Swap Your Paperback Books
WNCT-TV 9 (TV) - 2/24/2006 by Marisela Burgos :: Media Content
There are already sites for movie lovers, but now there's an online swap sight for bookworms. If you're looking for school books, you can look here. The books are free. The founders of www.paperbackswap.com found a fun way to help you out.
It's a book club, but online. After registering, members have access to over 350,000 books from genre's ranging from history to non-fiction novels.
Get rid of your old books and exchange them for news ones by surfing this site.
If someone else orders a book from you, you'll be notified of their request. A'l you have to do is pay a postage stamp to send it, but don't worry when you order a new one, you'll get that money right back.
Now if you're searching for a book, you simply type the title or author and the site will find what you're looking for.
Reporter: If you don't see the book you're looking for don't worry, just add it to the Club Wish list. Once it becomes available, you're guaranteed to get it.
In order to register for this program you have to be over 18 years old and post 9 or more books to exchange on the website.