. I didn't find the males to be "dark" and at least 2 of the females were not even likable. I've got to like my leads to truly enjoy a story, even when the story line itself is good.

Others may enjoy it, may find it more Happily Ever After and romantic than the usual fare. I'm willing to allow it had those characteristics. It just wasn't enough for me.

Navarro's Promise (Breeds, Bk 24)
Navarro's Promise (Breeds, Bk 24)
Author: Lora Leigh
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 3.9/5 Stars.
Review Date: 5/15/2011
Helpful Score: 3

Really enjoyed this story but wanted to put out there that there are several pages missing to the story.

It appears to begin around page 298 or so. If you go to and read the reviews and then the comments under at least one of the reviews, this is pointed out.

There are quoted statements from the author's website that she apologizes for the missing pages and that those pages should be available on her site--if they are not already. She isn't sure how it happened but somehow pages got deleted from the story before it was printed and it was issued this way.

Nightwalker (Dark Days, Bk 1)
Nightwalker (Dark Days, Bk 1)
Author: Jocelynn Drake
Book Type: Mass Market Paperback
  • Currently 3.7/5 Stars.
Review Date: 9/27/2009
Helpful Score: 14

This was not a book on my wish list, but I picked it up at the book store and thought, "Well if I can get it off the swap, I'll give it a try."

I'm glad I did. I was surprised at how much I actually enjoyed it. So much so that I was ready to go pick up "Dayhunter" (book #2) and pay retail...something I never do. I didn't buy it retail but I did go pick it up as soon as I had a coupon.(gotta love Borders rewards!)

Mira is not your typical lead female. She is an admitted killer and she is perfectly OK with it. She might not do it all the time, and she might only make justified kills but she doesn't apologize for the enjoyment of it. She accepts her responsibilities, but on her terms and she knows she has enemies because of it. She's happy in her ordered world and wants to stay there. Unfortunately, all good things come to an end and they do so with a smack in the face.

Then there is Danous, the male lead. He's hard, sexy and something of the silent type. He's also a little narrow minded but his confusion when he's shown that things aren't necessarily as he's been told is almost amusing, before he hides it. He and Mira don't like each other but they do have chemistry and are thrown together as reluctant allies. At one point, Mira makes a humorous observation (paraphrased) "I was spending so much time imagining how I was going to strip the skin from his bones I forgot how sexy he really is." The books has similar moments of humor that lighten the otherwise dark storyline.

Drake has crafted a world with it's own unique characteristics and twists. This is not a romance although there is the chemistry between the leads and Mira is a sexual creature. The biggest flaw I saw in the story was that sometimes it just bogged itself down in details and I found myself rushing through this to get to the next confrontation or dialogue. It kept me interested despite the slow moments and forced me to find time to read--and lately I don't have a lot of that. I haven't been able to start "Dayhunter" and it's killing me.

If you like Patricia Briggs "Mercy Thompson" or her "Alpha/Omega" series, you'll probably enjoy this series as well. I think Briggs is better, but Drake still delivers an engaging, fresh and entertaining story.

Ravenous (Dark Forgotten, Bk 1)
Ravenous (Dark Forgotten, Bk 1)
Author: Sharon Ashwood
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 3.9/5 Stars.
Review Date: 5/10/2009
Helpful Score: 1

Maybe it's not fair to give a review if you haven't finished it but the book just didn't do it for me and I have so many to read that it's not worth it to force myself. I actually ended up putting it aside, grabbing one I had already read (and loved) and reading that instead.

The female lead was very likable. The writing was good. I'm not entirely sure why I didn't care for it, it just didn't grab hold and make me want to come home, drop everything and pick it up. Again, because I didn't finish it, its probably unfair of me to criticize the Alessandro, but he just didn't come off as "alpha male" enough for me.

There was a lot of promise so I wouldn't dream of saying "don't read it." Win some, lose some.

Sweeter Than Wine
Sweeter Than Wine
Author: Bianca D'Arc
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 3.3/5 Stars.
Review Date: 3/22/2009
Helpful Score: 2

I have to say first off that I have read other Bianca D'Arc's books and enjoyed them very much-- I also think it's fair to note that I have read this series out of order, not intentionally, but that was how it worked out.

That being said, I didn't enjoy this book as much as I'd hoped. The incident that brings our heroine, Christy,(human) and our hero, Sebastian(vampire) is very serious. Her husband has beaten her to the point of death and the only way to save her is to turn her. Sebastian, already attracted to Christy but having remained at a distance because she is married, steps up and offers to do the deed. There is tremendous responsibility involved in turning someone but he is half in love with her anyway so it's worth it.

I felt the back story of Christy's abuse wasn't handled in as serious a manner as it was touted to be, and she didn't strike me as being as "damaged" as the description indicated. Yes, she had suffered and her self-esteem was in the toilet but she seemed to bounce back rather quickly to me and she accepted her new status quite well. I actually found the story at times to be very light and fluffy. Believe me, I love happily ever after, but this was way too easy for me. While I understand that once bonded they could read each others minds and know the other inside and out--similar to Christine Feehans mated Carpathians, that complete and utter acceptance of another man, relationship and lifestyle on the heels of an abusive relationship was far too easy for me.

On the plus side, I'm not sorry I read it, it just wasn't up to par for this writer. The back story is very good, and there are some great secondary characters. The lead characters from "Lords of the Were" make an appearance (a book I very much enjoyed)and Sebastian's friend Matt was just what the doctor ordered. Oh, and of course, a couple steamy hot sex scenes.

Viper Moon (Earth Witches, Bk 1)
Viper Moon (Earth Witches, Bk 1)
Author: Lee Roland
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 3.7/5 Stars.
Review Date: 4/28/2012
Helpful Score: 1

This book is characterized as urban fantasy romance and that would be correct. It kept my interest once it got going but I was very close to shelving it until the character of Michael was introduced. It starts off promising, but the introduction of Flynn didn't intrigue me as much as Michael did.

There is a very interesting cast of characters and it's set in a world that mirrors ours but with a paranormal twist. I liked how the author made bad guys have redeeming characteristics and vice versa. Our heroine was hardly a saint herself. People need to be flawed and the author did a good job bringing that together. Cass couldn't save everyone and she didn't apologize for her methods of finding children and dispensing justice--despite the presence of a cop in her life.

The author introduced pets/familiars that the heroine had that I was initially turned off by but found myself really enjoying their place in the story. Being an animal lover myself I became as attached to those characters as I did the human ones.

It's a very good story that I enjoyed very much but I admit the blurb in the back of the book for the next installment didn't interest me enough to even bother finishing it. I sense that the story of Cass, Flynn, Abby, Michael and Dacardi is finished. I hope I'm wrong because I think those characters deserve more "air time."

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