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Search - List of Books by Murray Rothbard

"The State thrives on war - unless, of course, it is defeated and crushed - expands on it, glories in it." -- Murray Rothbard
Murray Newton Rothbard (March 2, 1926 — January 7, 1995) was an American intellectual, individualist anarchist, author, and economist of the Austrian School who helped define modern libertarianism and popularized a form of free-market anarchism he termed "anarcho-capitalism". Rothbard wrote over twenty books and is considered a centrally important figure in the American libertarian movement.

Building on the Austrian School's concept of spontaneous order, support for a free market in money production and condemnation of central planning, Rothbard advocated abolition of coercive government control of the economy. He considered the monopoly force of government the greatest danger to liberty and the long-term well-being of the populace, labeling the State as nothing but a "gang of thieves writ large"—the locus of the most immoral, grasping and unscrupulous individuals in any society.

Rothbard concluded that all services provided by monopoly governments could be provided more efficiently by the private sector. He viewed many regulations and laws ostensibly promulgated for the "public interest" as self-interested power grabs by scheming government bureaucrats engaging in dangerously unfettered self-aggrandizement, as they were not subject to market disciplines which would quickly eliminate such parasitic inefficiencies if they were to occur in the competitive private sector.

Rothbard was equally condemning of state corporatism. He criticized many instances where business elites co-opted government's monopoly power so as to influence laws and regulatory policy in a manner benefiting them at the expense of their competitive rivals.

He argued that taxation represents coercive theft on a grand scale, and "a compulsory monopoly of force" prohibiting the more efficient voluntary procurement of defense and judicial services from competing suppliers. He also considered central banking and fractional reserve banking under a monopoly fiat money system a form of state-sponsored, legalized financial fraud, antithetical to libertarian principles and ethics. Rothbard opposed military, political, and economic interventionism in the affairs of other nations.

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This author page uses material from the Wikipedia article "Murray Rothbard", which is released under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share-Alike License 3.0
Total Books: 19
Anatomy of the State
2016 - Anatomy of the State (Paperback)Paperback, Hardcover
ISBN-13: 9781614279884
ISBN-10: 1614279888
Genres: Business & Money, Politics & Social Sciences

Anatomy of the State
2014 - Anatomy of the State (Paperback)Paperback, Hardcover
ISBN-13: 9781607967729
ISBN-10: 1607967723
Genre: Politics & Social Sciences

Anatomy of the State
2014 - Anatomy of the State (Hardcover)Paperback
ISBN-13: 9781607967736
ISBN-10: 1607967731
Genre: Politics & Social Sciences

Anatomy of the State
2013 - Anatomy of the State (Paperback)Paperback, Hardcover
ISBN-13: 9788087888438
ISBN-10: 808788843X
Genre: Politics & Social Sciences

Anatomy of the State
2013 - Anatomy of the State (Paperback)Paperback, Hardcover
ISBN-13: 9781300682400
ISBN-10: 130068240X
Genre: Business & Money

The Mystery of Banking
2008 - The Mystery of Banking (Hardcover)
ISBN-13: 9781933550282
ISBN-10: 1933550287

An Austrian Perspective on the History of Economic Thought
2006 - An Austrian Perspective on the History of Economic Thought [2 Vol. Set] (Hardcover)
ISBN-13: 9780945466482
ISBN-10: 094546648X

Government's Money Monopoly
2000 - Government's Money Monopoly (Paperback)
ISBN-13: 9780595139668
ISBN-10: 0595139663
Genres: Business & Money, Nonfiction, Law, Engineering & Transportation

What Is Money An Original Arno Press Compilation
What Is Money an Original Arno Press Compilation [The Right wing individualist tradition in America] (Hardcover)
ISBN-13: 9780405004476
ISBN-10: 0405004478

Anatomy of the State
Anatomy of the State (Paperback)Paperback, Hardcover
ISBN-13: 9781933550480
ISBN-10: 1933550481

Economic Depressions
Economic Depressions (Paperback)
ISBN-13: 9781933550503
ISBN-10: 1933550503

Historia del Pensamiento Economico Vol 1
Historia Del Pensamiento Economico Vol 1 [Spanish Edition] (Paperback)
ISBN-13: 9788472093355
ISBN-10: 8472093352
Genres: Business & Money, Nonfiction

Esquerda e Direita Perspectivas Para a Liberdade
Esquerda E Direita Perspectivas Para a Liberdade [Em Portuguese do Brasil] (Paperback)
ISBN-13: 9788567394848
ISBN-10: 8567394848