We hit our Book Credits goal!
We hit our PBS Money goal!
Barger Academy is an elementary magnet school in inner city Chattanooga, Tennessee with 400 students. Barger is a Title I school, and 100% of our students receive free lunch. Our mission is to improve our students’ higher order thinking skills and to develop responsible members of society.
This means that our students need to become proficient readers, and many of our students are reading below grade level. Many of our students participate in reading interventions in addition to the core reading instruction in the classroom. Books are essential for reading practice and growth with vocabulary and comprehension. Having books of their own will help students to further develop their reading skills not only at school but at home, too.
By considering Barger Academy for a book donation, you are not only supporting our students but also their families, too. We are very grateful to be included in the book donation on Paperback Swap and greatly appreciate your generosity. Our students will be so excited to receive these books and to share them with friends and family.
Thank you again for your generosity,
Sonya Chase
Barger Academy of Fine Arts