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Search - List of Books by Derek Robinson

Derek Robinson (born 1932) is a British author best known for his military aviation novels full of black humour. He has also written several books on some of the more sordid events in the history of Bristol, his home town, as well as guides to rugby. He was nominated for the Booker Prize in 1971 for his first novel, Goshawk Squadron.

After attending Cotham Grammar School, Robinson served in the Royal Air Force as a fighter plotter, during his National Service. He has a History degree from Cambridge University, where he attended Downing College, has worked in advertising in the UK and the US and as a broadcaster on radio and television. He was a qualified rugby referee for over thirty years and is a life member of Bristol Society of Rugby Referees. He was married in 1964.

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Total Books: 109
Goshawk Squadron
1998 - Goshawk Squadron (Other)Paperback, Hardcover
ISBN-13: 9780330235938
ISBN-10: 0330235931
Genre: Literature & Fiction